Nordin Vs. Lopez

better double bass beats?

  • Anders

    Votes: 26 20.5%
  • Martin

    Votes: 101 79.5%

  • Total voters
DemonOfTheFall said:
and you call yourself an opeth fan, at least know a little history about a band who's label your willing to wrap all around and put posters up of. jeez...
try reading the posts before you mouth off like that. I'm talking about someone called tony Laureano, what does that have to do with the history of opeth? I now understand Laureano played with lots of bands I don't like and a few I do, but he certainly gets around.
Black Paragon the drumming in delieverance is something that can easily be picked up just by listening to the cd a couple of times. No matter how much I listen to dream theater the stuff is definatly to hard and to personal to play. I have fellow drummer friends who will agree as I have seen them play songs from deliverance too. Please let me know what you think is so hard to play on deliverance. And dont say the break down at the end of the title track which happens to be the easiest break down to play in the world. You definatly wont like tony laureano because he is actually good ("stunt drummer"), and his drumming is extremely personal sounding. Classical rudiments my ass, its all about breaking new ground and being original. Thats why peart, portnoy, danny carrey (tool) , etc. are world class drummers
brooklynmayhem said:
Black Paragon the drumming in delieverance is something that can easily be picked up just by listening to the cd a couple of times. No matter how much I listen to dream theater the stuff is definatly to hard and to personal to play. I have fellow drummer friends who will agree as I have seen them play songs from deliverance too. Please let me know what you think is so hard to play on deliverance. And dont say the break down at the end of the title track which happens to be the easiest break down to play in the world. You definatly wont like tony laureano because he is actually good ("stunt drummer"), and his drumming is extremely personal sounding. Classical rudiments my ass, its all about breaking new ground and being original. Thats why peart, portnoy, danny carrey (tool) , etc. are world class drummers
But you're just wrong, and clearly a drumming n00b. Listen to me, you sound just like I did about two years ago. Classical rudiments your ass? Then you're not a real drummer. Portnoy doesn't break any new ground, he just plays single stroke rolls around his kit and simple polyrhythms where he does stupid things like hit a tambourine on the 3rd of the bar etc. If you think you can play anything off deliverance, you're playing it wrong. Especially if you don't know any classical rudiments. Here is the list of the dream theater songs I can play in their entirety (and the ones I can't are only because I haven't tried)

album: "Images And Words" (1992)

Pull Me Under
Another Day
Take The Time
Metropolis - Part I - "The Miracle And The Sleeper"
Under A Glass Moon
Wait For Sleep
Learning To Live

album: "Awake" (1994)

The Mirror
Lifting Shadows Off A Dream

album: "A Change Of Seasons" (1995)

A Change Of Seasons

album: "Falling Into Infinity" (1997)

New Millennium
Peruvian Skies
Hollow Years
Hell's Kitchen
Lines In The Sand
Trial Of Tears

album: "Scenes From A Memory" (1999)

Scene Two: Overture
Strange Deja Vu
Scene Three: Through My Words
Fatal Tragedy
Scene Four: Beyond This Life
Through Her Eyes
Scene Six: Home
Scene Seven: The Dance Of Eternity
One Last Time
Scene Seven: The Spirit Carries On
Scene Eight: Finally Free

I only learnt the glass prison from their newest before decidiing it was shit and I should learn something harder.
There isn't really two ways to look at this because you're just wrong and you sound to me like you don't really know what you're talking about. It's not like I'm saying portnoy is a bad drummer, but he's overrated, totally, ask anyone that really knows what they're talking about. and the 'break down' (I think you mean long staccato section) at the end of deliverance is fairly easy to play, apart from the final bars of the second part of it... ie the extremely fast pedal work..... the 8 closely grouped bass notes are fairly easy once you're warmed up. Are you REALLY telling me that you can play wreath, deliverance, a fair judgement, masters apprentices and by the pain, by you can't play 'overture 1928', the dance of eternity, erotomania etc... I'd guess the hardest dream theater songs to play were the dance of eternity and erotomania, and I can play them perfectly because they're not hard, technique-wise. I think if you want to progress with your drumming you should start taking lessons, learn some rudiments and techniques (and learn how to hold your drumsticks properly too, I expect you've got that wrong and all lol). How is drumming 'personal' sounding, doesn't make any sense to me.

