Official "What did you do today?" Thread

Caelestia said:
now my ass is sore but it's alright

Dare I ask? :D j/k

Today: when not working, sleeping. Reading the manual for the recording software that I got (Magix Music Studio - nothing fancy; just wanted something for demos). Need to price a DVD burner for the computer so I don't use up all my hard drive space using it.
All true, 'cept your arse it not lazy. It's fine.

Sat here. ALL day. On MY LAZY ARSE. Browsing forums, playing HL2, downloading anime. etc etc etc.

Thank god for days off.
Caelestia said:
woke early (for me), went to gym with friend, did my best not to embarrass myself, hung out by the pool, walked around the mall, bought a jacket, came home, napped. now my ass is sore but it's alright, i have some tea :)
Omg i want a day like that *so jealous*

I woke up an hour ago, had some breakfast with the dogs and wondered where everyone is, made the bed and then checked my email.
Worked. All day. Well, not ALL day, it was only a Sunday. Short shift. But did at least a full days work, that's why I'm covered in sweat. :erk:

Time for a shower.
I woke up, got dressed, made the bed and had breakfast, had a couple of short phonecalls with my boyfriend and my dad, packed my stuff and left. Then i went to the railway station by subway and then got on the train and my mom picked me up at the train station here. I went to a shop to buy some food, came home and hugged my pets a lot :) Now i'm going to eat..*starving*
Got up struggled out of bed ,feeling sick,found out i have a teriblle flu.
Didn't work.
Made a new avvy (hope spike is not mad about it?) wich took a lot of time.
now i'm gonna fix food for the family.
Goiing early to bed again.
Woken up by a stupid car alarm at 2:00 in the morning. Didn't go back to sleep till 4:00. Then official woke up at 9:30 am. Worked, drove, bought food, went to the bank, recycled cans, bottles, and plastic, cooked spaghetti, placed an order for the limited edition of Kreator's EoG album, installed Linux on the laptop, now I'm getting tired.
I woke up and had breakfast, played corona, watched TV, played on the computer, took my boyfriend home, played on the computer some more, watched TV, talked to a friend on MSN, aand now I'm listening to music and missing people.
woke up
walked around outside during superbowl cause i frankly dont give a rats ass aboot it
crahsed at my friends place - played games, played his bass
came home, got on comp
now im here