Obama's Democratic Convention Speech

We have no gun checks at all in Utah. I buy a gun, I walk home with it 10 minutes later. And yes, I can walk home with it. Unpacked and out in the open. If I conceal it, thats a crime! I could care less about that though. Guns are a nil point in this election to me. Same with Iraq. I cared about a year ago, but now... anyone who reads the news already knows everything's all set for the withdrawl by a set date in 2011. Nothing will happen any faster.

Speaking of democrats (which I am registered as at the moment, and would have prefered still representing) and republicans, I have to go change my party affiliation tomorrow. Maybe I'll just do it via the mail.
eric, why the fuck are you voting for mccain. don't tell me why you're not voting for obama. tell me why you're voting for mccain.

this question goes out to anyone, by the by. i have yet to see john mccain offer anything other than the aftereffects of five years of suffering and the misguided, ineffectual policies of an administration with its head in the sand and its finger in every pie.
eric, why the fuck are you voting for mccain. don't tell me why you're not voting for obama. tell me why you're voting for mccain.

this question goes out to anyone, by the by. i have yet to see john mccain offer anything other than the aftereffects of five years of suffering and the misguided, ineffectual policies of an administration with its head in the sand and its finger in every pie.

Well, I can't answer that without explaining why I am not voting for Obama. The whole reason I am voting for McCain is to negate someone's vote for Obama. I have many... one would say disagreements... with many, if not most of Obama's policies (especially economical) and his choices throughout the past few months have left me profoundly confused as to whether the man was ever telling the truth. I'd vote for Nader (if he's running, haven't heard anything of that), but I don't feel that cancels out someone else's vote as effectively. It more of just negates my own vote. Edit: Ok, Nader is running. But as I said, that just negates myself.

We can leave it at that or I can provide a long lengthy description about what I do and don't about with both parties involved in this process.

Also, my mom said she'll come back to the US if Obama is elected. THIS I CANNOT LET HAPPEN. (Joke)
Eric is slightly retarded, and likes to go against the grain.

Yeah dude... against the grain here! Thats my reasoning! Same reasoning for a large chunk of the democratic delegates are also having a problem with man. They're slightly retarded. Thank fuck you figured that out, because the media? Baffled!
I'll type something up in a bit... I'm kinda doing 30 things at once tonight, so yeah. Most likely tomorrow, but possibly tonight.
My reasoning for going for McCain over Obama are quite confusing. It's not that I agree fully with McCain, I just disagree with him less than I do Obama, whom I feel is very weekly representing the Democrat side of things. These feelings are also felt towards Biden being Obama's Vice Presidential candidate. My feelings on McCain's VP will be known at a later time, granted, if it is Romney, my disagreements will be strong and many as well.

Firstly, I would like to point out that as much as it is being played out in this campaign, Iraq is a nil subject. It fascinates me how little coverage the agreement on the withdrawal procedures of Iraq between the US representatives and those representing Iraq has been downplayed in order to cover such uninformative and pointless subjects as the 2 conventions.

Secondly, the amount of houses McCain doesn't know he knows he doesn't or does have? I don't care. The same I don't care about how Obama has paid for his very own estate.

The first subject in policy agreement I would like to cover is one that falls under energy.

Off shore drilling.

I feel that we do need to initiate plans to off shore drill, and get this ball rolling, as soon as possible. We cannot switch to an alternative energy source with the just hope and dreams of America and the word that it will happen. It takes a lot of money, time, and research in order to enact this change. And not just the money of the government (I mean, the money the government doesn't have), but the money of the American citizens to purchase and change to these new systems. I feel that in the mean time we need a means of making sure that we will have this oil in the future at a semi-affordable price. I feel that not doing this will result in regret 15 years down the road when we're still fully dependent on foreign oil for a large amount of things.

This leads me to another subject...

Alternative energy sources.

It's obvious to everyone that we need this. Gas prices are too high, and some Americans pay too much just to get to work. However, the same truth is apparent that most Americans do not have the money at the moment to invest in an alternative source of energy. I, for one, cannot just go out and get a hybrid car, or any extremely fuel efficient vehicle. I don't have the money. Until then I am stuck paying for the overpriced fuel for my shit vehicle. I know I am not alone, I see many others at the gas station look upon that ticker with an expression of woe whenever I fill my vehicle up. Where am I going with this? The Lexington Project.

What has been proposed in The Lexington Project I find very agreeable. Granted, many would argue it is very similar to Obama's 10 Year Plan, I feel it has a few differences which make it more preferable in my opinion. It doesn't attempt to use a windfall tax (there are several reasons why this isn't passing in congress right now, one can look at the results of Carter's windfall tax to verify this). Instead of using a windfall tax, McCain will be doing the Tax Credit system for clean efficient car credits. $5000 tax credit per consumer purchase for zero emission vehicle manufacturing, and low emissions to get credits based on the amount of emissions of emitting vehicles. I feel that will most likely help the consumer in the end with lowering the cost of these more efficient, lower emitting, vehicles. The plan also shows for faster change to Flex-Fueled vehicles. Another Difference between the 10 Year Plan and The Lexington Project I like is the $300 million prize for more research and development into a more efficient, but 30% costing, battery cell for electric vehicles. I like that. 300 million will not only inspire research by 3rd partys, but also inspire competition in this market. Competition drives innovation.

