J Jeremy Crow Nov 2, 2002 297 0 16 42 Lisbon, Portugal Visit site Jun 14, 2003 #41 Don't forget all that people that voted for Closure and meant to vote for Hope Leaves... I think HL wins
Don't forget all that people that voted for Closure and meant to vote for Hope Leaves... I think HL wins
scorpian007 \m/ Oct 27, 2002 716 0 16 38 Australia Jun 14, 2003 #42 Damn, that was so damn freaking close. 33-32 for Closure. Ah well
Spike Blinded By The Light... Jul 15, 2001 9,060 402 83 42 Australia Jun 15, 2003 #43 Crap! Just missed my first vote in Opeth survivor... And to think I woulda drawn it (again) too! Why don't you just give both them boot and get onto the meat-n-bones of these threads?
Crap! Just missed my first vote in Opeth survivor... And to think I woulda drawn it (again) too! Why don't you just give both them boot and get onto the meat-n-bones of these threads?
TheFourthHorseman In The Twilight World Jan 7, 2003 4,901 9 38 38 Finland Jun 15, 2003 #44 Forgot to vote too...damn Closure won.
Disengager CKY The Ruby eyes in the fog Dec 18, 2002 130 1 18 38 www.ckyshows.com Jun 15, 2003 #45 damnit!!! We refuse to let hope leaves leave...recount recount!!! if that one that dude wouldn't have voted for closure...HL woulda won...
damnit!!! We refuse to let hope leaves leave...recount recount!!! if that one that dude wouldn't have voted for closure...HL woulda won...
no country for old wainds Active Member Nov 23, 2002 26,746 9,708 113 Jun 15, 2003 #46 Hm. There's three options here....Changing the people's votes....Recounting.....Leaving it as it is..... A message to anyone who voted for the wrong one: You're retarded. A message to anyone who voted against Closure: DIE. Hm.
Hm. There's three options here....Changing the people's votes....Recounting.....Leaving it as it is..... A message to anyone who voted for the wrong one: You're retarded. A message to anyone who voted against Closure: DIE. Hm.