Nu Metal


Warrior Of The Dead
Feb 24, 2002
I would like to ask all of you here a question. Do you consider that Nu-Metal is a part of Metal or not?

I've been noticed that there're some people not so happy when outside people said that "Oh, you listen to Heavy Metal. You must be listen to bands like Linkin' Park, Slipknot, Korn etc".
Of course it's Metal, but it's like that hair-band garbage of the eighties. Mass-produced by the media conglomerates purely for tasteless teenagers, MTV, and rock-radio. No substance, but yes, unfortunately, still Metal.
Well, Nu Metal bands use distorted guitars, drums and a bass.
But only 1 out of 10 bands has guitar solos, some bands dont even do real riffing...
...and I've yet to hear a Nu Metal band that uses double-bass.

If you listen to the music, it can be more compared to Hard Rock. These Nu Metal bands all seem to lack those little things that make a band METAL and not normal Rock. Besides that the attitude of those people is totally different...I guess only very, very few of those Nu Metal fans also know real metal bands from the different genres and listen to them. The majority of them just listens to their Nu Metal and that's it; they know nothing about the history, heritage and attitude of metal.

All in all, those bands just call themselves metal, although they didnt evolve from any real metal style. (as for example Death Metal evolved from Thrash Metal, Thrash evolved from Heavy Metal, etc.) It's just a seperate thing.

:) DISCLAIMER: I didn't say that Nu Metal is bad... :)
Originally posted by nrvsreck
Of course it's Metal, but it's like that hair-band garbage of the eighties. Mass-produced by the media conglomerates purely for tasteless teenagers, MTV, and rock-radio. No substance, but yes, unfortunately, still Metal.
1. What do you mean by hair-metal?
2. It is not metal.
3. You don't know what you are talking about!
4. NU starting words, no matter what follows have nothing to do with Heavy Metal. NOTHING. Not a single fucking thing. If you like it, good. But nothing to do w metal.
Who the mutherfuck said I liked that shit? Did I fucking say that? Where in my mutherfucking post do you see me saying any sort of shit like that? Point that shit out to me, man. I don't see that shit at all. Let me go take another look... nope, no I don't see anywhere in my mutherfucking post where I said anything about liking nu-Metal. (am i gonna get banned for all this cursing? uptight mods??? :mad: )

Hello? Hair-Metal? Not old enough to know what Hair-Metal was? Let me shoot off some names: Poison, Warrant, Skid Row, Cinderella, Motley Crue, Ratt, White Snake, White Lion, Great White (three White ones), Pantera (yes, in their glam days), etc, etc... Me and my friends used to terrorize mutherfuckers that liked that shit back in the school daze. Ah, the good old days... I guess I'd be fucking up the nu-Metallers if I were in school now.

Yeah, I think it's Metal. But like Tranze said, it's like bastardized Metal. If Metal is generalized and is thought of as anything with loud guitars, drums, and raspy, screamed, or just loud vocals, then yeah, it's Metal. But, of course, if Metal is thought of strictly as bands that actually rock and know what they're doing and aren't being taken advantage of by huge media companies, then no, nu-Metal definitely wouldn't fit. It'd be more or less pop-Rock. To me it's just pop-Metal. Fake bullshit that doesn't fit in with REAL Metal, but still part of a broad genre.

And, yeah, I know exactly what I'm talking about. :D
Originally posted by nrvsreck
Who the mutherfuck said I liked that shit? Did I fucking say that? Where in my mutherfucking post do you see me saying any sort of shit like that? Point that shit out to me, man. I don't see that shit at all. Let me go take another look... nope, no I don't see anywhere in my mutherfucking post where I said anything about liking nu-Metal. (am i gonna get banned for all this cursing? uptight mods??? :mad: )

Hello? Hair-Metal? Not old enough to know what Hair-Metal was? Let me shoot off some names: Poison, Warrant, Skid Row, Cinderella, Motley Crue, Ratt, White Snake, White Lion, Great White (three White ones), Pantera (yes, in their glam days), etc, etc... Me and my friends used to terrorize mutherfuckers that liked that shit back in the school daze. Ah, the good old days... I guess I'd be fucking up the nu-Metallers if I were in school now.