Do me a favour, do me one favour.

Download or buy a virgil donati video.

He makes portnoy look like SUCH a fucking amateur that you'll find it hard to believe. There's also a video on kazaa of Tony Royster JR (age 12) playing a drum solo that rips apart anything Mike Portnoys ever played. That's what you get for being a student of dennis chambers.

For christ sake, all portnoy ever does, every single one of his fills, solos, drum parts, they're all just born from a mind that doesn't know where to go next, he's hit a rut because he doesn't have the knowledge that real drummers need - and he's limited to adding to his kit..... you can see the size of my kit and I can play anything dream theater have ever played, what's the point in sitting behind his huge kit like a total dickhead.

Drummers that are better than Mike portnoy that you might enjoy listening to:

Virgil Donati (planet X)
Martin Lopez (opeth, amon amarth)
Anders Nordin (opeth)
Gene Hoglan (strapping young lad, death)

and then of course:

dennis chambers, billy cobham, Gene Krupa, Joe Morello, the great Buddy Rich, Tony Williams, kenny aronoff, greg bissonette, bernard purdie, the great steve gadd (master of the six stroke) Vinnie Colaiutau, Mike Mangini, the great john bonhan, The innovator dave lombardo, vinnie paul (none of that fucking about with tambourines and shit) John Tempesta, Zoro (who I met recently at a clinic he did) Daniel Erlandsson, Richard Christy, Anders Jivarp, Sean Reinert, Vitek (decapitated) was 14 when they recorded their first EP, and features some of the most brutal death metal drumming I have ever heard.

Bored of listing drummers now.
say what you like but I think it's clear on this board who knows what they're talking about. The only thing I can think is that you can't do subdivisions and therefore play in supposedly odd time signatures.

Its easy though..

the 'portnoy' way of doing it is to play in 4/4, take it to 16/16, and add a few sixteenths, so its 19/16, 1 2 3 4(123) 1 2 3 4, simple as that. Real drummers play in time signatures that make the song sound good.
If you have V drums, record yourself playing something from deliverance and post it on here, or mail me with it (pm for address) and I'll gladly eat my words.

Thing is, that won't happen.
oh, I'm a student of Mike Hoddinott, in case anyone's heard of him or is interested. Type it into google for some links to things about him.... he's a well known and well respected blues/jazz/funk/soul/studio drummer that plays in a few bands... the heat, code red and the hoddinott blues band, among others. I'm sure he'd have a few things to say to everyone if we were here :D
You mean Nick Barker :)

he's in some new band now and they're touring with cephalic carnage... bound to be quite intense....

Tony Royster Jr RULES.

don't know hellhammer (know of him) and i don't like ephel duath or tool, though carey is good at what he does. wonder if I can find the link for the tony royster video....... *goes and looks*
lets see portnoy play this:
dog boots by virgil donati
drum solo by virgil donati (gets more interesting towards the end)

can't find the tony royster vid but its on kazaa as

'tony royster jr awesome drum solo' and is about 20 megs, hugely worth the download.

Virgil Donati is the best drummer alive in the world today, by technical standards - only drummer I've ever seen where I actually couldn't believe what he was playing.

