Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

The police that day literally prevented America from becoming a dictatorship by holding the line. If they fell back and the terrorists got to the Congress it would have been over. Respect.
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Also a pretty huge correlation between Trump supporters/Patriots and Bible bashing fucktards. Patriotism and religion - name two concepts used more often as excuses to be a disgusting human being.
Yes. Is almost as if those fellow Christians had never read the teachings and deeds of Jesus. This is why Christianity is more and more a joke
Iced Earth is finished, I imagine. Schaffer wrote most of their material and he won't be around for a while.

Fortunately the last Iced Earth album I cared about was Framing Armageddeon which was... 2007 I think? Sucks for the current band members though.
The police that day literally prevented America from becoming a dictatorship by holding the line. If they fell back and the terrorists got to the Congress it would have been over. Respect.

You don't actually believe this, right? These half-assed idiots were no threat to democracy.
I have no relation to them and I am happy to be an apathetic contrarian when it comes to politics. But this was not a serious coup attempt, these were just a bunch of idiots LITERALLY being lead by a shaman. The retardedness of such news I've questioned is just the different side of the same dice these morons are coming from.

I hope it'll be like the Marvel cinematic universe where they build up these retarded movements (blm, qanon) and in like 2022 all of them will fight against each other in the most epic, most retarded battle ever, where no blows can possibly go to the wrong place.

Meanwhile muricans can rejoice, because instead of a narcissistic old man threatening to push the button they will have a senile old man finally drone striking civilians once again. Like waking up from a nightmare just to find yourself in another one.
You and Krofius were over the moon when Trump was elected, so what's changed? He's the same delusional shithead now as he was then.
Because Trump is not senile and has not bombed (this also applies to the republicans) foreign countries. Though I agree that there's no big difference between both parties, Trump is doing all that he can to destroy democracy for his own interest.

I also agree that the people entering the capitol weren't a real threat, and I mean the chances that hey had to achieve any of their goals. Still, that doesn't change the fact that was, and still is, their intention. I think that we all know what would have happened if they had met any of the democratic senate's in the building. All of that made but the people loved by Trump. His boys that he's proud of and, in an act that was directly provoked by him.
Because Trump is not senile and has not bombed (this also applies to the republicans) foreign countries. Though I agree that there's no big difference between both parties, Trump is doing all that he can to destroy democracy for his own interest.

I also agree that the people entering the capitol weren't a real threat, and I mean the chances that hey had to achieve any of their goals. Still, that doesn't change the fact that was, and still is, their intention. I think that we all know what would have happened if they had met any of the democratic senate's in the building. All of that made but the people loved by Trump. His boys that he's proud of and, in an act that was directly provoked by him.
Trump was actually the least warmongerous (?) US president in recent history. Compare him to Obama, who indirectly caused the fall of stable countries and caused the migration-crysis. People just forgive him because he is very charming.
You and Krofius were over the moon when Trump was elected, so what's changed? He's the same delusional shithead now as he was then.
Of course, Schadenfraude. It was a hilarious 4 years watching from Europe, and I am hoping for an equally hilarious 4 years to come.
Trump was actually the least warmongerous (?) US president in recent history. Compare him to Obama, who indirectly caused the fall of stable countries and caused the migration-crysis. People just forgive him because he is very charming.
Almost agree about Obama. Specially about bombing and the migration crisis that was caused by americans sending weapons to the rebels in Syria that were, mostly, ISIS fighters. But don't forget that a big cause of the problems in the middle east come from George Bush and the invasion of Irak and its later consequences. Still, Trump, was on the verge of causing two conflicts by bombing the middle east after he said that the USA should not be involved on foreign countries affairs.
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True, true. But I think you still can't compare an almost to what Bush and Obama did. The latter is especially baffling because Bush's presidency's biggest black mark was his "war on terror" which was nothing more than US colonization and disrupting the Middle-East. People were fed up with him, even the common man had to see how interesting it was that they invaded Iraq on the basis of harboring nuclear-grade weapons, they found zero evidence to back it up, but they stayed for the oil in the name of restructuring the country with a new, democratic government. That went well, right?

Then in comes Obama and just continues with the same shit lol. Iraq did not even have anything to do with 9/11, the blame was on the Saudis, but they are good buddies so it's all forgiven. Same shit with Libya. Ghaddafi was many things, but at least his country was stable. The US had to intervene, throw him off, and the country is a shithole now. Meanwhile Trump actually made some historic advances, like meeting with the president of North-Korea and since then they cut back from their bullshit.

