Ok, this is actually a serious thread. I have a question.

actually Isabel, my opinion of you is very high due to your age..if only most people were as mature and awesome as you are at 15 the world would be a nice place to be...i sure as hell wasnt like you at 15...
The best thing to do is level yourself. Have a perspective and goal of what you want in life; music, family, music. Things will change as you go, you, your surroundings , but keeping a level head and not getting stressed out over things, such as age. And all will be good. We all have our ups and downs, and age has nothing to do with it. I will be 41 in Dec. But I don't really think about it. I just go about my life and try my best to take care of my family. I have three kids as well, and I wouldn't change that for the world.
firewalkjen said:
To me age is just a number. I'll be 28 on the 23rd and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. You're only as old as you make yourself feel. Just have fun and don't worry about your age. Keep yourself feeling young by doing all the things you love to do. I mean yes there are days when I look at all of my friends that I've known for 15 years and get a little sad because everyone has such different lives now and the "crew" has pretty much dwindled down to 2 or 3 if we're lucky, but the memories of all the good times we had always make me smile. If you're living life to the fullest your age won't matter. Play your music, go see shows, travel, whatever it is that makes your heart smile and you will be all good.

And besides, 20 is young as hell!!

Party On!!

AGREED 100%! :kickass:

just a freakin' number... what difference does that make? I have friends who are over 45 years old, and I have friends who are 19...
just a number.... just a freakin' number... :) :saint:
Will Bozarth said:
When you people were 19, turning 20, did that "2" scare you? I'm developing this odd sense of getting older and dying. I know that I'm not going to die at an old age.... I don't know. gah.

If so, what did you do to get over it?

i aged practically overnight when i was turning 20 because i lived through a war. paradoxically, i stopped thinking about death after i had almost been killed by a grenade and had to go through a shitload of other, equally surreal circumstances. so, i don't have a clue what it means to have normal 20s and what kinds of 'normal' fears one goes through, but i get a sense, it can't be all too scary :) for me, turning 30 was actually a lot more fun than turning 20 :)
Neon Black said:
i aged practically overnight when i was turning 20 because i lived through a war. paradoxically, i stopped thinking about death after i had almost been killed by a grenade and had to go through a shitload of other, equally surreal circumstances. so, i don't have a clue what it means to have normal 20s and what kinds of 'normal' fears one goes through, but i get a sense, it can't be all too scary :) for me, turning 30 was actually a lot more fun than turning 20 :)

I can't imagine going through something like that; it would completely change your outlook on life (and death). I can't imagine living through my 20s like that. I was a little scared of the transition from 19 to 20. I guess it was a psychological thing. But then again, I've been a little scared of every birthday since then (excluding the 21st) because I keep getting older, and I feel like there's less time for me to accomplish what I want to do. Age shouldn't matter as long as it doesn't represent your level of maturity, but sometimes those numbers really freak people out.
Kvlt Wench said:
I'll say it again: at least you aren't still fifteen.

Most of us wish we still were.... I don't, I'm happy being my age.
Me too.

Plus, Isabel, only the shallow will change their opinions based upon your age. You look older anyhoo, so rock on.
Dead_Lioness said:
AGREED 100%! :kickass:

just a freakin' number... what difference does that make? I have friends who are over 45 years old, and I have friends who are 19...
just a number.... just a freakin' number... :) :saint:
what about number 1 or 2 or any randomly chosen number between 0and 10?
derek said:
Me too.

Plus, Isabel, only the shallow will change their opinions based upon your age. You look older anyhoo, so rock on.
yeh, but cmon dude, you know when you're at a party and some chick youre talking to is like "guess what im 16!" it makes you want to walk away quickly before you get arrested for statutory talking or something. i guess actually he age of consent over there is like 16. either way, id sugest to isabel next time someone says "so what are ya, like 19?" just nod or something.
Kvlt Wench said:
Thankee, but most people tend not to agree with you.
well its because of many of your peers made a bad name for kids your age..alot of people your age do really stupid stuff and people take notice..what the people you mentioned above dont realize is that there are people in their 20s and 30s doing the same kind of stupid shit :p
I'll be 20 in November too :)
18 is legal drinking age here so I guess have nothing to look forward to...