Anyway, enough about energy... lets shift to another subject.


We are in a deficit. That is obvious. We owe more money then we ever had and we have to fix this or the country is going to have problems. This is where things get complicated for me. While both candidates had plans on paper that seemed efficient, I was dumb struck when I noticed the amount of spending these two men have planned on doing. Spending on this and that and the other thing. When Obama says he is going to cut needless spending, but then speaks about how they are going to enact this, that, and the other thing with this money made from eliminating this that and the other thing, I cringe. When McCain explains his plan, I just don't see how it is going to help fill the deficit at all.

I lean towards McCain on this subject due to the fact that he has actually detailed a plan, no matter how much I don't think it'll work, for everyone to view. Obama, on the other hand, I have seen nothing but the word “Change.”

Health care (it's 2 words, god dammit!).

Once again, I have my disagreements with both. On one hand, McCain's plan calls for the 2500-5000 tax credit to help offset some of the cost for families, on the other hand, Obama has his government based cheaper co-pay and deductible plan. Both are the same route to the same end. The end being “pleasing everyone”. Health care is flawed, and I don't feel there is any fixing this at the moment. Universal Health care is definitely not the way, and I am glad we don't have Hillary preaching that anymore.


Once again, something I really don't seem to agree with either candidate/care about. Both are heading down different roads to the same city.

Border Security

Once again, 2 candidates down the same route. Both are in firm support of employer electronic verification. Very much needed. There needs to be a system in place where employers can identify illegals. Border's need to have a better system of protection to ensure they're not getting in illegally, etc. etc. etc. The differences in the candidate's stances on this are small.

Military and Defense

There were words that Obama said one night, that made me sick. He proposed a cut in defense spending. Cutting ANY, and I mean ANY funding from Military Defense is ignorant in this day and age. He may have taken his words back about this after the flack spread back at him for it, or he may have not. I am unsure of that. But I do remember watching him say those words on live TV and cringing.

Now both are actively seeking to increase the amount of people in the military. Obama has priorly estimated 60,000-75,000, and McCain has estimated a little more at around 100,000-125,000. Both are doing it for the same reason, to have more troops available and trained in order to releive stress on military families. Or so they say.

Both want to increase missile defense, work on foreign policy, etc.

This is the part that confuses me: When both are openly proposing essentially the same thing, why am I hearing the word “Draft” and “McCain” used so often in the same sentence from the democrats? I've never heard the words “I'm going to make a draft!” nor have I read them. This, my friends, I put off into the classification of standard liberal bullshit. These are the same people whom passed along emails a few years ago saying “THE BUSH PEOPLES ARE SECRETELY TRYING TO MAKE A NEW DRAFT OMG WTF BBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. Give it a break.

Anyway, I'm sick of typing for now and I have some good TV to watch. More to come tomorrow, with subjects including "Tax Reform!" and "Why my balls hurt!" and of course "Why I think Obama is a total douchebag!".

Stay tuned.

Edit: I would also like to state that I think this is my first post, EVER, on any forum, that I wrote more than 3 lines and didn't use "fuck" once. FUCK YEAH!
Eric, man, take the slap to the face rather than the boot to the jaw!

This is all rather cerebral anyway, considering most of the country won't vote based on objective facts or intelligent extrapolations, but out of loyalty and stupidity.
How so? When someone finally explains to me how my life is going to be ruined by this man, in indisputable terms, I won't vote for him. So far, nobody has succeeded, and most resort to the usual liberal banter that comes with election season. Present fact, not speculation.
Rueben already has some cogent criticisms of the man in this thread. You may call it liberal banter, but it has some power.

Your life won't be ruined, indeed it will likely soldier onwards, but it's the more general questions of military investment, foreign policy and how those two relate to the economy that McCain is interested in answering in the exactly the same manner as the current administration. It's not hard to argue it has been a bit of a disaster.

From my point of view it's about voting for who will do the least harm, and that seems to be Obama at the moment. McCain seems interested in continuing the Iraq War, which has became the most awful quagmire. He plans to continue a domestic policy that has seen the Bush administration favour big business and the rich over anyone else, and he plans to keep doing all this and still be elected precisely because so many millions would vote Republican no matter who was running. Give them token gestures and they'll be happy. Church, war, terrorism, guns, abortion. It's cynical and contrived.

