Obama's Democratic Convention Speech

I want to know how in an age where blitzkreigs are no longer possible is it that cutting military spending is a bad idea.
I want to know how in an age where blitzkreigs are no longer possible is it that cutting military spending is a bad idea.

Instead of defending against "blitzkriegs", we now have a lot worse to worry about. Namely nuclear missiles. As more countries are proactively researching more methods for nuclear destruction, we should be spending much money on methods of defense from these attacks. We have systems in place, but they're not the best we can do. We can do better and money is something that is needed to fund the research and developments in technologies needed for proper defense.
Instead of defending against "blitzkriegs", we now have a lot worse to worry about. Namely nuclear missiles. As more countries are proactively researching more methods for nuclear destruction, we should be spending much money on methods of defense from these attacks. We have systems in place, but they're not the best we can do. We can do better and money is something that is needed to fund the research and developments in technologies needed for proper defense.

right, so instead you want to spend more money in Iraq (a war that leads NO WHERE) and bring the economy even lower...

You realize what McCain has done? He now has 6 lobbyists following him around and trying to get his 'promise' to keep funding corporations (some of those are ************** companies, oil companies etc)
You know how many Obama has? ZERO.
You know why? Because he wants to illuminate the concept of "lobbying" all together in DC. If you're so "for the country" and "for the people"
you should be against giving money for corporations, and the lawyers who
help them stay in power and ruin this country.

by the way...
did you also know that McCain fought against the raise of minimum wage and voted against raising it?
Are you seriously still believing the red scare crap? Sure we can do better against a supposed attack. But the fact of the matter is that defense spending could be cut and still produce the same results. Developed nations with these weapons are in check. Undeveloped nations with these weapons could barely use them during tests, let alone a live fire mission. I still find it hard to believe scare tactics sway votes.....but they do.

right, so instead you want to spend more money in Iraq (a war that leads NO WHERE) and bring the economy even lower...

Right we could've had these defenses improved already if not for the Great Republican War.
Not so.

Some states allow those who will be 18 before the main election to vote in primaries, but you still need to be 18 before the general election. California is not one of those states, anyway.
right, so instead you want to spend more money in Iraq (a war that leads NO WHERE) and bring the economy even lower...

You realize what McCain has done? He now has 6 lobbyists following him around and trying to get his 'promise' to keep funding corporations (some of those are ************** companies, oil companies etc)
You know how many Obama has? ZERO.

How do we know this as fact? I sure haven't heard much of this else where.

You know why? Because he wants to illuminate the concept of "lobbying" all together in DC. If you're so "for the country" and "for the people"
you should be against giving money for corporations, and the lawyers who
help them stay in power and ruin this country.

I'll quote an earlier post in this topic by me:

As for favoring big business... Obama stated he does too. A quote from the wallstreet journal:

"Sen. Barack Obama shed new light on his economic plans for the country, saying he would rely on a heavy dose of government spending to spur growth, use the tax code to narrow the widening gap between winners and losers in the U.S. economy, and possibly back a reduction in corporate tax rates. ... Sen. Obama's nod to lowering corporate taxes comes as Republicans have been attacking him for proposals that would raise the cost of doing business, such as his pledge to raise the tax rate on capital gains, and his vow to increase the top income-tax rates, which are often used by small, unincorporated enterprises. He didn't say how deeply he would cut the rate, but said it could be trimmed in return for reducing corporate tax breaks, simplifying the tax system." (Bob Davis and Amy Chozick, "Obama Plans Spending Boost, Possible Cut In Business Tax," The Wall Street Journal, 6/17/08)"

He also voted for tax breaks for large oil companies which were included in the Bush Cheney Energy Bill. McCain actually voted against that and publicly criticized it, BTW.

by the way...
did you also know that McCain fought against the raise of minimum wage and voted against raising it?

In 2005. In 2007, however, he did vote yes. http://www.ontheissues.org/SenateVote/Party_2007-042.htm Many republicans had problems with the 2005 bill, of which I am not sure, but I could probably google and get the result. Once again, only half the story is let out by liberals.
Are you seriously still believing the red scare crap? Sure we can do better against a supposed attack. But the fact of the matter is that defense spending could be cut and still produce the same results. Developed nations with these weapons are in check. Undeveloped nations with these weapons could barely use them during tests, let alone a live fire mission. I still find it hard to believe scare tactics sway votes.....but they do.

I don't feel it's scare tactics. I don't even have a fear of a nuclear attack. I do feel more investment in defense technologies should be made anyway. The worst one can do is not prepare for the worst.

Right we could've had these defenses improved already if not for the Great Republican War.

Everything goes back to the Iraq War. I'm so sick of hearing about "how much harm this war has done". Look, I don't agree with it either, but I don't use it in every argument I have against something.

"My toaster isn't working"
"Well, if the republicans didn't invade Iraq it'd be working"
"How so?"
"I don't know, thats just how the world works! Don't you know?!"

And the fact that this fucking war is being brought up at this point still. I want to slap the media in the face for this. They're the ones who are not reporting efficiently that the withdrawal paper plan has been drafted and agreed upon by both parties. Granted, it is newer news, so I don't expect people to realize this for about, say, 3 years. Until then, the Iraq war will still be the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong!
So most reports are saying McCain's VP list is shortening... Romney's people said it definitely wasn't him, Pawlenty isn't even Ohio, and Palin is in Alaska some sources say (though, this is very disputed as an Air Alaska flight did arrive in Middleton, and CNBC is saying she is there and is the pick). Oh man, that leaves Palin, Liberman, Ridge, or some surprise pick. Can't wait now that it seems Romney is out of the running. I still feel that since Obama didn't pick Clinton, Palin is a sure shot to grabbing the hillary group that has defected, or considering, from the party.
Well, the military has been cutting its spending for some time now, aside from Iraq. Each service receives different amounts of money, and the AF has been literally laying off people since 2005. I almost got laid off because I was about to get out and a notice came down basically saying, "Well, since you're getting out anyway, we're gonna speed it up for you and put you out 6 months ahead of time". I panicked and fought that shit because I wanted to finish my tour of duty in Italy and get out because I had plans for the last 6 months for myself. Fortunately, the AF personnel system is fucked, so my name got lost in the system and I finished my TOD.

