only for the boys of royal carnage would i take a pic this sexy

You have no idea how much I hate that orange shit in my headlights. :p The top part looks mean but the side is dumb.

1) open headlights by placing them in oven for 20 minutes, taking orange shit out, hopefully glueing back together successfully.

2) buy EDM headlights for $500 + shipping

In other words, I live with it. For now.
When I drove my Toyota pickup I had friends that gave me shit "I can't believe you drive a Japanese car..." and I reminded them it was built in the US and their CHEVY SUBARBUN OMG SO AMERICAN was built in Mexico.

It is sort of weird that foreign car hatred still reigns in the US, considering most American manufacturers have transported a lot of their factories out of America, and foreign companies have moved theirs here.