Official video game thread - what are you playing?!

I am perpetually a few years behind on my technology - just got a PS3 this summer when PS4 got announced, so I can get games cheaper and also discover which games frequently appear on "best of" lists and restrict my playing to what are supposed to be the really good games. So far, I've played Portal 2, Bioshock, Journey, and most recently finished Dead Space. Now I'm trying Mass Effect 2. I know this is supposed to be a good one, but so far it's "shoot a couple of mechs then listen to people blab on for minutes on end ... repeat". Maybe it will pick up the pace soon.

ok....looking for recommendations for something for PS3. I love strategy games and RPG's. I love stuff like Civilization, the original Fallout games for PC and loved Skyrim. I am at a loss right now for finding anything interesting. Would love a good wargame strategy. any one?

^ Oh, I guess Final Fantasy Tactics would be up your alley as well and I'm pretty sure it's on the PSN for cheap.

If FFT is up your alley then check out the Disgaea series. The strategery is strong in them, and they're RPGs.
Diabolik - if you like strategy RPGs, Disgaea is a great series.. Disgaea D2 just came out for PS3 .. Disgaea 4 came out last year and can be found at GameStop for $19.99 new.

Edit: Totally missed Mardoch already recommending this. :). Valkyria Chronicles is good, but not sure how easy it would be to find a copy, since it's a few years old now.
Rocksmith 2014. When my fingers get too sore I might play AC3 for a bit, but 95% of the time my Xbox is on its for RS2014.
Diabolik - if you like strategy RPGs, Disgaea is a great series.. Disgaea D2 just came out for PS3 .. Disgaea 4 came out last year and can be found at GameStop for $19.99 new.

Edit: Totally missed Mardoch already recommending this. :). Valkyria Chronicles is good, but not sure how easy it would be to find a copy, since it's a few years old now.

It shouldn't be difficult to find used copies at Gamestop.

It's a mix of old school D&D mixed with Magic : The Gathering. Instead of having character sheets, you pull from your deck to attack/move/defend etc. It's free to play and I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

It's a mix of old school D&D mixed with Magic : The Gathering. Instead of having character sheets, you pull from your deck to attack/move/defend etc. It's free to play and I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

That certainly sounds intriguing. Will check that out sometime for sure.

In addition to League of Legends still I was successfully pestered into getting Path of Exile by my little brother. It's clearly got D2 at its heart, but there's a lot of very successful innovation wrapping that core ideal to make it completely its own and very good as its own entity. If you like D2 and free games (yes, it's both very good, non-nagging micro-transactions, and very good!) definitely check it out. I've got it on Steam and it's been quite enjoyable thus far.
Diabolik - if you like strategy RPGs, Disgaea is a great series.. Disgaea D2 just came out for PS3 .. Disgaea 4 came out last year and can be found at GameStop for $19.99 new.

Edit: Totally missed Mardoch already recommending this. :). Valkyria Chronicles is good, but not sure how easy it would be to find a copy, since it's a few years old now.
thanks...looking into this now
Finished Mass EFfect 3 Citadel DLC, Beyond Two Souls, GTA V & The Last of Us in 2013. Trying to get Arkham Origins done before the PS4 arrives.
I just picked up Assassin's Creed 4 and Killzone - Shadow Fall from Best Buy.. now I just have to wait til my daughter and son-in-law pick up my PS4 at the midnight release Thursday night.

It's good to have minions. ;-)

It's a mix of old school D&D mixed with Magic : The Gathering. Instead of having character sheets, you pull from your deck to attack/move/defend etc. It's free to play and I'm enjoying the heck out of it.
Awesome! I stopped playing Dungeon Robber once I got a king. This looks like it will keep me entertained a lot longer.
I do see the new version coming out in a few weeks....may wait for it and get the new one!! still thanks for the suggestion.

I've only played the earlier XCOM games on the PC, but was advised by a coworker to skip that particular game. Both because of lots of user interface glitches, but also because it just wasn't very good.
DOTA2 is a bitch to learn. I keep playing the bots and thinking, "Ok. I think I'm getting the hang of this." Then I try again at one level higher difficulty and fail miserably. I can't last hit to save my toon's life. I love the Death Prophet's (my toon of choice) ulti though.

After two months of Dota2, I finally feel like I'm pretty good at one of a 103 characters(Lich), and ok at two others (Lina and Lion). Yeah, I have a lot of work to do still, but it's still a fun game.

I've found that playing against hard bots is nearly impossible, their AI is too good without a team of direct counters, they time everything too perfectly, and never split off into two groups.

Playing in the pub game area is really the way to go, you learn from your mistakes and the other sides as well. Occasionally there are assholes, but they are pretty few and far between.
Im at work with my PS4 sitting on my desk, trying to clear a few things up so I can fire it up and waste the rest of the day.. :)
I've only played the earlier XCOM games on the PC, but was advised by a coworker to skip that particular game. Both because of lots of user interface glitches, but also because it just wasn't very good.

While XCOM: Enemy Unknown has its flaws, I think it is ultimately successful at what it set out to do: replicate the feel of the original X-Com. If you expect it to play like the original, you are going to be disappointed, but it works very well for what it is. Personally, I recommend it, and I'm looking forward to the new expansion.
I don't play anything really "new". The last few games I've played:

Supreme Commander (PC)
Knights of the Old Republic (PC)
X-Men Legends II (PS2)
Dragon Warrior 4 (NES/emulator)
Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)