Official video game thread - what are you playing?!

Conker's Bad Fur Day
Darksiders 2
Diablo via console
How's the control scheme for console D3? I played a lot of the PC release. I also played the original Diablo's release on PS, which I wouldn't really recommend to anyone due to the controls.
How's the control scheme for console D3? I played a lot of the PC release. I also played the original Diablo's release on PS, which I wouldn't really recommend to anyone due to the controls.

Can't really complain, was a little bit weird but when you know everything they're actually good imo.
It's too bad that Nintendo was stupid and did such a limited release that the game is really rare.

We were lucky to even GET a release, limited or otherwise! If I recall, Nintendo had no plans to even release Xenoblade Chronicles in North America, until this huge petition drive somehow miraculously convinced Nintendo to rethink their position and release it, even if it basically was just a repackaged European version. It was the same thing with The Last Story and Pandora's Tower.

BTW, I did a quick look on Amazon and I cannot believe that there is a seller asking friggan $200 for a copy! However, I also did a quick search on Gamestop and they are asking $80 a copy there. I guess this game is getting harder to find. Glad I bought mine on a pre-order back when it was initially released to the US and only paid $45 for it. Did not realize that Nintendo did such a limited release of it. However, I swore I saw a copy at the local Best Buy fairly recently and they were only asking like $30 or so for it, and thinking "Damn, that would be an awesome deal for somebody that has not played that yet". May have to go back and look again to see if I was not just imagining things or if there are at least still copies there. A quick search on Best Buy's website turned up only a very vague "Xenoblade" for Wii U with a pre-order of $60. Is that suggesting that there is another Xenoblade game coming for the Wii U, or are they planning on just re-releasing the original Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii U? Will have to research that some more, as if there is a new Xenoblade game coming for the Wii U, I will definitely want to check it out.
We were lucky to even GET a release, limited or otherwise! If I recall, Nintendo had no plans to even release Xenoblade Chronicles in North America, until this huge petition drive somehow miraculously convinced Nintendo to rethink their position and release it, even if it basically was just a repackaged European version. It was the same thing with The Last Story and Pandora's Tower.

BTW, I did a quick look on Amazon and I cannot believe that there is a seller asking friggan $200 for a copy! However, I also did a quick search on Gamestop and they are asking $80 a copy there. I guess this game is getting harder to find. Glad I bought mine on a pre-order back when it was initially released to the US and only paid $45 for it. Did not realize that Nintendo did such a limited release of it. However, I swore I saw a copy at the local Best Buy fairly recently and they were only asking like $30 or so for it, and thinking "Damn, that would be an awesome deal for somebody that has not played that yet". May have to go back and look again to see if I was not just imagining things or if there are at least still copies there. A quick search on Best Buy's website turned up only a very vague "Xenoblade" for Wii U with a pre-order of $60. Is that suggesting that there is another Xenoblade game coming for the Wii U, or are they planning on just re-releasing the original Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii U? Will have to research that some more, as if there is a new Xenoblade game coming for the Wii U, I will definitely want to check it out.

Nintendo was really stupid though about this game. First of all, their failure to not put it out after so long even though it had already been localized for Europe made no sense at all. Second of all, when they did put it out (in a very sleazy, un-Nintendo like exclusive deal with Gamestop), it sold better in North America than Japan and Europe COMBINED.

As for Wii U - Monolith Soft is working on a game called "X" that is likely in that universe. Of note though, the "X" in the title has the same font as the "X" in Xenogears. ;)
Nintendo was really stupid though about this game. First of all, their failure to not put it out after so long even though it had already been localized for Europe made no sense at all. Second of all, when they did put it out (in a very sleazy, un-Nintendo like exclusive deal with Gamestop), it sold better in North America than Japan and Europe COMBINED.

The Gamestop exclusive is because they were footing part of the bill in getting it over here. To be honest, I could understand Nintendo's reluctance, since JRPGs aren't generally high volume products and even with it success it doesn't do the numbers a Mario game does, for example. It was very successful for what it is, but probably not for a typical Nintendo title. (Which is why "The Last Story" and "Pandora's Tower" were licensed out to XSEED.)

With all the talk about GTA5 lately, I've gotten around to firing up GTA4 on my PC. I think I'm beginning to understand the problems people were having with the game.
The Gamestop exclusive is because they were footing part of the bill in getting it over here. To be honest, I could understand Nintendo's reluctance, since JRPGs aren't generally high volume products and even with it success it doesn't do the numbers a Mario game does, for example. It was very successful for what it is, but probably not for a typical Nintendo title. (Which is why "The Last Story" and "Pandora's Tower" were licensed out to XSEED.)

With all the talk about GTA5 lately, I've gotten around to firing up GTA4 on my PC. I think I'm beginning to understand the problems people were having with the game.

Yeah I'm aware of the situation. It's just really lazy and wasn't well thought out. And on top of all of that, Nintendo would have made alot more money if it put those titles out normally.

That being said, seems as though Nintendo learned from its mistakes in a big way - especially given that they themselves are running Dragonquest X's servers in the US, publishing Bravely Default here when Square Enix refused to do so, and will actually be releasing "X" here.
ok....looking for recommendations for something for PS3. I love strategy games and RPG's. I love stuff like Civilization, the original Fallout games for PC and loved Skyrim. I am at a loss right now for finding anything interesting. Would love a good wargame strategy. any one?
just looked this up....this will be my next game!

I am reading reviews on amazon and it seems like there are people who's disc gets locked in the PS3. Plus lots of bugs...did you have any issues? this game sounds exactly what I have been looking for...anymore like this you can recommend?
just looked this up....this will be my next game!

I am reading reviews on amazon and it seems like there are people who's disc gets locked in the PS3. Plus lots of bugs...did you have any issues? this game sounds exactly what I have been looking for...anymore like this you can recommend?

I never had the game, and never heard of those bugs man. As for other games like that - uhh idk! :X
^ Oh, I guess Final Fantasy Tactics would be up your alley as well and I'm pretty sure it's on the PSN for cheap.