So until you have some sort of proof stop making comments about how easy Novembre is to write.
Making claims on the internet is easy as pie.
I am faster than yngwie malmsteen on guitar.
Does it make it true, no.... because I am not.
So basically until you prove otherwise, I will consider you talentless Because only someone who doesnt know what they are talking about would make the kind of comments you did, either talentless or a fan of power metal.....or even worse Dream Theater.
Making claims on the internet is easy as pie.
I am faster than yngwie malmsteen on guitar.
Does it make it true, no.... because I am not.
So basically until you prove otherwise, I will consider you talentless Because only someone who doesnt know what they are talking about would make the kind of comments you did, either talentless or a fan of power metal.....or even worse Dream Theater.