The Official Food Thread

Today for lunch I have an entire bag (4 servings but who's counting) of steam-in-bag assorted vegetables plus a couple handfuls of spring mix with chicken and dumplings pan-fried in sesame oil slathered in a peanut butter/chili oil/sesame sauce I made, plus a plain 2% Fage Greek yogurt, 1/4 pint blueberries, and two hard boiled eggs.
Sounds good except for the peanut butter stuff. I'm allergic to that shit lol.

For dinner, I had a big-ass chicken-fried steak with a shitload of gravy and mashed potatoes, with some steamed vegetables. All this = awesome :kickass:
Jesus, my favorite thread ever!
Here you go, bitches! Photos from yesterday.

blueberry jam + nuts\honey cookies


toast with feta and baked tomato


PS: it's painful not to eat all of that after taking photos though...
PPS: I demand Laura to take photos of what she eats next time!
i meant that pasta = bread and pizza = bread.
Its like driving a car inside your car so you can drive your car while driving a car
Oh i get it lol. It's awesome and you should try it.

Anyone dipped french fries in mashed potatoes? It's redundant, but it's awesome :kickass:

Anyway, I cook all the time. I can make a super badass chili. It involves chorizo sausage and you can't go wrong there. Plus I'm just good at making stuff off the fly. I make my own curry dishes regularly because Indian/Indian styled food kicks unreal amounts of ass.

As of late though I made some Lasagna using my own homemade sauce, it ruled. Unfortunately my girlfriend won't eat anything spicier than a banana, so I had to tone it down a bit, but normally I put some crushed red pepper in there to add a nice zip.

Also I'm a huge fan of Asian cuisine. Mostly Thai, but I also love Chinese and Japanese.