Portnoy is a hack, face it.
All I can say is Nile is not funny and if you think they are you are pretty damn lame dude. Its not all about technical performance,classical lessons and yadda yadda yadda. I think Dream Theater write great songs and are way better than any other progressive band. Whether Mike was taught by himself or a teacher I don't really care as long as the music is good. I think its the fact that he brings technical performance to already great songs that wins him soo much praise. I don't think Mike even goes for the most technical things he can pull off anyway because he is in a tight band. Donati is amazing, no doubt. I've even read g3 fans say he left a huge impression on them after the tour. But It doesn't sound like the songs are going for much except technical performances with him. I love Vai and Malmsteen but don't think they are better than Petrucci. I'm sure they can duplicate his work but why bother? Kuprij and Rudess are technically some of the best keyboardists I have ever heard but I still think Sherinian is better. I used to always look for technical performances when listening to music but that just gets old. And that guy from Nile is the shit no matter wtf you guys say. And how can one person be impressed with Barker's fatass and not Laureano? Its just beyond me.
Fucking dream theater fanboys, can you believe I used to be one? *grimace* The songs aren't great they're just bits of other peoples songs stuck together, they don't even have a style they just stick bits of other peoples songs together, I don't exactly call that progressive. i'm not getting into another mindless argument with another mindless dream theater fanboy (had enough of those, on both sides of the fence)
and I find Nile funny, hence I think they are funny. This thread is about drummers, thererfore I am talking about drummers, not the music they play. And if I was talking about the music they play, Lopez's superiority of Portnoy would be a lot greater than the amount we're talking now.
Hearse said:
:lol: and the "drum sounds" make you like some "drummer" more ? :lol:
nice one... (no offence)

And you have to remember, Orchid was their debut, they got no studio experience... and only very little time.. Orchid was recorded/mixed/mastered in 12-14 days. Nodays there are alot better equipment and ALOT more time and experience. Now they go to studio without even having songs ready... witch actually I'm sorry to say, but it can be heard.

Since I've listened Orchid & Morninrise both over 2000 times, and they still only get better, I honestly think I'm never going to be alble to get bored to them. But when I listen newer opeth I get bored after few spins... the songs just doesnt have as much spirit in them. I mean like Deliverance, it was great for few first spins, then I got bored to it. So the songs doesn't last 'great' very long. They kinda lack the soul. But maybe it's because they really dont play together for fun anymore... they dont even seem to have rehearsing before studio. Which is sad...

Also one thing I hate most about, they dont change tempos as they used to. That really makes long songs alot more interesting. If you listen 7-11 min song with neverchanging tempo it gets "tube-music" witch blunt your ears.
Still I like Opeth, they do good music, but I don't think they ever gonna get the same level as they did on Morningrise & Orchid, but I hope they will.

And yes I understand somebody saying "but orchid & morningrise got so many errors"... but that only makes the music real and gives it nuances. Perfectioness sucks wet nads. ;)

That was my opinion about this matter.
Agree or disagree, but it will stand.
I don't mean to flame; I just want to clearify something...

Well, you are correct about stating that they don't seem to have rehearsing before studio recordings. They usually play the song one or two times before the recording sessions at most.

I see what you are saying about how Morningrise and Orchid are *better* than Deliverence, but if you are saying that Nordin is better than Lopez just because the albums that he was playing drums in are better, then you are deceiving your judgement. I think that if you were to single out the other insturments and listen specifically to the percution then you would realize that Lopez seems like a much more talented drummer that plays much more difficult riffs, including some Jazzy solos.

Lopez is recording songs that he has only played a few times before and Nordin played songs that he had played hundreds of times before and Lopez sounds better than Nordin.