About a year or so ago, I heard they had been doing even more drastic measures...they were RIFTing officers just as they had done after Desert Storm. My old boss took a big fat check from the government and opted to get out. In my last year in the military, they SHUT DOWN Basic Training for about three months because they were cutting spending and numbers in the AF.

From a military standpoint, cutting spending was never a problem for us; it was the whole "do more with less" that we had been doing since the end of Bush/beginning of Clinton that we were sick of. We had half the people and were doing twice the work and that still continues today. Just because a Republican is in the White House doesn't mean the military is going to be better off. I remember Clinton and how many people despised him in the military because he cut many military programs and stuff, but since Bush has been in office we haven't seen any improvement...if anything it has been worse.

Point in all of this is that just because a candidate is a Republican doesn't necessarily mean he's going to improve the quality of life and funding for R&D and employment of the military. Most of it depends on foreign policy. We honestly didn't mind going to Kuwait for 4 months every year, even though it kinda sucked during Clinton's reign. But when you have a bad foreign policy combined with the most powerful military in the world, it can spell disaster. Most of this "military spending" everyone's talking about is related to things like housing, pay raises, and R&D. It's not like we didn't have any radars when we deployed downrange or anything. If you cut military spending, we'll still have the F-22, there will still be funding for the JSF, the missile shield will still be in place, we'll still have forces all over the world, etc. Cutting military spending isn't going to close any bases or anything...it will just be more of "do more with less". I for one don't want military spending cut; I would rather see a healthy foreign policy because if you have that, you don't need to raise the pay of military members or build tons of new houses. People will be happy with what they have if you just let them have it and not send them downrange for 6 months to a year at a time.

The Iraq War will end when the Iraqi leaders tell us to go home. If there is a candidate who would argue with their government leaders when they tell us to go home, he should be punched in the nose and fired. It's time to let the world lead their own lives and let them wallow in their own shit and ask for help from someone else for a change.
Well, the military has been cutting its spending for some time now, aside from Iraq. Each service receives different amounts of money, and the AF has been literally laying off people since 2005. I almost got laid off because I was about to get out and a notice came down basically saying, "Well, since you're getting out anyway, we're gonna speed it up for you and put you out 6 months ahead of time". I panicked and fought that shit because I wanted to finish my tour of duty in Italy and get out because I had plans for the last 6 months for myself. Fortunately, the AF personnel system is fucked, so my name got lost in the system and I finished my TOD.

About a year or so ago, I heard they had been doing even more drastic measures...they were RIFTing officers just as they had done after Desert Storm. My old boss took a big fat check from the government and opted to get out. In my last year in the military, they SHUT DOWN Basic Training for about three months because they were cutting spending and numbers in the AF.

From a military standpoint, cutting spending was never a problem for us; it was the whole "do more with less" that we had been doing since the end of Bush/beginning of Clinton that we were sick of. We had half the people and were doing twice the work and that still continues today. Just because a Republican is in the White House doesn't mean the military is going to be better off. I remember Clinton and how many people despised him in the military because he cut many military programs and stuff, but since Bush has been in office we haven't seen any improvement...if anything it has been worse.

Point in all of this is that just because a candidate is a Republican doesn't necessarily mean he's going to improve the quality of life and funding for R&D and employment of the military. Most of it depends on foreign policy. We honestly didn't mind going to Kuwait for 4 months every year, even though it kinda sucked during Clinton's reign. But when you have a bad foreign policy combined with the most powerful military in the world, it can spell disaster. Most of this "military spending" everyone's talking about is related to things like housing, pay raises, and R&D. It's not like we didn't have any radars when we deployed downrange or anything. If you cut military spending, we'll still have the F-22, there will still be funding for the JSF, the missile shield will still be in place, we'll still have forces all over the world, etc. Cutting military spending isn't going to close any bases or anything...it will just be more of "do more with less". I for one don't want military spending cut; I would rather see a healthy foreign policy because if you have that, you don't need to raise the pay of military members or build tons of new houses. People will be happy with what they have if you just let them have it and not send them downrange for 6 months to a year at a time.

I can see where you're coming from there, and have not a real good response for it. Personally, I don't feel that military spending has been cut so much as it has been diverted to the wrong efforts. But that discussion is for another day.

The Iraq War will end when the Iraqi leaders tell us to go home. If there is a candidate who would argue with their government leaders when they tell us to go home, he should be punched in the nose and fired. It's time to let the world lead their own lives and let them wallow in their own shit and ask for help from someone else for a change.

2011. The paperwork is all done. Iraqi and US have agreed upon that by the end of 2011 everyone will be out of Iraq. I don't feel there will be any arguments with this from a future candidate, as the Iraqi's were pretty adamant on this contract. This agreement and contract has been pushed out of the news for more "interesting" subjects. :lol:
Oh man... Major talk that it's going to be Palin. Come on Palin! I've actually got 20 bucks on her over in Wendover friends pool, haha. 6/1 odds on her.
I have no idea...

Edit: I did a quick search. It seem's he's just computer illiterate and his wife has to deal with most of his internet related shit.