Opeth Babes in Calgary


Jan 12, 2004
In addition to the great Opeth experience last night I must comment on the amount of hot, young female Opeth fans. There was a shit load of you!! Where do these girls hang out?

Let's hook up ladies!!
Haha, fair enough!!

No way man. I'm talking long legs, skirts, and wonderful, wonderful titties!! The place was fucking crawling with them.

You can't go wrong with hot young girls who love metal. It is a breath of fresh air compared to your cookie cutter mall clone chicks.
Anti-Everything said:
Id rather be with a girl who doesnt listen to metal at all

sry too all the ladys, but I cant deal with all those "I-want-to-get-fucked-by-big-cock-lead-singer" gals.

You are living a lie, in case you think he is going to growl in your face while coming into you.
Well, I'm a girl and I don't think I suck. :erk: :cry:

I'm not hot, and I'm no groupie. As a matter of fact, I tend to not hang out after shows trying to meet band members at all, and if I did, it would be just to get an autograph and that's all. I'm just an average, plain, girl who goes to shows in a metal shirt and jeans. I'm a little overweight so maybe I fit in the "fat chick" category. Maybe you guys don't notice the women in the crowd like us, because you're noticing all the hot chicks instead?

I don't know about the rest of the girls at metal shows, but I'm there to hear the music, and that's all! :D

I'm not trying to piss anyone off here, but I just felt the need to point out my side of the issue.
thx x_OPETH_x:cool:

ok, sry HDS
maybe I was to harsh about this, but I have really bad experiences with Metal chicks. Maybe the reason is I live in Vienna, and we dont have a Metal Scene, we just have a slut scene. Dont come down here, girls suck big time, meant both ways. After these years I can say I hate Girls that listen to Metal, because they are only here for one reason----------> Get laid. ok, and all i have said is just for AUSTRIA. I have never been to a metal concert abroad, and so I can only talk about my country.

But when will the girls realize that it is not only about sex.
[What a poor lament]
It's cool, guys. :) I know about the types of girls you are talking about, because I've seen/talked to a few too. But I hear guys always complaining about metal girls that are like that (not going to the shows for the music but too look cool/pick up guys/fuck band members.) Just wanted to point out that we are not all like that.

Hell, I've been a metal fan for 17 years now, believe me if I was just there to fuck band members I would've gave up metal a long long time ago! :loco: :D
That, and for younger lasses, band members are generally kind of, um, old. Besides, I kind of have the opinion that if you like a band, it should be for the music, not for how the people in it look.
metaljayzed said:
Trust me dude, this topic deserves a thread of its own!!

have you always been into acne ridden, wrist cutting, overweight donut eating, hot topic shopping mall skanks? or is this a newly aquired taste?

as for the girls themselves...theyve heard opeth twice, and thats because their even more disgusting boyfriend burned them a copy of damnation and forced them to listen to it on the car on the way to the show...

the girls are in it for the beer and S.T.Ds

in the dvd show there were some really lame girls (you know the type, black make-up etc) that thought they were so 'goth' by being at an opeth show. They kept trying to growl 'Opeth' and my god did it sound lame. Its like if a chipmunk tried to front napalm death.

Im sure there are some very nice metal girls though