Opeth is a great band

It is mainly the boring over-drawn out riffs and awful transitioning that often ruins any mood that may or may not be achieved.
i rarely listen to them but thats because they got played out not cause i care what some elitists fucks on a message board think. i don't like them as much as i used too, but they're still entertaining enough to keep in my collection.
Hubster is right, after all, the 453452345234 threads (often on repeat) about every single thing that is black metal related, are more needed than this one. Anyway, proudly announcing that you hate Opeth has become a much trendier thing than liking them.
Jesus Christ dude I know you get a raging boner everytime you see even the slightest oppertunity to complain about Opeth and that you have risen to such a high plateau of kvltness that you are offended by the mere notion of an Opeth thread being on the same page as whatever eastern European Burzum clone you are currently into but give it a rest already. This thread is no more or less legitimate than a thread about any other band that regularly gets mentioned on this forum and the fact that there is a specific Opeth forum doesn't really have anything to do with that. Plus given the abysmal quality of the Opeth one can you really blame him for posting it here?

Raging boner. :lol:

I think that Opeth are nothing special, I even would agree with Carcassians old post about them.
Hubster is right, after all, the 453452345234 threads (often on repeat) about every single thing that is black metal related, are more needed than this one. Anyway, proudly announcing that you hate Opeth has become a much trendier thing than liking them.

lol hubster just said he loves all opeth with the exception of GR
Metallica's good. I liked their first four albums and St. Anger.

St. Anger was like their worst album, I hope they never try something like that again, but of course that's only my opinion

Jesus Christ dude I know you get a raging boner everytime you see even the slightest oppertunity to complain about Opeth and that you have risen to such a high plateau of kvltness that you are offended by the mere notion of an Opeth thread being on the same page as whatever eastern European Burzum clone you are currently into but give it a rest already. This thread is no more or less legitimate than a thread about any other band that regularly gets mentioned on this forum and the fact that there is a specific Opeth forum doesn't really have anything to do with that. Plus given the abysmal quality of the Opeth one can you really blame him for posting it here?

FYI this thread is a year & a half old.
so, I know like a 100 ppl that would complain if a new opeth thread would be created. it's better to resurect this one.
What I don't understand is why so many people hate everything after Morningrise. I didn't think Orchid was that great. I have yet to hear Morningrise, but I'm pretty sure my opinion will stand that BWP and Still Life are their two best albums.
What I don't understand is why so many people hate everything after Morningrise. I didn't think Orchid was that great. I have yet to hear Morningrise, but I'm pretty sure my opinion will stand that BWP and Still Life are their two best albums.

Totally. For me Orchid is their 2nd worst while Morningrise is their best.

People only rate Orchid highly because it's the debut, while the songwriting is completely amateur standing next to Morningrise.
What I don't understand is why so many people hate everything after Morningrise. I didn't think Orchid was that great. I have yet to hear Morningrise, but I'm pretty sure my opinion will stand that BWP and Still Life are their two best albums.

I thought Orchid sounded empty. All the formulas were there, but the songwriting didn't really come together.

And yes, those two albums are, for me, the peak of their output. Still Life is compelling from beginning to end.