opeth.com update

I can imagine the reviews of the DVD in the magazines already ... they'll definately wonder why Opeth is releasing a DVD of a gig of 2 years old, and will probably state that it is some footage they had laying around.

Some people on here don't seem to understand that the reason for being angry isn't so much that a release is being delayed (this can always happen). The reason for being angry is that yet another release of yet another band is being delayed yet again ... its is getting systematic with several bands and it is the fifth time already or something that it happens with this release. Well, to repeat myself in my last post in this thread: don't get people overly exited and then delay it everytime the release is finally approaching! Next time say: there will be a DVD SOMEDAY, don't ever use the word SOON again, and certainly never say a fixed date anymore until it is 100% sure it will be released on that date!
As a fan of Tool I am more than prepared for shitty release dates like this. At least Opeth don't take 5 years to put out an album, hint towards releasing a live DVD and never release it, and then promise a "surprise" release that really seems like its gonna be the DVD and instead it is a worthless DVD of schism and parabola videos with shittttttttttty remixes.

I'm sure it's tied into what time of year works best for peaceville, but with the new album coming out, i dont really mind that much. Yeah, it sucks, but I care much more about new material than watching older material.

Nevertheless, Samsara, stop acting like everyone shouldn't be pissed about it because it is pretty bullshit of peaceville.
As a fan of Tool I am more than prepared for shitty release dates like this. At least Opeth don't take 5 years to put out an album, hint towards releasing a live DVD and never release it, and then promise a "surprise" release that really seems like its gonna be the DVD and instead it is a worthless DVD of schism and parabola videos with shittttttttttty remixes.

I'm sure it's tied into what time of year works best for peaceville, but with the new album coming out, i dont really mind that much. Yeah, it sucks, but I care much more about new material than watching older material.

Nevertheless, Samsara, stop acting like everyone shouldn't be pissed about it because it is pretty bullshit of peaceville.

yeah, too bad tool's last CD failed. not making fun of tool fans, im one as well, but when u wait 5-6 years for a piece of art and it turns out to be something you've already seen, it's very sad.
FUCK !! 9 months?!?! they should have talk about the DVD only 6 months from now... why should we wait so fucking long !?!
what about the new album? 2009 ?
I think everyone here is glad they recorded the DVD.
But dont you think people have the right to express their discontent when something gets delayed like this? I do.

Dude, absolutely. This is a place where people are encouraged to form and express their own opinions. I can certainly understand why people are disappointed with the delay. Hell, when I first read the news I was a bit disappointed too. I just think that some people are taking it too far, you know? It'll be out when it's out... obviously, there is some reason for the delay. Be it some sort of legal issue, or a ploy to get folks to buy the CD first, I don't know. But the way I feel, personally, is that it'll be out when it comes out... whether it's early 2008, September 2008 or anytime after that. I'll be in the shop the day of release for my copy. :kickass:
who cares? don't you guys have anything else to do? Yes I want to see the DVD too. I can wait 9 months though. I have other things to keep me busy until then. I don't need a new Opeth release every year or year and a half to keep me entertained or to validate my own existence.
Ofcourse, everyone can wait.. But the DVD is finished, first release was (if i remember correctly) set due september, pushed back to november, pushed back to early 2008 and now pushed back to september 2008?! Really curious is this is a band decision, of if this is an all about the dollars-decision by the record label!

As stated many times before, it is (in MY opinion) just plain stupid to release a DVD with band members who haven't been in the band for a year! I really don't get this.. They shouldn't have created such a hype (concert taped!! filmed in HD!! videoclips on the website!! extra features!!) if they are going to release it only a year later.. If they knew this before (which i doubt, by the way) they should've just released the CD, and then state in, say july 2008, "Oh yeah, we also filmed the sucker for a DVD release! Here it is!".

Anyway, i'll buy it, but i'm really anxious to know what the reasons are.
who cares? don't you guys have anything else to do? Yes I want to see the DVD too. I can wait 9 months though. I have other things to keep me busy until then. I don't need a new Opeth release every year or year and a half to keep me entertained or to validate my own existence.

^^ +1

I mean really... wtf does Mike or anyone else owe any explanation? Where was an actual release date for the DVD ever stated?

Bunch of whiney ingrates iyam

We'd just like to hear mikeals opinion on this matter.. We know its not his fault at all.. But maybe he could explain some more ;) :)
Honestly I think Mike think this situation is unlucky as well. I just hope he will put the foot down if say RR wants to delay a deluxe version (asuming they make one) of the next Opeth opus.
who cares? don't you guys have anything else to do? Yes I want to see the DVD too. I can wait 9 months though. I have other things to keep me busy until then. I don't need a new Opeth release every year or year and a half to keep me entertained or to validate my own existence.

don't recall anyone saying anything about validating their existence afaict
Try to understand my POV. I moderate this whole forum. Every thread. Every day. Several times a day visiting... and the overall sense I have gotten is not how great it is to have a new DVD coming from the band, but "WTF is taking so long for it to be released?!?, Fucking money grubbing record labels!!, Why the CDs first?, Why not a CD/DVD release?, It's some sort of plot to fuck us consumers into buying the same thing multiple times!, Mike! Explain wtf is going on!"... and finally and unbelivably... "That's it! I'm downloading the CD now, and maybe I'll think about getting the DVD... we'll see."

First... I'm the mod here, but I don't have some rule book that I have to follow that says I can't badmouth the band or the label. I don't do it because I don't see a reason to. I'm bashing you folks for your negativity.... your "Half Full" mentality. Why bitch about something you have no control of? Why can't you just be happy you have a great live recording in a sweet package right now, the new record is done and you'll be listing to brand fucking new Opeth soon, and later next year you'll have a new DVD? Sure it sucks to have to wait for stuff.... but fuck. You sound like a bunch of 4 year olds. "I want what I want, and I want it NOW!". I have a problem with that personally... not because it's supposedly my job to regulate the forum mentality and mold it into some group think that everything associated with Opeth is perfect and noone can be dissapointed and noone has the right to complain. By all means complain away.... I do however reserve the right to comment on your posts because I have an opinion as well. Hopefully that makes sense to you guys.
Good point. However it´s still reasonable to say that at least an explanation from the record label would be good. I dont see why not.
I understand what you're saying, Samsara. But to be disappointed that the DVD is being delayed yet again is expected. We're fans here. Of course we're upset. Not that we "deserve" anything. It's just that the treat keeps on being dangled in front of us, and then taken away. That's all.
I don't think I will be terribly interested in the DVD by September, it will just be too long ago. No bad feelings or anything, but business wise I think right now would have been a great time for a DVD release, as a final farewell to the pre-Åkesson lineup before the new album marks a new start in the spring.