Official Deadwing Appreciation Thread

I'll get this out of the way first, 'cause it's bothering me (although it's not my business):

"ps. Oh lyric understanding genius, you spelt 'damn' wrong. *smiles sweetly*" -the_3_toed_sloth

You do realize that 'dem' wasn't meant to mean 'damn', right? Read what he said again. Dem = THEM
...although 'dem/them... opeth fans' still isn't correct. ~_~

Anyway, I just got Deadwing today, and I have to say that I like it much better than In Absentia, which, with the exception of about three songs, never did much at all for me. I find this to be a much more interesting album, and overall better. I'm pleased.
[onyx] said:
That's not a show, it's from As Good As It Gets. Jack Nicholson can deliver lines so well. :)

Oh, I thought NFU guessed correctly that my quote was from Deadwood. It sounds like something Swearingen would say. But I stand by my statement. Deadwood is the best show on TV, at least until The Sopranos comes back.
who has time for apostrophes??

you get the message. YOUR you're you;re UR, its all the same you know what i mean. but ill give it to you, nice comeback. always the safe route to criticize punctuation, when you just got pwned!
zakk wylde child laiho said:
who has time for apostrophes??

you get the message. YOUR you're you;re UR, its all the same you know what i mean. but ill give it to you, nice comeback. always the safe route to criticize punctuation, when you just got pwned!

Shut the hell up.
T3hLep4rAffinity said:
I love how In Absentia is suddenly the only PT album that ever came out.

As I'm fairly new to Opeth, same with PT. I have all Opeth, but not nearly all PT, just IA and "Lightbulb Sun" awhile ago(now DW of course). So I can't compare to any of the earlier stuff yet. LS is growing on me nicely as I'm sure "Deadwing" will, but so far IA is the best of those for me. Will possibly change though.

zakk wylde child laiho said:
who has time for apostrophes??

you get the message. YOUR you're you;re UR, its all the same you know what i mean. but ill give it to you, nice comeback. always the safe route to criticize punctuation, when you just got pwned!
actually "UR" just makes you sound like a jackass. K? :Smug:
IA > Deadwing

Open Car is a very weak track. The Start of Something Beautiful has a weak chorus. Shallow is mediocre. Halo is barely above mediocre. The other songs are great but they can't pull it ahead of IA.