Shizzle shizzle owwww have mizzle, Have A Nice Dizzle
I dunno, Mick Foley always causes me to bust a gut laughing.
Shelton Benjamin is insane, I've always been a fan of his for his talent and abilities... someone works with him on his mic skills and he really will be the gold standard. Those bumps he took in that match were sick.
The look on Carlito's face after Benjamin's last bump was classic.
Why was Flair vs. HBK before the Diva Bunny match?!?!? just not right. I too thought that Flair was going to go over, but in the end I think Ric Flair himself would even agree --- that is the ending that had to have happened, he did say in his promos that he will never retire. It was a great match and I hope everyone backstage took note --- because it completely told the story of the Flair/HBK saga all in the confines of the match. it was a classic.
I really, really wanted Big Show to shoot on Mayweather and for a brief secon thought he might, when he did the first bit when he smashed Mayweather's hand. I really, really hate Floyd Mayweather.
I was surprised that Triple H, Cena, Orton was not the main event, I was even more surprised that Orton retained over Cena. But I was happy Cena lost, my level of hate for him far surpases X-Pac heat.
I've always liked the Undertaker, but for the past few years felt that his best days were long, long behind him. The Edge/Taker match was amazing. If no one believed it before Edge cemented himself as one of the very top guys in the industry. Those two guys bring out the best in eachother and what I thought was going to be a slow, lumbering almost painful to watch match --- in my opinion turned into one of the best Wrestlemania matches ever.
Now will, probably be treated to a really, really shitty Raw tonight.