Ok, this is actually a serious thread. I have a question.

So no, no ideas of dying coming into my head. I remember going from 19-20 amd it is a large transition as it basically is a time to grow up and start thinking of being on your own. To start providing for yourself and seeking out a career, I think that unless you have some idea of where your life will lead, you may have more anxiety about the age change rather than someone who has a some sort pf future path laid. out
eh... 20 doesn't bother me. 19 bothered me most. Here in BC, you become an adult at 19, and the responsibilities that come with it were more than I expected... Then again I bought a condo at 18... that might have been part of it.

If anything, 21 should be your bothersome age.
the older the better. I want to sit on my front porch and yell at them damn kids to get off my lawn :mad:

And I want gray hair, but it's getting there.
Chromatose said:
the older the better. I want to sit on my front porch and yell at them damn kids to get off my lawn :mad:

And I want gray hair, but it's getting there.
I also can't wait for that.
AnvilSnake said:
eh... 20 doesn't bother me. 19 bothered me most. Here in BC, you become an adult at 19, and the responsibilities that come with it were more than I expected... Then again I bought a condo at 18... that might have been part of it.

If anything, 21 should be your bothersome age.

How could you afford a condo at 18?? Are your parents sitting very comfortably, or did you find some way to tap into big money at 18?
Loner said:
How could you afford a condo at 18?? Are your parents sitting very comfortably, or did you find some way to tap into big money at 18?
I saved my ass off. Got out of Highschool, got a full time job, moved out on my own with a roomate, and somehow managed to save $6,000.
I'm drinking Alexander Keith's... Its actually not too bad. At the moment though I'm polishing off my last Sleeman's that I found at the bottom of my fridge.
Will Bozarth said:
When you people were 19, turning 20, did that "2" scare you? I'm developing this odd sense of getting older and dying. I know that I'm not going to die at an old age.... I don't know. gah.

If so, what did you do to get over it?
i was in the county jail on my 20th birthday, so i didn't really feel "old" cuz i was the youngest guy in the room, but i did kinda feel like i'd wasted my life a little cuz all the guys that were only a few months older than me kept bragging about having fathered large numbers of children and when i got out a lot of my younger freinds had had children while i was locked up