Nordin Vs. Lopez

better double bass beats?

  • Anders

    Votes: 26 20.5%
  • Martin

    Votes: 101 79.5%

  • Total voters
But overall, I prefer Anders. I especially love the drumming on Orchid, it seems more upbeat than on other albums.
Well, I personally think that Lopez is better, but it is close. Their studio recording is equal when it comes to talent and such, but Lopez is better, because he seems to deliver much better than Nordin live.
segaszivos.... you saw Anders live?

if not, then the only documentation of his live playing [that i know of btw] is in the Witchwood live video, where they play In mist she was standing and Advent [at least in the version i have]

so if you have not, then your opinion is worthless.

oh, and you're ugly.

chaveta said:
segaszivos.... you saw Anders live?

if not, then the only documentation of his live playing [that i know of btw] is in the Witchwood live video, where they play In mist she was standing and Advent [at least in the version i have]

so if you have not, then your opinion is worthless.

oh, and you're ugly.


Actually I have live bootlegs of pre-Lopez and post-Lopez. You might say that the sound quality is shit, but I can assure you that you hear drums over every insturment. To me, Lopez is better live than Nordin.
ante said:

I´m looooooooosing :yell:

Now feeling: like a god damn loooooserrrrrr :yell:

:yell: !:waah:

:yell: :yell:

Hehehe... Cheer up... remember Pete Sandoval gave you the thumbs up ;)
Hmmm cant say as I prefer one over the other to be honest, slightly different in style but both are excellent. Sorry... not very decisive but thats how it is.
lets get real . if anyone knows anything about drumming we aren't talking about any neil perts or mike portnoys here. Both anders and martin play basic beats most of the time. Until deliverance martin wasnt impressing me at all. i listen to opeth not for the drumming. If you want drumming listen to cryptopsy, dream theater, dimmu borgir, etc.
brooklynmayhem said:
lets get real . if anyone knows anything about drumming we aren't talking about any neil perts or mike portnoys here. Both anders and martin play basic beats most of the time. Until deliverance martin wasnt impressing me at all. i listen to opeth not for the drumming. If you want drumming listen to cryptopsy, dream theater, dimmu borgir, etc.


Let me guess, you've not been drumming long or you're self taught. That's assuming you're a drummer.

Portnoy is incredibly overrated... You're not likely to believe me but believe me. There's nothing Portnoy's ever played that you can't pick up after listening to it a couple of times, I've been playing a little over nine years now, and three years ago I thought Portnoy was the shit. However, the for a while now I've been taking classical lessons - the usual rudiments and proper techniques. I very quickly realised that portnoy (and peart while we're at it, though to a lesser degree) are complete stunt drummers. Lopez has an awesome fusion style of utter death but incorporating many techniques (and using them incredibly well). His fills for instance always use great sticking patterns it takes a good while to get your head round - they're clearly well orchestrated. He has clear influences from so many different genres (Bonham being perhaps the most prominent in some aspects) and his playing features heart and soul. Portnoy just single sticks (left right left right etc) around his kit fairly fast. Thing is, if he could actually play any rudiments (even double sticking for christs sake) he could get round that kit twice as fast. Lopez outshines him in every respect - It's like comparing a mcdonalds to a lobster dinner.

As for Anders or Martin,

Anders style is more direct, less loose and tricker in places, but usually physically easier to play. Martin Overall would get my vote but Anders is more than qualified.