Obama may stumble around a bit, but at least he has the right ideas, even if they'll never be fully implemented. He wants to fuck you less, and so even if he still ends up fucking you, he'll at least feel a little guilty about it.
From my point of view it's about voting for who will do the least harm, and that seems to be Obama at the moment. McCain seems interested in continuing the Iraq War, which has became the most awful quagmire. He plans to continue a domestic policy that has seen the Bush administration favour big business and the rich over anyone else, and he plans to keep doing all this and still be elected precisely because so many millions would vote Republican no matter who was running. Give them token gestures and they'll be happy. Church, war, terrorism, guns, abortion. It's cynical and contrived.

Obama may stumble around a bit, but at least he has the right ideas, even if they'll never be fully implemented. He wants to fuck you less, and so even if he still ends up fucking you, he'll at least feel a little guilty about it.

First: This whole "Four More Years of Bush" is the same liberal bullshit I hate. How is this determined? "McCain voted 90% with bush", So? Biden did his fair share of voting with Bush also. But apparently he's good enough to be VP under Obama! That I do not get.

As for favoring big business... Obama stated he does too. A quote from the wallstreet journal:

"Sen. Barack Obama shed new light on his economic plans for the country, saying he would rely on a heavy dose of government spending to spur growth, use the tax code to narrow the widening gap between winners and losers in the U.S. economy, and possibly back a reduction in corporate tax rates. ... Sen. Obama's nod to lowering corporate taxes comes as Republicans have been attacking him for proposals that would raise the cost of doing business, such as his pledge to raise the tax rate on capital gains, and his vow to increase the top income-tax rates, which are often used by small, unincorporated enterprises. He didn't say how deeply he would cut the rate, but said it could be trimmed in return for reducing corporate tax breaks, simplifying the tax system." (Bob Davis and Amy Chozick, "Obama Plans Spending Boost, Possible Cut In Business Tax," The Wall Street Journal, 6/17/08)"

He also voted for tax breaks for large oil companies which were included in the Bush Cheney Energy Bill. McCain actually voted against that and publicly criticized it, BTW.

As for Gun's: Who gives a shit. Anyone who is voting in this election for McCain based on gun control should use the guns they're "protecting themselves" with to shoot themselves.

As for religion: Another "so?" It wasn't McCain who's biggest problem so far has been his god damn pastor. Obama, from what i've seen, is also just as Christian as McCain. Another liberal bullshit stance, in my opinion.

War and Terrorism: Same shit's been spouted from Obama's mouth. "Protect the borders"... the only difference is Obama wants to talk more with these so called "terrorist states", something that I feel will prove ineffective, considering as children in school these people are taught to fucking hate us and not listen to a word we say as it is all anti-islamic bullshit. Talking won't be effective... pressure will.

As for abortion. Yes, McCain is anti abortion. I don't agree with that... BUT, any passing for an anti-abortion law will have to go through a lot more people than McCain. It will become a large debate in the Supreme Court and Senate and ultimately I feel that the outcome will be that the law is unconstitutional. This more depends on who our senators and supreme court justices are. Even if Obama is elected, anyone can introduce a bill for this still.

Also, McCain's economical standpoint is not the same as Bush's. More liberal bullshit to go along with this "4 more years" campaign thought up.

I thought Obama said he was going to be above using bullshit politics in this campaign? He was going to go on stage, and not be a politician or a rockstar, but a normal united states citizen. I guess that ended pretty quick, eh?!
Most of the arguements about McCain's "Anti-women's rights" are based on the following:

"He voted against requiring health care plans to cover birth control (3/22/03)."

"He voted against funding to prevent teen and unintended pregnancies (3/17/05)."

"He voted against public education for emergency contraception (3/17/05)."

And his opinions on abortion.
All of which I have to agree with aside from the Abortion stance. Firstly, what the fuck is the point of funding against teen and unintended pregnancies? Are we going to pay the public for abortions and hand out free condoms? Jesus christ, if you plan on whoring yourself out then you can pay for it yourself. Tax payers shouldn't have to pay for another having sex... Oh shit, welfare! :(

Health care plans covering birth control? Fuck that. Why the fuck do we need health care plans to cover birth control? If you wanna fuck, you can fuck, but stop asking other people to pay for your fucking.

Education on emergency contraception? Do we really need to spend money on that? Shit, here's some education: Go to a drug store, get a morning after pill, take said pill, and PUKE. Or, go to abortion clinic, have doctor do his thing, go fuck some more.

However, I do feel abortion should be available, but it is not in McCain's power to overturn Roe. Gonna need a lot more players in that game... about 270 players.

Women's rights is so bullshit anymore. They have the same fucking rights as men, and these fucking feminist cunt's description of anti-woman is "Anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as us, or anyone who doesn't want to spend more money on us". Fuck that.
Does everything have to be liberal propoganda?

Also, there is a difference in helping the economy through augmenting the way big business pays taxes, and cabals organising who is gonna be first to stick his dick in your mouth.

At best man, realise McCain is a fucking moron. How's that for adfuckinghom?