OK Anthrax fanboys...I got a lead on the new singer..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
OK, you ready?? My sources tell me that Corey Taylor from Slipknot is singing for them. Why you ask? I have no Idea. I remember Scott Ian telling me that SLIPKNOT was the worst shit he ever heard. But then again It makes sense because Scott is a slime ball who would do anything for money. Funny choice of a singer. A death blow to the Anthrax fanboys..
Remember, this is from the inner circle of the shithrax camp.

Anthrax are offically a NU metal band wagon band.

I personally think its pretty lame, but Anthrax are lame.
Anthrax fanboys UNITED.. hahha WWWWWAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

let's see If once again I am right, like always

This shit is just too funny. I'll listen to it...but i will never ever put another dime in their pockets again.
OK, you ready?? My sources tell me that Corey Taylor from Slipknot is singing for them. Why you ask? I have no Idea. I remember Scott Ian telling me that SLIPKNOT was the worst shit he ever heard. But then again It makes sense because Scott is a slime ball who would do anything for money. Funny choice of a singer. A death blow to the Anthrax fanboys..
Remember, this is from the inner circle of the shithrax camp.

Anthrax are offically a NU metal band wagon band.

I personally think its pretty lame, but Anthrax are lame.
Anthrax fanboys UNITED.. hahha WWWWWAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

let's see If once again I am right, like always

yeahh!!!!!!!!!!!! corey taylor is a great singer!!!:headbang:

thanks billy!!!
Gerardomosh I could not disagree more! Why are you so concerned about Anthrax since you hate them so much? Let Metal be Metal!!! THey seem to allways come through when it counts!:kickass:
They suck...who cares? I think they should get Corey Feldman...he could put on some slick Whacko Jacko moves and wow the geriatric fans.

Does Nu Metal even exist anymore?

That pic must be the Spandex Enormity! "A fat guy ate my hot dogs!"
They suck...who cares? I think they should get Corey Feldman...he could put on some slick Whacko Jacko moves and wow the geriatric fans.

Does Nu Metal even exist anymore?

That pic must be the Spandex Enormity! "A fat guy ate my hot dogs!"

Corey Feldman would be awesome! I might listen to them. Last time I listened to Anthrax was when some poser gave me a dubbed tape of some shitty album they made in the 90's. I couldnt tell the difference between songs, kinda like bands like Slipnot, or Godsmack.
I cant believe how big of a joke Anthrax has become. Its sad and pathetic to see them having become this attention whore of a band. As a kid growing up I used to respect them--socially aware lyrics, etc and to see them become this sad, broken unit that refuses to bury it and move on to other things is just pathetic. I thought their pantera rip-off record-Vol8- was bad but for Christ's sake have some shred of dignity and hang it up, I think Scott sees the writing on the wall thats why he is doing different things--VH1 shit, opening a bar and was ready to declare it dead but realized Charlie had nothing else to do and didnt want to leave his comrade shit out of luck--its not like royalty checks are bringing in the big bucks anymore. If I was Frankie I would be pissed, left a promising gig with Helmet to return to this.
I don't understand why he would get him as a singer. Corey Taylor is in two bands already and I believe this would interfere in his schedule. I seen John Bush rejoining or them hiring someone left field who is not totally occupied with another band.
OK, you ready?? My sources tell me that Corey Taylor from Slipknot is singing for them. Why you ask? I have no Idea. I remember Scott Ian telling me that SLIPKNOT was the worst shit he ever heard.

Yeah but he is also a fan of Stone Sour.


ANTHRAX Guitarist: New STONE SOUR Album Is 'Incredible' - Posted On 31 Aug 2006
ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian has issued the following update:

"My humble opinion: The new [STONE SOUR] album 'Come What(ever) May' is incredible. I listen to it every day from start to finish at least twice. I think it's the best record I have heard since REFUSED's 'Shape of Punk to Come' or FAITH NO MORE's 'Album of the Year' or SYSTEM OF A DOWN's 'Mezmerize'. It's a perfect combination of metal riffs, rock grooves, and pop melodies, creating a tight, concise sound that is wholly original. I will still be listening to this record in 10, 20, 30 years, that's how good I think the writing is. The hooks are as infectious as airborne Ebola and there is this sense of urgency throughout, like theyre going to jail the next day. You can feel the energy in the tracks. I love the album from top to bottom, a rare thing these days. My current favorites are '30/30 150', 'Come What(ever) May', 'Silly World', 'Through Glass', 'Socio', and 'Your God'. Get this record."
Im still an Anthrax fan despite all the bullshit. I read that Whittfield was performing with Ian at his club soon. That would be more of an indication to me that is who they are gonna choose. I think its a media stunt to even have Corey's name involved. What a joke.

The term NU-metal was a joke anyway. Really WTF was it anyway.
Yeah but he is also a fan of Stone Sour.


ANTHRAX Guitarist: New STONE SOUR Album Is 'Incredible' - Posted On 31 Aug 2006
ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian has issued the following update:

"My humble opinion: The new [STONE SOUR] album 'Come What(ever) May' is incredible. I listen to it every day from start to finish at least twice. I think it's the best record I have heard since REFUSED's 'Shape of Punk to Come' or FAITH NO MORE's 'Album of the Year' or SYSTEM OF A DOWN's 'Mezmerize'. It's a perfect combination of metal riffs, rock grooves, and pop melodies, creating a tight, concise sound that is wholly original. I will still be listening to this record in 10, 20, 30 years, that's how good I think the writing is. The hooks are as infectious as airborne Ebola and there is this sense of urgency throughout, like theyre going to jail the next day. You can feel the energy in the tracks. I love the album from top to bottom, a rare thing these days. My current favorites are '30/30 150', 'Come What(ever) May', 'Silly World', 'Through Glass', 'Socio', and 'Your God'. Get this record."

That almost sounds like Scott trying to kiss ass and secure Corey for service