Nordin Vs. Lopez

better double bass beats?

  • Anders

    Votes: 26 20.5%
  • Martin

    Votes: 101 79.5%

  • Total voters
Black_paragon said:

Let me guess, you've not been drumming long or you're self taught. That's assuming you're a drummer.

Portnoy is incredibly overrated... You're not likely to believe me but believe me. There's nothing Portnoy's ever played that you can't pick up after listening to it a couple of times, I've been playing a little over nine years now, and three years ago I thought Portnoy was the shit. However, the for a while now I've been taking classical lessons - the usual rudiments and proper techniques. I very quickly realised that portnoy (and peart while we're at it, though to a lesser degree) are complete stunt drummers. Lopez has an awesome fusion style of utter death but incorporating many techniques (and using them incredibly well). His fills for instance always use great sticking patterns it takes a good while to get your head round - they're clearly well orchestrated. He has clear influences from so many different genres (Bonham being perhaps the most prominent in some aspects) and his playing features heart and soul. Portnoy just single sticks (left right left right etc) around his kit fairly fast. Thing is, if he could actually play any rudiments (even double sticking for christs sake) he could get round that kit twice as fast. Lopez outshines him in every respect - It's like comparing a mcdonalds to a lobster dinner.

As for Anders or Martin,

Anders style is more direct, less loose and tricker in places, but usually physically easier to play. Martin Overall would get my vote but Anders is more than qualified.

I've been playing drums for about 7 years now, and this could not have been said any better by me. Yea, I'm a big Dream Theater fan, and Portnoy is good, Martin is WAY more creative, and is WAY underrated. Martin's double-bass work is astonishing, I think... seeing him play like a machine gun in front of my very own eyes on May 12th was amazing... the dude is fucking talented.

Like I said before, I like Portnoy and Peart, but Martin's a god. Mike is all single-strokes.
Algarothsyum said:
I've been playing drums for about 7 years now, and this could not have been said any better by me. Yea, I'm a big Dream Theater fan, and Portnoy is good, Martin is WAY more creative, and is WAY underrated. Martin's double-bass work is astonishing, I think... seeing him play like a machine gun in front of my very own eyes on May 12th was amazing... the dude is fucking talented.

Like I said before, I like Portnoy and Peart, but Martin's a god. Mike is all single-strokes.

I utterly agree.

I was blinded by portnoys huge kit and stunty fills for ages - but its all just single strokes around a pointless kit, martin wins hands down.
I’ve been playing for 9 years myself. I own Roland v-drums, as well as Yamaha acoustic drums. I base my judgment on a drummer on how well I can copy their drumming using my vdrums to sync the music with. Martin and Anders' drumming is some of the easiest stuff you can play on the drums (also some of the most fun). Portnoy and Peart use odd time signatures which are much harder to play than the time signatures used in opeth songs. I will agree that martin is a very creative drummer and I enjoy playing "white cluster", and "by the pain I see in others" on the drums more than any other song by opeth. However, when popping in cds like "scenes from a memory" I find myself lost and unable to duplicate a lot of portnoy's work on that album. As for the stunt drummer comment I would like to know why both peart and portnoy have instructional drums videos and are heralded as some of the best drumers in the world?
I don't play drums at all but I love all 3 drummers being discussed here. I like Peart more than all of them but I think its because his trio was just so PERFECT. They showcased everything. Portnoy it seems is the more technical out of the 3. Mike's fills are awesome but they don't seem to have much life overall. I like Nordin more than Lopez because I felt his style fit Opeth's guitar oriented music more. Technically, Lopez owns Nordin. I listen to Opeth for Mike's work and Lopez's over the top drumming sometimes draws me away.:)Which I don't like! Scenes' drumming is just out of this world! Why hasn't anyone brought up Tony Laureano??? I don't play drums but that guy is THE SH!T. Please tell me your thoughts on Nile's guy. I mean he just has to be elite.
That's a nice kit you have there, Black_paragon.

I have a Pearl export 50th Anniv. 6-piece, 8 Sabian cymbals, Gibraltar double-bass pedals, and a Ziljian 13" A Custom hi-hat... I know, 8 Sabians and one Ziljian is odd, but the A Customs are superb hi-hats, their sound is amazing. I love it too much to convert it to Sabian.
Lopez is clearly a better drummer. He has more interesting beats, better dynamics, a hell lot of more tighntness, and on top of it all, even if it doesn't really matter; he is faster.

