Opeth Discussion

To reply to WAIF's original post about their setlists. Are you making your judgment based off the one show you saw and the songs you personally like?
Well if you complain Opeth song structure is idiotic, then as somebody else also mentioned, Riff 1 for 3min then Riff 2 for 2min then Riff 3 for 1min then Clean Part + Riff 4 technique is not more retarded than making a 4min song and playing only 2-3 riffs. If that riffs are very good, then the song is very good. Some Opeth riffs may not be that good, indeed sometimes I get a feeling that some of them are very simple, but simplicity doesnt really mean something is bad. Opeth has some fantastic riffs, like the second riff in Leper Affinity, Hessian Peel right after the clean part ends and heavy part starts ( that riff makes you headbang), Heir Apparent and such.

These might be easy to tell for me since I'm a fan and you don't like the band and disagree with me, but listening a 10min opeth song with dynamic changes and riff transitions, from clean to heavy and brutal, is a lot better than a 3min black metal or death metal song with screaming/growling from the start with thrashy (thrash metal) riffs. Not that it is bad, I also listen that kind of songs, but no more than 15min. Then I switch back to Opeth.
I'm a big fan of their older stuff, can't stand listening to their newer stuff after Damnation. I thought Damnation was a fucking fantastic album considering it's not at all metal. Black Rose Immortal is fucking epic and one of my favourite songs by them, over all I think people tend to fellate this band way too much. Bunch of nice guys though.
Ugh...who honestly still cares about this band? The same discussions/arguments arise from every Opeth conversation so there certainly doesn't need to be a specific thread for them.
I tend to like their mid-range material the best. The first 2 albums were a little too unrefined, but the 2 most recent albums are a little *too* experimental and almost too polished. They really touched on something that worked in Still Life/Blackwater Park. I'd like to see them head back in that direction.

Though it seems like a lot of bands seem to hit a peak on their 3rd-5th album that in where the energy/creativity of youth melds with the experience and production values of a more experienced band.

Metallica's MoP and AJFA were albums #3/4.
Slayer's Reign, South, and Seasons were albums #3/4/5.
Tool's Lateralus was album #3
Iced Earth's Dark Saga & Something Wicked were albums #4/5.

Of course this isn't a hard and fast rule, but something I've noticed in a lot of my favorite bands. There's a sweet spot between the raw early days, and the excessively experimental/self indulgent days after several albums have been released.
Yeah he's actually said he got the inspiration from that song, so it's not like I'm picking on him, I just think it's fun to discover things like that. Like here you can clearly hear that he got inspired by this, but totally made it to his own thing.
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Though it seems like a lot of bands seem to hit a peak on their 3rd-5th album that in where the energy/creativity of youth melds with the experience and production values of a more experienced band.

Metallica's MoP and AJFA were albums #3/4.
Slayer's Reign, South, and Seasons were albums #3/4/5.
Tool's Lateralus was album #3
Iced Earth's Dark Saga & Something Wicked were albums #4/5.

i'm confused that both of these quotes were by the same person
Seems like this was posted here so people can rip on Opeth without getting ganged up on like they would at the main Opeth forum.

Just my opinion here, but I like Opeth cuz they sound like nobody else. Truly epic songs. Great moments of beauty and brutality in almost all of their songs. Totally original music, even to they have said on stage "totally ripping off Camel for this song." Forgot which song that was. But that was just one song.

Everybody has s different opinion on everything. I love Led Zeppelin, but a good friend of mine hates them cuz of thier success and popularity. Oh well. Our opinions are complete opposite, but we are still very good friends. I turned him on to Opeth. He likes the music but can't stand the growling vocals. Different opinions. It's all good.
I didn't like Opeth at all when I first heard them. Then a weird thing happened and I actually started listening to them. And wow! I don't think they've released a bad album yet, I can't even think of a bad song by them. I think they've started to get a bit of a backlash from the metal elitists for getting 'big'. I love when that happens.