Nordin Vs. Lopez

better double bass beats?

  • Anders

    Votes: 26 20.5%
  • Martin

    Votes: 101 79.5%

  • Total voters
Neurotomania said:
Lopez's grasp of drum fundamentals (such as his great six stroke and the double sticked fills he used often) just outshine nordin.

What´s a six stroke where can I hear a six stroke?

And I Like Martin Lopez´s style more
Mayh said:
What´s a six stroke where can I hear a six stroke?

And I Like Martin Lopez´s style more

err its six notes played very quickly, usually found in jazz of funk. There are quite a few on deliverance and damnation - can't think of any specific moments. the sticking pattern is usual R L L R R L, something the first note being played on a low tom or something... he actually uses it a lot and plays them very well amongst other things - thats why his playing is such a joy, he uses actual classic rudiments based in jazz and classical drum technique. Nordin just played fills. lol
I think there are a few six stroke rolls in the 'deliverance, thrown back at me' section of deliverance, might be just fast single sticking he plays them really fast....

ah screw it he fucking rules.
I think some people are confused.

Old rhythm section:
drums - Anders Nordin
bass - Johan De Farfalla

New rhythm section:
drums - Martin Lopez
bass - Martin Mendez

This topic is specifically about double bass drumming. Not to be confused with bass, which has neither double nor drumming associated with it.
Neurotomania said:
err its six notes played very quickly, usually found in jazz of funk. There are quite a few on deliverance and damnation - can't think of any specific moments. the sticking pattern is usual R L L R R L, something the first note being played on a low tom or something... he actually uses it a lot and plays them very well amongst other things - thats why his playing is such a joy, he uses actual classic rudiments based in jazz and classical drum technique. Nordin just played fills. lol

Dude listen to Wreath and at exactly 10:27 is that one of those Six strokes? Damnit I think thats just the coolest thing...
Hey, illbeleavinnow, did you have to point out that Lopez does the drumming on my favorite album? Anyways, I don't have any right to judge either of them since my drumming pales in comparison.
I have to say that it appears to me that Martin is a better drummer.... But at the same time, if Anders was still with them, more than likely, he would be at the level that Martin is at now.

I personally like the drumming on Orchid and Morningrise the best though. There is just something about Anders' double beats that worked very well with the music, IMO.