As for the time factor. D&D was recording between the dates of July 22nd and September 4th. Two albums in a time that takes usually one to be recorded. These recent albums have been on limited time as well. That doesn't make them better, but eh, that takes skill like Orchird recording/mixing/mastering a 2 weeks.
I'm far from a Dream Theater fanboy asshole. I'm an Opeth fanboy! I'll admit to that. Whether you want to believe it or not they have made so many things happen for prog and non prog music today. I don't need your stamp of approval to know that and neither does anyone else. I used to listen to Dream Theater a few years ago and just grew out of them after awhile. Nile makes music that puts most bands out there to shame. Their lyrics are actually worth reading and their songs have actually developed a lot since their first album. And Hellhammer is pretty fucking lame. If we are talking about drumming...Mirrors is a joke. Its just silly and ill-mannered to say Nile is funny. I'd like to know a few bands that fuse eastern music with grind.
I will most definatly post an mp3 of me playing a song on deliverance probably "by the pain I see in others" because that is the one I play tightest. I would love to know how youve seen how I hold my drum sticks. I would also like to find one person that agrees with you. Tell me how I can record my v drums onto a cd and I will be happy to post because I usually record my vdrum stuff onto my minidisc. And after I post it I will surely hear something like "your playing it all hit the crash cymbol instead of the china etc." And being the self righteous asshole that you are I am sure it is hard to restrain yourself from spewing all the proper drumming terms your precious teacher taught you in order to make me look like i dont know what i am talking about. If you are able to post all the DT songs you know I would love to hear them. Again why does portnoy have an instructional video if he is self taught and doesnt know what he is doing? That is simply an injustice to all drummers trying to learn under him right??
Yo, Black Paragon, you sound like you know your stuff pretty well. Anyways, I'm an aspiring drummer (got a shit kit and been playing forabout 3 years) and I just feel like my skills have hit a barrier and I'm not going anywhere right now. I'm sort of stuck in a rut of being an excellent rock drummer, but I just can't seem to break out of the 'rock' rut and play some more technical shit. Do you get lessons or teach yourself? Any ideas of how to further progress my skills without the aid of a teacher?

Oh and I just watched that video...:o OMG. FUCK. That guy isn't just a drummer, he's an artiste. Its mindblowing to see a guy with such a massive kit utilizing EVERYTHING instead of not touching most of it...haha. I highly, highly recommend listening to some more stuff from the drummer for Ephel Duath, the man is a living god. Heh.
Tony Royster JR. is the shit... he's doing some stuff with this other young bassplayer, i got about 3 songs, they're pretty cool

i used to have a drum kit, but it was just my cousin's and now he took it to his house, i sucked anyway.
I get lessons, my instructor has been playing 30 years now and is fucking awesome by any standards.

=the reason mike portnoy has an instructional video is to make money, I used to own both parts of that set, and it was just him playing songs, no instruction whatsoever, just a way to make some money - the only half interesting part was when he went through the time sigs for DOE and unfortunately I already knew them.

= why post an mp3 when you're recording on vdrums, surely midi will suffice, just upload the midi file somewhere or email it to (pm for address)

=portnoy doesn't have any drummers learning under him.

=nile suck

=static, if you want to get out of this rut, I'd recommend a few things.... firstly getting lessons would help as long as your teacher is good (you usually know when it clicks between yourself and a teacher) I'd start just practising the basic rudiments around the kit to build stamina - practice your double stroke - LL RR LL RR LL RR LL RR around the kit, practice some paradiddles RLRRLRLL and some six stroke rolls RLLRRL. practice them all round the kit at different speeds.
Find bands that you love that you think you might be able to learn drum parts to. Early metallica/megadeth is good for breaking through the 'rock' barrier and entering the next stage, 'metal' \m/
If you can bear the cheeriness of it, the best thing to learn is funk, jazz, soul, swing, stuff like that. It greatly improves your feel, and when you start playing rudiments as rhythms, it becomes a lot more satisfying.
I'm ignoring the dream theater fanboys now - feel free to post midi's of yourself playing by the pain, I'd be interested in hearing it, I'll post me playing some portnoy stuff if you want, pick a song and I'll do my best to remember how to play it.

let me know how you get on static, practice those rudiments I mentioned, to a click track if have one (you can download them for free, and run them through your pc speakers or headphones)
when it comes to posting midi and what not I am lost please explain how to do it and I will. I had a listen to blackwater park today and I really think that absolutley nothing out of the ordinary or spectacular comes from this album drum wise. Deliverance is a different story. Explain to me what parts of which songs you have problems duplicating or are harder to dublicate than portnoy.