Obamacare was just a result of pussying out of universal healthcare; the Democrats had their chance, but they are sucking up to money the same way Republicans do. Trump was accused of running Nazi death-camps on the border, yet those fucking camps were built under Obama, and his VP was the soon-to-be current US president. People are banding together behind the All Cops Are Bad buzzwords, but the new VP (who will likely become president, because Biden's a fossil now) was a cop who profited off from fucking over black people for petty crimes.

I honestly do not care if someone voted for Trump or Biden, I do not judge these people one way or another, they are all the same for me, and I would never advocate not voting; it is a choice and you do whatever you want with your choice. But it just pisses me off when one gang tries to pretend they are above the other gang and start harassing each-other. These people are both corrupt and put the rich before the common people, so it truly baffles me that anyone would be proud to support them. Cast your vote as you see it fit and just shut up about it. None of you are better than the people on the opposite side.
but they stayed for the oil in the name of restructuring the country with a new, democratic government. That went well, right?
If, we had in mind that they left that government without a military power and that oled to the rise of ISIS, then it went pretty well. But, luckily, everyone involved in the invasion, (I won't say about bush) that is, Balir, Aznar and Durao Barroso became pretty wealthy after that.

Meanwhile Trump actually made some historic advances, like meeting with the president of North-Korea and since then they cut back from their bullshit.
Again, I agree about Obama. And you forget how Trump sent the USA embassy to Jerusalem wich caused no conflict at all with the palestinians and made the Evangelicals happy because they thought that was the first step needed in order to bring the apocalypse (Yes, they seriously believed that shit.)

Obamacare was just a result of pussying out of universal healthcare; the Democrats had their chance, but they are sucking up to money the same way Republicans do. Trump was accused of running Nazi death-camps on the border, yet those fucking camps were built under Obama, and his VP was the soon-to-be current US president. People are banding together behind the All Cops Are Bad buzzwords, but the new VP (who will likely become president, because Biden's a fossil now) was a cop who profited off from fucking over black people for petty crimes.
Yes, yes yes. I know. And Trump defended white terrorists and supports neo nazi groups. The problem with Obamacare is not money, is the fact that many Americans think that they should not be paying for other people's health care because they don't understand how universal healthcare works.

I honestly do not care if someone voted for Trump or Biden, I do not judge these people one way or another
I do. Trump is a bad person and, seriously, anyone voting for him is also a bad person.

The problem is that the democrats had, twice, the chance to elect people who really matters, instead, the chose first Hillary, who was rejected by a vast majority of the democratic possible voters, and then Biden, who won only because of the high controversy that Trumo raises among the population.

Still, there's a difference between the people who accepts the results of the election and one guy that's willing to divide the country and raise violence when he looses the election.
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You don't actually believe this, right? These half-assed idiots were no threat to democracy.
They were not coordinated well, that’s for sure. But the Capitol police weren’t prepared really either. If they actually harmed Congressmen I think there’s a good chance the certification might not have happened yet. Definitely they could disrupt the process enough to get Martial Law instated and fiercer in-fighting between the two.

Imagine if McConnell instead of opening and closing his speeches said something like “And we will never certify these results!” things would start to get crazy. We were lucky he has always been pro-certification and even gave nice speeches about Democracy that day.

Of course the terrorists were also calling to kill Mike Pence so he is mad. But again imagine Trump didn’t shit on Pence and blamed Pelosi and some of the others harder. If the terrorists were only going after Democrat targets, Pence could very well have publicly agreed with temporary Martial Law to get things under control, and delaying the certification and pushing to delay the inauguration.

So yeah, shit could go down real fast.

It’s not about how dumb they are. It’s about how they were used by Trump to create a situation favorable to him.

Talk all you want about American policy, it’s true there are flaws domestically and internationally. But for those of us US citizens, we’ve never had a president acting so close to a dictator. US was started because we didn’t like kings. No idea why half the country wants one now. It surely isn’t constitutional.
The social media bans are the controversial topic. I think the bans make it harder to monitor what’s going on. And by banning now we are letting the terrorists and their supporters (Russia, China) win by flirting with censorship. We always criticized everyone else for that.

I’m also worried this is an early Hitler situation, where he was initially “banned” and jailed, then came back even stronger.
The social media bans fit in perfect with the Trump and Qanon narratives, now he can say everyone IS against him. Trump should have been left alone and maybe Parler disrupted some other way (DDoS or allegations of being hacked or something).
I think, that the best way of acting is to make the guy a joke. No one wants to follow a joke. So, instead of banning him expose him for the buffoon that he is.