oh shit I'm hungover thread.....

I think there's about 9 "shit I'm wasted" threads, and this is probably the first "consequences" thread.

Hangovers are teh ghey.
That fat girl makes me sad.

FUCK. My head hurts. At least I found my keys and my wallet, and my cell phone is somewhere in here because I can hear it ring, but I don't know where.

Last night was bad. Bad bad. I have to go crap again.
I got in at 3am from Opeth. I was hammering down Guinness, and then Heineken all night. Still can't believe we live in a city where a small can of Heineken costs $6.

Anyway, the kid woke me up at 7am and I've been awake since. Word of advice to anyone wanting to write reviews whilst lacking sleep and slightly hungover - don't bother. Watch mindless tv instead, like what I've got on in the background: Toy Story 2.
Should have made this thread about 12 hours ago. I had a nasty little hangover from crashing a random Swedish dude's party. It was fun. Got taken halfway home in the boot of a car.

Now? I am still drinking but have no fags :mad: guys, post lots and distract me, else I will go apeshit!
Now? I am still drinking but have no fags
i know what you really mean ... but still this is fucking funny ... especially in the "I was wasted and have no idea what I did" context. :D :D :D

God damn, I've been taking 20 minutes naps between countless hours of The Simpsons DVDs all day. Now I'm going to eat frozen pizza. Score.
lurch70 said:
i know what you really mean ... but still this is fucking funny ... especially in the "I was wasted and have no idea what I did" context. :D :D :D
:Spin: :lol: It's a fair cop. I'm gonna scab some £ off mummy now and have a :Smokin:
I woke up this morning fully clothed in bed with no recollection of how I got there... last thing I remember is being at a rock club in Wolverhampton, having a couple of girls arguing over who was going to wear my baseball cap, then headbanging and air-guitaring to Machine Head 'Imperium' violently enough to douse another girl with the contents of my Newcastle Brown Ale bottle.
Even though I just had a nice moderate buzz last night, I feel like shit today.

At least I get to enjoy it at work as opposed to wasting a Saturday!
I didn't even get that drunk last night, was plenty sober by the time I came home, but FUCK ME I have a bad hangover. This blows. Oh well, 8/10 times I drink I don't get a hangover, I suppose I've earned one.
Yep. But this thread started almost a year ago, I've drank a lot more than 8 times since it began. :loco:
Yeah if I had one beer right now I'd feel great. I don't like to do the hair of the dog thingy though, getting into that habit leads to alcoholism. Course in college I just bypassed that by getting drunk two nights in a row. Every time I feel guilty about drinking too much I just remember those days and I feel better about myself. :loco:

silly > many other words