People pickind Anders must be really into the Old Opeth-era, because I find his drumming in opeth to be pretty ordinary drummelidrummering. Never heard him in any other orchestra though.
brooklynmayhem said:
I’ve been playing for 9 years myself. I own Roland v-drums, as well as Yamaha acoustic drums. I base my judgment on a drummer on how well I can copy their drumming using my vdrums to sync the music with. Martin and Anders' drumming is some of the easiest stuff you can play on the drums (also some of the most fun). Portnoy and Peart use odd time signatures which are much harder to play than the time signatures used in opeth songs. I will agree that martin is a very creative drummer and I enjoy playing "white cluster", and "by the pain I see in others" on the drums more than any other song by opeth. However, when popping in cds like "scenes from a memory" I find myself lost and unable to duplicate a lot of portnoy's work on that album. As for the stunt drummer comment I would like to know why both peart and portnoy have instructional drums videos and are heralded as some of the best drumers in the world?

so you're telling me you can play deliverance but you can't play SCENES FROM A MEMORY? I played songs from that album for my drumming college audition a few weeks after that album came out. Take it from me, it's not really even a matter of opinion. Peart and Portnoy are both stunt drummers and have instructional videos because they are stunt drummers. You're kind of making my argument for me. Portnoy only makes those videos so he can sell more of his 'stax' for $399, which you can make for about $50 lol. heres how it is:

Portnoy is incredibly overrated. Incredibly.
If you want someone that can play in off the wall time signatures, get some planet X/virgil donati. Virgil donati makes mike portnoy look like such a fucking amateur you'll wonder why you ever thought he was impressive.
Lopez (and Nordin) both beat Portnoy easily. Portnoy could NEVER handle most of deliverance because he doesn't know ANY classical drumming whatsoever.... he's really just a 'self taught style' taken to extremes, but he knows NO rudiments or techniques, he just rumbles round that kit and lamen's think it's impressive.

It's so clearly obvious that Lopez is the better drummer to a trained ear. Besides, Lopez uses more difficult time sigs than portnoy... he just goes "oh, 17/16" which is just 4/4 with a 16th note added on the first count of 4. Ahhh Portnoys balls don't waste your time liking him, I can play everything he's ever played without a hitch.
Algarothsyum said:
That's a nice kit you have there, Black_paragon.

I have a Pearl export 50th Anniv. 6-piece, 8 Sabian cymbals, Gibraltar double-bass pedals, and a Ziljian 13" A Custom hi-hat... I know, 8 Sabians and one Ziljian is odd, but the A Customs are superb hi-hats, their sound is amazing. I love it too much to convert it to Sabian.

yeah I prefer sabian but I heard a couple of meinl crashes the other day that sounded gorgeous, might get me some of them
never heard of him, give me some recommendations. I usually don't go for stunt drummers so if he's all *look what I can do* while taking away from the music rather than adding to it I probably won't like it.

favourite drummers at the moment? gene hoglan, richard christy, martin lopez, virgil donati. Theres some dude called 'zoro' doing a clinic nearby soon and he's been voted the best clinician in the world according to some magazine so I might go to that, he looks like a wanker though.
This is for all you people bashing Lopez:

!!!!!!!OMG. Have any of you heard the album called Deliverance? It is one of the most drum-intense albums that I have heard, disregarding all jazz music!!!!!!!!
Black_paragon said:
never heard of him, give me some recommendations. I usually don't go for stunt drummers so if he's all *look what I can do* while taking away from the music rather than adding to it I probably won't like it.

and you call yourself an opeth fan, at least know a little history about a band who's label your willing to wrap all around and put posters up of. jeez...
Tony Laureano is the drummer for Nile. I'm usually attracted to awesome guitarists when listening to music but in Nile's case it is totally different. This guy just takes over the songs but the guitars are still just beautiful. Mike has a huge kit but this guy's is pretty damn small. You might consider him a stunt drummer but you just have to check him out. I've never heard a drummer like him. Hearing Nile's eastern styles being complimented by this guy's sheer power is just overwhelming at times. Nile is more grindcore than dm I feel but truly interesting music without a doubt. Check em out in songs like The Blessed Dead, Sarcophagus, Execration Text and the whole concept song of In Their Darkened Shrines.
Why? ok...Well Nordin's double bass is ok and not something to overlook but I think its the way he had it tuned that made me go "ehh...that Martin guy is better"...
Lopez's bass is tuned a bit thicker and i like thumping double bass that moves very very quickly vs a more lighter double bass sound that drags...
but thats just me...