OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

RVD's full of shit. If he hadn't gotten busted, he would have made a ton of money. Instead, he's doing stand-up comedy and guest apperances at Indy shows.
The reasn RVD said that was if he was not the champ at the time, then nobody would care about him getting busted because it's happened to him many times before and no big deal was made about it. He's obviously big into the legalization of weed so in his mind, if people see you can make it all the way to world champ while smoking weed, then it can't be that bad for you.
I'm a big RVD fan, and I'm all for legalizing weed and I kinda/sorta see his point(probably because I'm high right now myself) but we all know he regrets getting busted and he would have made sure not to get caught if he could do it all over again.
Source: WrestlingObserver.com

Just days after being suspended from WWE due to another drug violation, there's even more bad news for Jeff Hardy.

Last night, his home in Cameron, North Carolina burned to the ground. Hardy and his girlfriend were not home when it happened, but virtually everything Hardy owned was destroyed. Sadly, his pet dog was lost in the fire. No further details are available at this time.
This is hilarious:

Lita was on Y101 this morning in Richmond at 7:40 AM. It was a pretty bad interview. She didn't seem comfortable talking about wrestling and the hosts didn't want to talk about her band. They asked her if she was still with Edge and she said even if she was, she wouldn't say because she's learned not to talk about that after all that went down. She said that she doesn't miss wrestling at all and hasn't even watched it (the hosts even had to seem to remind her she was on the 15th Anniversary Show). The hosts brought up Jeff Hardy's suspension and Lita said that she hadn't heard and it sucks. When asked if Jeff smokes pot or what, she said she didn't know. They then started talking about the venue she'd be performing in before trying to pretend Koko B. Ware was the in the ring talking with her, which she clearly wasn't going for nor wanted to go along with. Afterwards, the hosts talked about how horrible she was for not talking about her personal life. Totally pointless interview and an overall waste of time for every human being possible.

i met her in nashville wenesday night. her band was tight, no bullshit small 4 piece. guitarist played an explorer plugged straight into a marshall no effects and had the only good guitar tone of the 3 bands (that's a tip for all you dudes playing through 3 grand worth of effects and racks just to sound like shit). the drummer was incredible. the guy played a 4 piece kit like no one i ever seen before. her voice sounded decent (unlike jericho who sounds like he's yelling from under the titantron in every song) and she appeared to have a good time doing the music thing. she was very cool and laid back to talk to. there is life outside of wrestling. maybe your on stage in front of 50 or 100 people instead of 10,000 but if your not happy doing something why continue ? people asked her about wwe but she didn't seem to interested in it. she was polite to those fans but seemed like she was moving on. one thing i will say when it comes to old school punk she knows her shit unlike jericho who is a total poser in his music endevours and is as annoying on stage in front of a band as he is on monday night raw. if the worse thing that happens to her is she plays in some dive bars to try and take a chance then big deal. look at all these assholes in rehab, broke, killing themselves and their families. i guess if you are semi famous in one thing and quit to try something else you're a joke.
i say more power to her :kickass:
Total Non Stop Action Wrestling has been served with a lawsuit by former TNA star Konnan. Konnan, real name Carlos Ashenoff, is suing TNA due to the treatment he received following his departure while dealing with health issues, including hip replacement surgery and a kidney transplant. Konnan left TNA last year, and is now working full-time with AAA.

TNA knockout Velvet Sky posted the following blog repsonding to internet reports (not mentioned her).

Apparently some news sites are having fun throwing around mine and others names in some sh*t they have NOOO idea what they’re talking about!
The following was posted today on various news sites;
"There were reports to management that Traci Brooks lashed out at Velvet Sky for not holding up her end of the match with Gail Kim last week."
Lashed out?? Hmmmm...I was there and I dont even remember this happening!
If one were to "lash out" at me, seeing as how "lashing out" is such a powerful state of being, I am almost positive I would remember if this had happened to me, but I dont, because it DIDNT!!!!
This is just another case of YOU CANT ALWAYS BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ!
Instead of focusing on the REAL disasters of the world, these news sites like to dig for dirt thats NOT EVEN THERE, for the sole purpose of having something to report on their headlines! STOOGES!!!!!!!!!!
And as far as the "tension amongst the knockouts" goes, once again, everything is fine!!
Anyway, hope everyone is doing great, and keep on HOLLERING!!
As previously reported, Konnan has filed a lawsuit against TNA Wrestling claiming among other things racial discrimination, drug usage among top people and failure to pay for surgery. He underwent a hip replacement in 2007 and was loaned the money where as the company paid for Scott Steiner's throat surgery which he suffered during a show in Puerto Rico. After surgery, he still appeared on
TNA television on a wheelchair. In July of the same year, he underwent kidney transplant after a fan decided to help out and donate his own kidney. The lawsuit says that TNA has 30 days to respond or reach settlement out of court. (thanks to Colin Vassallo)

As previously reported, Konnan has filed a lawsuit against TNA Wrestling claiming among other things racial discrimination, drug usage among top people and failure to pay for surgery. He underwent a hip replacement in 2007 and was loaned the money where as the company paid for Scott Steiner's throat surgery which he suffered during a show in Puerto Rico. After surgery, he still appeared on
TNA television on a wheelchair. In July of the same year, he underwent kidney transplant after a fan decided to help out and donate his own kidney. The lawsuit says that TNA has 30 days to respond or reach settlement out of court. (thanks to Colin Vassallo)

what a douche. steiner was hurt during a tna promotion while konnan's hip was an ongoing problem
Triple H will win, only to be defeated by the Money On The Bank match winner Mistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Kennedy...........................................Kennedy!:lol: