Official video game thread - what are you playing?!

Well, remember that JRPGs not called Final Fantasy are niche products in this country. Also, generally Nintendo doesn't have much experience with JRPGs. (and no, Zelda isn't a JRPG.)

I actually disagree. I would have agreed with you even 3 years ago. However, if you look at the data, JRPGs are actually making a comeback. Look at Ni No Kuni selling over a million units in North America (a huge achievement for a PS3 exclusive title), and Tales Of Xillia getting such strong pre-orders Namco greenlighted localizing Xillia 2. I would dare say that if anything, the Final Fantasy brand is actually in trouble after 14, and medicore sales worldwide from 13-2. There's a reason though why they announced FF 15 in the US before anyone else (of note - SE announced its original title, FF 13 Versus in Japan in 2006 - so that shows you how far things have come) - because there's definitely some sort of resurgence in the genre in the US. I attribute it to Skyrim. I think the success of that game got people back into RPGs in a big way, and JRPGs got sucked in with the success. Just my 2 cents though.

Not to mention Nintendo getting cozy with Atlus, working out international publishing deals for their games and of course the upcoming SMT/Fire Emblem crossover for the WiiU.

Well, Atlus does its own publishing in the US and has been doing so for many many years. As a matter of fact, that's what many consider the bulk of the company's profits, because Atlus USA doesn't spend that much on localization or marketing, so they make more profit in the aggregate than SE.
I actually disagree. I would have agreed with you even 3 years ago. However, if you look at the data, JRPGs are actually making a comeback. Look at Ni No Kuni selling over a million units in North America (a huge achievement for a PS3 exclusive title), and Tales Of Xillia getting such strong pre-orders Namco greenlighted localizing Xillia 2. I would dare say that if anything, the Final Fantasy brand is actually in trouble after 14, and medicore sales worldwide from 13-2. There's a reason though why they announced FF 15 in the US before anyone else (of note - SE announced its original title, FF 13 Versus in Japan in 2006 - so that shows you how far things have come) - because there's definitely some sort of resurgence in the genre in the US. I attribute it to Skyrim. I think the success of that game got people back into RPGs in a big way, and JRPGs got sucked in with the success. Just my 2 cents though.

While the bloom is off of Final Fantasy this generation, 13-2 still sold about 3 million units worldwide, which is much greater than any of these games. Also, those games you mentioned came out after Xenoblade Chronicles. Before, other than FF13, it was pretty dismal for JRPGs this generation.

Well, Atlus does its own publishing in the US and has been doing so for many many years. As a matter of fact, that's what many consider the bulk of the company's profits, because Atlus USA doesn't spend that much on localization or marketing, so they make more profit in the aggregate than SE.

It is going to be interesting to see what happens to Atlus after being bought by Sega. I'm hoping they are allowed to do their stuff, but they could easily be eaten up by Sega.
While the bloom is off of Final Fantasy this generation, 13-2 still sold about 3 million units worldwide, which is much greater than any of these games. Also, those games you mentioned came out after Xenoblade Chronicles. Before, other than FF13, it was pretty dismal for JRPGs this generation.

Yeah, I think this gen started out bad for JRPGs, but it definitely ended on a high note, with games like Xenoblade, Ni No Kuni, The Last Story, Tales of Xillia, SMT4, and with Bravely Default (which, sidenote, came out in Europe already and is getting rave reviews over there!) in February, Drakengard 3, Persona 5, and Xillia 2 next year - and that's not counting some of the excellent HD collections that are either out now or are coming out. While we haven't seen too much in the way of next gen JRPG stuff - FF15 looks phenominal, and the team behind it is the Square Enix old guard responsible for the 90's classics, and Kingdom Hearts III also looks great.

It is going to be interesting to see what happens to Atlus after being bought by Sega. I'm hoping they are allowed to do their stuff, but they could easily be eaten up by Sega.

Keep in mind that Index/Atlus was purchased by Sega/Sammy Holdings and not Sega alone. So that really means the purchase is more of a branding thing, and less of a corporate overhaul like what Warner did with Roadrunner (for example). Of course, a purchase is a purchase, so if Sega wanted to lay off everyone at Atlus and regulate the company in every way possible, it has that right - but I doubt the shareholders care if Sega/Sammy is talking about protecting and promoting the Atlus brand.
While the bloom is off of Final Fantasy this generation, 13-2 still sold about 3 million units worldwide, which is much greater than any of these games. Also, those games you mentioned came out after Xenoblade Chronicles. Before, other than FF13, it was pretty dismal for JRPGs this generation.

