Opeth - watershed


Oct 24, 2006
Guaymas, Mexico
I'm just getting to know Opeth, and started with the latest Watershed, I'm on the 12th spin and I just can't enough of it, In my opinion it's a masterpiece. I listened to a couple of the songs from the orchid record and it's so different to me.

Any Opeth fans that would care to rank their records??

Thanks And i apologize if there was another thread regarding this topic.

I'm going to go see them in Tucson AZ on may 17 , anybody here going to that show???
Glad to hear you're getting familiar with one of the best bands going in metal. Watershed IS a masterpiece and topped many best of '08 lists to be sure (including mine!) Anyway, I have them all, and yes, they certainly have come a looong way since the days of Orchid! I would rank them in the following manner, although there is not a clunker in the bunch.

1. Watershed - not just cuz it's the newest either, this is just metal on another plane, a beautifully wrought album
2. My Arms, Your Hearse - this was my longstanding favorite of theirs until Watershed took over
3. Still Life - many fans argue this is their shining moment, and rightfully so, a perfect blend of the earlier brutality with the later progressive flairs
4. Ghost Reveries - just before Watershed, I'm probably putting it higher than most fans would, but I absolutely love the riffs and Akerfeldt's singing here
5. Deliverance/Damnation - in case you're not aware, these came out at the same time, a heavy album (Deliverance) and a "light" album (Damnation). I simply put them together in the ranking as I'm not sure where I would put Damnation otherwise, its a mood album to be sure, and a bit of a "side" release, if you will, but absolutely beautiful.
6. Blackwater Park - this is the one that really "broke" the band to a larger audience
7. Morningrise - Obviously still finding their way, but light years ahead of anyone else attempting such lofty goals
8. Orchid - still a good album, but pales in comparison to later output

And there you go, welcome to the world of Opeth, get 'em all, you won't be sorry. Enjoy the show in AZ, and don't forget, the mighty legendary Enslaved are in tow this time around!
I like Still Life the best, followed by Blackwater Park. Ghost Reveries was good, but I do prefer Watershed I think. Damnation is kind of an oddball .. all clean vocaled, 70's sounding prog, Deliverance on the other hand is pretty heavy, but has some killer tunes. I don't pay much attention to their earlier material.

I'd rank them like this:

1) Still Life - In my opinion this is their masterpiece.
2) Blackwater Park - real good follow up
3) Watershed - very diverse .. a step up from Ghost Reveries
4) Deliverance - Good and heavy .. love the later part of the disc .. Master's Apprectice, and The Pain I See In Others
5) Ghost Reveries - good disc
6) Damnation - good change of pace disc

Hope this helps,

Ranking Opeth albums is like rating different brands of caviar. I won't put numbers, just my overall feelings...

Top Shelf:
Blackwater Park, Still Life, Ghost Reveries, My Arms Your Hearse

Top Shelf (but over in the "smooth vox" section):

Almost On the Top Shelf:
Watershed, Morningrise

Almost on the Almost on Top Shelf:
Deliverance, Orchid

--Yet, last night at WREKage we had a request for a song from Orchid ("Under the Weeping Moon"), I played it, and it still re-kicked my ass. See what I said about caviar? :)
Still Life and Blackwater Park are their masterpieces, I agree. Watershed's got some awesome tracks, as does Deliverance, Morningrise and My Arms... You can't go wrong with a single one of their releases, though.
I'm just getting to know Opeth, and started with the latest Watershed, I'm on the 12th spin and I just can't enough of it, In my opinion it's a masterpiece. I listened to a couple of the songs from the orchid record and it's so different to me.
I'll not rank the Opeth albums as I believe all of them are amazing in their own way, but since you like Watershed a lot, I'd suggest you go back backwards. Alternatively, you may want to start with Blackwater Park, their breakthrough album, and either pick up Still Life or the D2 albums depending on your taste.

At any rate, you're in for a treat. I would die to discover a band like Opeth again and work my way through each of their era. Fantastic band.
I'm going to go see them in Tucson AZ on may 17 , anybody here going to that show???

I'll be there too! I'm driving down from Phoenix for that.

The great thing about Opeth is that they really don't have a bad album. They've all got some similarities but they are all different enough so that they don't sound like the previous albums. I think adding Fredrik Akesson to the mix was a phenomenal move. The guy just freaking shreds, not to say that Peter Lindgren wasn't a great guitar player, but Fredrik gives them that next level of virtuosity.