Nordin Vs. Lopez

better double bass beats?

  • Anders

    Votes: 26 20.5%
  • Martin

    Votes: 101 79.5%

  • Total voters
I really think maybe you aren't deft enough at listening to whats been played, or it goes over your head. Portnoy is much simpler, more robotic and much less original or inventive, its all so obvious - its like you're trying to tell me that lars ulrich is better than john bonham or something, I truly don't see your point. plus you have a type o negative album as your member pic
look you record from your v drums which is already midi and save it as a midi file and then its done lol.....

you have v drums and you don't know how to create a midi file with them? :D
Fuck you! Nile rocks! Why aren't you in a band? Where is your music so people can duplicate it and then say it sucks? Toom any young musicians get all caught up in technical talk and not enough time creating their own music. Instead, they like to rip on other people's bands and or members because they took the time to learn THEIR music and not give any thought to their own. If Portnoy and Laureano really gave a fuck about impressing all the technical fiends they might not be in the bands that they are right now. Its just funny how someone takes lessons and learns songs then THEY are the authority on good drummers. My friend,Art, played Malmsteen,Stump and other neo-classical wizards at the age of 19 with ease. He is the exact same way. When you guys make it big and create something people like then talk. If not stfu and realise where your at. I bet you haven't even heard a lot of Nile if any at all. You hadn't even heard of him and now you say they suck. lol! Ever heard of John Longstreth?
black paragon everyone knows lars ulrich is misrable at drums. type o is something that goes over your head. and your member pic looks like your about to injest a green dildo. other than that nothing martin has done ever went over my head. i dont know where you get off judging people you dont know. i wouldnt be surprised if you thought the drummer of the strokes was better than portnoy or something to that effect. maybe because he was "classically" trained or some bullshit. i was going to go through all of the trouble of recording myself playing an opeth song just to prove your sorry ass wrong but I am definatly not going to waste my time because your simply an asshole.
the strokes are shit. you're making yourself look like a bit of an idiot, and backing out of recording proves you can't do a damned thing :D

and by the way,

"Why aren't you in a band?"

Who said I wasn't.

Type O negative is for girls.

If you have v drums, I wouldn't exactly call recording yourself with them a 'trouble'.

You clearly just don't know very much about drumming. I could go on for hours and hours about the merits and failings of every drummer I know of, but what would be the point? You're just a conceited, lie-spouting portnoy fanboy.

Look. You have v drums

they are midi

you connect it to your pc via a midi cable funnily enough, and record into something as simple as cubase, by pressing record and then playing your drums. You can even quantize it all so you sound in time if you like.

If you have v drums and they're not connected to your pc, and you don't even know how to do it, why do you have v drums? second thoughts, don't bother answering that, i can't stand the ignorance. Pick a dream theater song, any bit from any song you like and I'll post an mp3 of me playing it.

I don't really need to prove anything here, but you seem to think portnoy is so very hard to play, might as well prove you wrong.

and yes, whoever said I'd never heard of nile is exactly right.

fucking spanner, everyones heard of nile. they just suck. cryptopsy on the other hand....
I enjoy drummers or the drumworks on albums like

Mayhem - A Grand decleration of war
Emperor - Anthems to the welkin at dusk
Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus, here and beyond

I would really like to hear you play som of the stuff these guys play, I don't know if its difficult to play or anything, but, in my untrained ears it sound good. Please do anything of them ?
i adore lopez :notworthy :notworthy

_____________________________________________________________ :notworthy
When can I take you from this place? When is the word but a sigh? When is death our lone beholder? When do we walk the final steps? When can we scream instead of whisper? When is the new beginning, and the end of this sad Madrigal?
I guess the only reason anyone ever bought v -drums was to record themselves and post it on the internet. I will do the mp3 track only if you play and record "dance of eternity" and post it here first. I just have to go out and buy a midi cable.
Im not totally sure but I think their biggest loss was DeFarfalla. Mendez is certainly an emotionally charched bass player live and is very good at covering the basics, but DeFarfalla was just nuts, his stuff on the first 2 albums is really really cool stuff.
Akerfeldt didn't play the bass on Orchid and Morningrise, but I think he wrote most of it. Still, those basslines are just better than on newer albums.

As for drummers, I like Lopez more. And Terry Bozzio is one hell of a good drummer!...But he sometimes overplays parts though.
No. farfalls may be listed as the bassplayer but Akerfeldt played most of it because Johan wasn't capable of doing that or something.
Mikael once stated that in an interview.