Opeth is a great band

I have to defend orchid here. It isn't very coherant and is rather amateurish, but it is amazingly inventive. All the other albums just build on the sound of this album. No other opeth album was as bold or daring as this one. My favorite album is morningrise, but this album deserves no disrespect whatsoever. Not even close to worst opeth album.
orchid is a very good album, i'd have to say damnation is probably the worst while GR, BWP, or MAYH are the 3 best
Orchid does nothing for me. Always put Blackwater and Still Life on top of my list. Opinions are always varied when It comes to a band as great as Opeth.
Orchid is my favorite. To call it their best seems rather immature, since everyone has a different favorite. Older fans prefer the complex first two, while newer fans prefer the easier-to-digest current era.

It also seems rather ludicrous to assume people prefer Orchid simply because it's the debut. What the hell does that prove? My first was MAYH, but I never warmed to it, then I got the first two, and loved them, and to this day, they are the only two I own or care to own.

Morningrise is a bit too polished, something that does not hinder Orchid.The imperfections of Orchid bring out the character, whereas perfecting those imperfections for Morningrise robbed the album of feeling.

As far as the actual band, they are not that great. THey simply are fairly easy listening and a good "gateway band". No they are not classic, nor are they as bad as some would have you believe.
Older fans prefer the complex first two, while newer fans prefer the easier-to-digest current era
I am a newer Opeth fan (been into them about a year), and I love the first two just as much as all the new stuff, I favor different albums at different times.