North American tour with LOG, As I Lay Dying, ..

fuck man alexi needs to stop breaking bones. or the bus driver
needs to smarten the fuck up and learn to drive.
I think Alexi should start taking some calcium and build up his bone strength. Poor thing though...that sucks :

I think the cure is he starts drinking like a human and not like a fucking mushroom. I'm just tired of hearing things like "Alexi and Randy tried to drink each other under the table every night with whiskey." There's nothing cool about it. When Alexi takes a few months totally sober and starts doing sports and makes another Follow the Reaper, then he gets my total respect, but to brag about drinking and goofing around is something everyone knows at this age how fun it is. As I said, cut the lash and breaking bones and start doing the music COB are supposed to and respect will follow.
yeah you need to pull the tapework out of your ass.
because alexi plays better then you ever will
and its not like this is his fault it had nothing to do with drinking.
plus trying to drink randy under the table is metal as fuck

I just gave some advice and I don't think anyone will disagree with it. I know what this will lead up to - touring, being a big mess and all fucked up you know and then make another COB heavy metal album. :) And I know he plays a lot better than me, but I do some things better than him, so shu or I'll send my cat after you.
How'bout 2 cats? They just woke me up at 5am keeping horrible noise on the backyard when the male is trying to get lain and then all the birds went nuts.
I was planning to go see them on May 3, but as much as I want to see Bodom, I want him to take care of himself and get better, and that's more important...

I can wait until the next tour and I'm sure many other people feel the same way...

Absolutely - as courageous as it is to keep going, the last thing he needs, personally or professionally, is to risk any permanent damage by playing in his condition; I just hope he's had decent medical advice, but I guess he knows what he's doing
Show seems to go ok with the broken shoulder, tho he seems a bit more quiet and less wild - ofcourse. Seems like hes in pain poor guy. Could almost feel the pain myself by watching his performance. Glad for the US fans that they continue the tour though :rock:

I dunno what to think about it. On the one hand, I think it´s kind of luck for the US-Fans, that he´s doing it. But on the other hand, I also think, he´s a little bit stupid. I don´t want to know, what he´s risking for himself and for his health by going on touring. And also I don´t want to have a clue of the pain that he has to take right now. Dunno, a great and selfless guy or a dumb and stubborn kid? Both of it, I guess - in a certain way. :err:
They really should do something about the falling out of their beds in the bus though. Cant be true that they risk their health and business by crashing to the floor like that ffs !! Jaska earlier geeting bruises on their Euro tour and now Alexi breaking a shoulder ffs !! Thats NOT acceptable ! Act on it NOW guys ! :Shedevil:
Yeah, start to sleep on the floor. :guh:
No, without joking about it. I see what you mean. It´s a bit weird. That´s true. But what can they do? I mean, there are always little "fall stops" at the bunks. What else?
found this short review of the Kansas show - COB put on a great show, even when their frontman is injured :kickass:

"From the moment everyone took the stage, I was wondering why Alexi Laiho, the lead guitarist and singer, was just standing there and why his growl was relatively quiet compared to the rest of the sound. He apologized after the first song, explaining that he had fallen out of his bunk on the tour bus and broke his shoulder.

I was like, what? He's playing with a broken shoulder? That must suck! I would have either pulled out of the tour or gotten someone to replace me, but he decided to keep playing. The only bad thing about their set was that the vocals were too quiet. Everything else was awesome. Tracks off of Blooddrunk, their newest, were especially good ... I just wish they would have played "Red Light In My Eyes". Overall, Bodom rocked, and I can't wait to see them when they have a fully healed lead guitarist / vocalist."
Well, from what I was told by a major music promoter, Alexi stays because he is a professional. A lesser person would have dropped and caused a lot of money loss. Depending on where the shoulder break is, is probably causing him breathing and thus singing difficulties. Alexi is brave, but I also think he knows what it would cost to drop off a tour.
yeah the vocals sound shitty but i give him a ton of respect for continuing the tour and not dropping off, they really can't play without him and even though it may not be an amazing bodom performance he still manages to pull it off even though having a hurt shoulder really fucks up your playing, especially rhythm stuff. after i weight lift shoulders really hard playing guitar is a lot more difficult, i can't even imagine how crazy that must be for him.