You're all so sorely mistaken. :Smug:
But seriously, have Rush ever been the band to listen to when you're into whacky middle sections? Not since at least twenty years, I'd say. Have they ever been about lengthy guitar solos? And even if one's into that stuff big-time, their newest album still contains the best instrumentals they've conceived since "YYZ".
Besides that, the album's just overflowing with great drumming, bass playing, all-around quality song crafting and guitar playing. Alex Lifeson himself feels S&A is the best Rush record in a long time and I tend to agree with him. For once, he's the "most valuable player" of the record because it really shows his versatility - there's basic folk rock, dirty, sweaty blues, classic Lifeson elusive melodies... seriously, there's hardly any note on the album I don't like. To me, it's their best effort since "Hold Your Fire", though I probably dig "Vapor Trails" even more because of what it conveys.