The Official Food Thread

image.jpeg The wife and I (I 'helped') made Mexican lasagna. Tortillas instead of pasta sheets. chilli, bean, veg, mince mix instead of pasta sauce. Sour cream and cheese instead of bechamel sauce. Lots of cheese on top and bung it in the oven. When it's cooked, more sour cream on top and hot sauces. All sorts of awesome.
My wife does something similar. She covers the top in cheddar cheese and green onion to make it look a little more presentable.
Some Salmon with lemon and butter, I had the melted butter off to the side, I like to dip my salmon in it. I made this using the sous vide technique, if your familiar with it, I set my water bath to 125 degrees, and let my salmon cook in that with lemon slices and some cracked pepper for 40 minutes. Turned out really amazing, but I have to admit it doesn't look all that good lol. But it was nice and flaky, very moist.

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I find the seeds of chilies to be rather tasty. Especially bird's eye chilies, they're reasonably hot. I know, I'm a scrub, but maybe one day I'll be worthy of trying the famed Carolina Reaper pizza. I hear that some people have almost died from eating it. Sounds fun to me.
Just went full fuckhead on my Sunday solo mega breakfast and inadvertently invented "The Blood Bomblette™" as the only vegetables we had left were spring onion and chillis. GREAT SUCCESS.


3 x eggs
2 x Spring onion stalks
2 x decent size chillis (I used 1 x red and 1 x green for aesthetic purposes because I'm trying to impress myself)
5 x slices of chorizo
3 x slices of hot Hungarian salami
Bunch of leg ham
2 x slices of good fucking sourdough
Grated cheese
Couple of slices of tomato
Assorted sauces and crap found around the kitchen


Stand about in the kitchen looking flummoxed and make coffee.
Put frypan on high heat with visions of awesome veggie and chorizo omelette. Inspect contents of fridge. Groan and pull out the 2 stalks of spring onion and chop up. Also chop up the 2 chillis that you found.
Crack the 3 eggs into a suitable receptacle. Add some milk, some Worcestershire sauce and salt & pepper. Then for some reason known only to the Gods add enough paprika that the whole mixture goes red. Beat the fucking shit out of it with a fork.
Throw the spring onion and chilli into the pan.
Grab the chorizo, salami and ham from the fridge and throw them in there also.
Fry for a couple of minutes then add egg mix.
Grate a bunch of cheese all over it.
Turn heat right down and leave.
Toast bread and slather it in ajva and avocado and a couple of slices of tomato.
When ready flip the bomblette in half using your fucking super foodie skills and fry a bit longer.
Bung it on the toast with a liberal sploshing of Fight Sauce (spicy smoked tomato and jalapeno sauce that my mate makes, it's fucking great) or Sriracha or something.
Serve with a Bloody Mary for full metal glory.

i've never had surstromming but i'm willing to try it. i like some pungent things. is it similar to anchovies? i like anchovies.

The only thing pungent is the brine the fish is preserved in; the fish itself is mostly a bit salty. The only reason people put up puking videos on Youtube is because they have no idea how to eat it. If you tried to eat a salmon by sticking the fish into your mouth and chewing it you would puke too. You're supposed to clean out the meat and have it on a plate/sandwich with potatoes, onions and sourcream.