Yeah, I think it's Metal. But like Tranze said, it's like bastardized Metal. If Metal is generalized and is thought of as anything with loud guitars, drums, and raspy, screamed, or just loud vocals, then yeah, it's Metal. But, of course, if Metal is thought of strictly as bands that actually rock and know what they're doing and aren't being taken advantage of by huge media companies, then no, nu-Metal definitely wouldn't fit. It'd be more or less pop-Rock. To me it's just pop-Metal. Fake bullshit that doesn't fit in with REAL Metal, but still part of a broad genre.

And, yeah, I know exactly what I'm talking about. :D
Cool down. It is bad for your blood pressure.
PPL: my quote "If you like it, good" does not refer to true metalhead/metalfather/metaletc. nrvsreck.
There, better now?
You forgot King Cobra, Dokken, Tesla...
And Pantera's "Power Metal" was not that hair-metal.
And i hope you are not referring to the Warrant band trhat released "First Strike" and "The enforcer", cause these albums are perceived by me as excellent pieces of power/speed metal. Not suitable for MTV.
Ok, Mr terrorizer? :rolleyes: :D
Oh... And i don't consider NU-Metal.
If anyone does then he/she has a different definition to metal than i do. The Metal that i know is bands like Hades/Taramis/Heir Apperent/Screamer/Exodus/Sodom/Sanctuary/Zandelle...
If anyone is too young to know these bands and wants info he/she can contact me through e-mail...
Originally posted by parimal2k29
NO WAY! nu-metal is this stupid crap that is destroying the name of metal and should be shunned. they habve no essence and they go out there and ruin metal! It's crappy!!! :mad:

You contradict yourself. To destroy the name of metal they must BE metal, at least to the majority...
Originally posted by dill_the_devil

Me? Uptight? No! If I was anymore laid back, I'd be horizontal!

And by the way, you're banned. :p

Only joking...

Cool, I hate uptight mods and weak "kiddy" forums where everything I say gets either deleted or edited. I know how to be "good" though, when I have to. ;)
Originally posted by metalized
Cool down. It is bad for your blood pressure.
PPL: my quote "If you like it, good" does not refer to true metalhead/metalfather/metaletc. nrvsreck.
There, better now?
You forgot King Cobra, Dokken, Tesla...
And Pantera's "Power Metal" was not that hair-metal.
And i hope you are not referring to the Warrant band trhat released "First Strike" and "The enforcer", cause these albums are perceived by me as excellent pieces of power/speed metal. Not suitable for MTV.
Ok, Mr terrorizer? :rolleyes: :D

Did a search at cduniverse and it looks like the same Warrant. I never listened to kind of shit back in the day so I don't really whether or not they did anything good. All I know is "Cherry Pie" which was their biggest hit, and I hate that fucking song! Although the video ain't too bad! ;)

Admittedly, though, I'd rather listen to hair bands anyday than that godawful nu-Metal garbage. At least in the eighties even the shitty commercial bands had talent even if their music sucked. :D
Originally posted by godisanathiest...
You contradict yourself. To destroy the name of metal they must BE metal, at least to the majority...

Nah... i meant was that they're not metal, but they call themselves nu-metal (in which case, NU means ANTI)... and ruin the name of 'metal' by usingthe word 'metal' in their genre, which, unfortunately, happens to be ANTI-METAL (nu-metal)
so, that's how they ruin the VERY essence on metal :)

PS: Can anyone redefine hair-band again?? :rolleyes: :lol:
Originally posted by nrvsreck

Did a search at cduniverse and it looks like the same Warrant. I never listened to kind of shit back in the day so I don't really whether or not they did anything good. All I know is "Cherry Pie" which was their biggest hit, and I hate that fucking song! Although the video ain't too bad! ;)

Admittedly, though, I'd rather listen to hair bands anyday than that godawful nu-Metal garbage. At least in the eighties even the shitty commercial bands had talent even if their music sucked. :D
No, dude it is not the same band. Warrant (US) is the one you are referring to and it was indeed hair/poser/glam metal. The one i mentioned: Warrant (DE) is pure power/speed metal with lotsa riffing, soloing etc. Pure headbanging metal.