It is going to be interesting to see what happens to Atlus after being bought by Sega. I'm hoping they are allowed to do their stuff, but they could easily be eaten up by Sega.

For the first point, the best selling JRPG games this generation were not Final Fantasy, they were Pokemon.

For the second, the only thing Sega is going to do to Atlus is offer them their resources to help make games. They aren't going to change them or force them to make the games Sega wants them to make.
For the first point, the best selling JRPG games this generation were not Final Fantasy, they were Pokemon.

In his defense, he didn't say that FF was the best selling JRPG series this gen, and also Pokemon is kind of its own thing in terms of the marketplace. Its target is children, even IF it's accessible to older players as well -- so it doesn't really ever have any baring on the sales of other JRPGs.

For the second, the only thing Sega is going to do to Atlus is offer them their resources to help make games. They aren't going to change them or force them to make the games Sega wants them to make.

That's what they said, but like I noted as well, Sega/Sammy has every right to completely strip away Atlus and spin it off as something else if they wanted to. They own the brand and the company.
I got a Hearthstone invite from a friend not too long ago and I've been playing around with that. It's like...Magic for people who can't be bothered with the wtfcomplex ruleset. It's pretty enjoyable. I'll probably pick it up when it gets released to have something quick to play with friends.
For the first point, the best selling JRPG games this generation were not Final Fantasy, they were Pokemon.

I was mostly speaking about home consoles. Portables have actually been where to play JRPGs in this generation.

For the second, the only thing Sega is going to do to Atlus is offer them their resources to help make games. They aren't going to change them or force them to make the games Sega wants them to make.

Well, the hope is that Sega doesn't mess with a good thing and let them continue to do what they do. Maybe even leverage Atlus USA to bring over some of the stuff they haven't localized. (Valkyria Chronicles 3, for example) But, as with any sale, nothing is guaranteed. IMO, what is most at risk is Atlus USA's operation, which Sega might end up thinking it is redundant with Sega's own localization team and publishing.
I was mostly speaking about home consoles. Portables have actually been where to play JRPGs in this generation.

Well, the hope is that Sega doesn't mess with a good thing and let them continue to do what they do. Maybe even leverage Atlus USA to bring over some of the stuff they haven't localized. (Valkyria Chronicles 3, for example) But, as with any sale, nothing is guaranteed. IMO, what is most at risk is Atlus USA's operation, which Sega might end up thinking it is redundant with Sega's own localization team and publishing.

An interview I read from Sega's president said they would love for Atlus to do things with Sega's dead franchises (from Famitsu interview):

"It must be reassuring to have added a group capable of making great RPG titles.

Tsurumi: While we have no intention of forcing this, we’d definitely love to have them utilize any of Sega’s dormant IPs."

and yes, Atlus needs to take some time to bring Valkyria Chronicles 3 over.
All this talk about JRPGs....

Speaking of which, I have just recently started playing Ys : Memories of Celceta on my PS Vita. That is turning out to be a really good game. Most use my PS Vita has finally gotten as of late.
I finally beat 7th Sage (SNES from 1993) on Christmas Eve. That game is unfairly difficult, and the ending is among the top 5 worst I've ever seen. Buy I still enjoy it. I must be fucked in the head.

My emulated gaming has moved on to Golden Sun (GBA), which, so far, is pretty sweet.
Finished Bioshock Infinite, started on Dishonored at the strong suggestion of a couple friends. Getting stuck/frustrated fairly regularly because I have never been any good at stealth...
Oof, not to shit on your purchases or anything, but be wary of that Castlevania game. It's nothing like the classics or even the DS games. It's made by Mercurysteam - not by Iga, who did all the games in the series since Symphony of the Night.
Oof, not to shit on your purchases or anything, but be wary of that Castlevania game. It's nothing like the classics or even the DS games. It's made by Mercurysteam - not by Iga, who did all the games in the series since Symphony of the Night.

Really? The reviews were decent and the price was good ($15 new), so I figure I'm not risking much.