OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

I was convinced that Flair was not going to lose at WM. I thought he would just retire tonight on Raw. I mean WM is not the place you want to lose a match, regardless of whether you are planning on retiring or not. I have been a fan of HBK since the Rocker days (with mags at home to prove it lol) and I felt so bad for him when he told Ric he loved him and that he was sorry. Damn. I also read that an interview with HBK where he said that he was part of Flairs era and not the new guys era and now he has to rethink whether or not he wants to be in wrestling any more. Overall though, the match was great. I would have loved to have seen Flair give HBK sweet chin music though. lol

I wasn't sure about the triple match for the title until it started but I figured Orton was going to win it.

Undertaker v. Edge was excellent. I really like both of them but I was rooting for Undertaker because I wanted him to win the belt.

Felt cheated that I didn't get to see the 24 man battle royal but was happy to see Kane win it and the belt. Man I laughed at that match. Chavo didn't know what choke slammed him. lol

I knew Mayweather was going to have to win, too, I just wasn't sure how. First, there was way too much hype about how big the Big Show was compared to him and second, if Mayweather lost, it wouldn't look good in his boxing career. I love how Big Show manhandled the body guards, though. lol

Is Benjamin Shetfield (that is his name, right?) still alive? I could barely watch that match it hurt me so much. I'm not a fan of CM Punk's though. I wanted Y2J but I was thinking MVP might win it.

Did you see the Hall of Fame induction? Yeah, my loser ass was home Saturday night watching it. lol
Shizzle shizzle owwww have mizzle, Have A Nice Dizzle

I dunno, Mick Foley always causes me to bust a gut laughing.

Shelton Benjamin is insane, I've always been a fan of his for his talent and abilities... someone works with him on his mic skills and he really will be the gold standard. Those bumps he took in that match were sick.

The look on Carlito's face after Benjamin's last bump was classic.

Why was Flair vs. HBK before the Diva Bunny match?!?!? just not right. I too thought that Flair was going to go over, but in the end I think Ric Flair himself would even agree --- that is the ending that had to have happened, he did say in his promos that he will never retire. It was a great match and I hope everyone backstage took note --- because it completely told the story of the Flair/HBK saga all in the confines of the match. it was a classic.

I really, really wanted Big Show to shoot on Mayweather and for a brief secon thought he might, when he did the first bit when he smashed Mayweather's hand. I really, really hate Floyd Mayweather.

I was surprised that Triple H, Cena, Orton was not the main event, I was even more surprised that Orton retained over Cena. But I was happy Cena lost, my level of hate for him far surpases X-Pac heat.

I've always liked the Undertaker, but for the past few years felt that his best days were long, long behind him. The Edge/Taker match was amazing. If no one believed it before Edge cemented himself as one of the very top guys in the industry. Those two guys bring out the best in eachother and what I thought was going to be a slow, lumbering almost painful to watch match --- in my opinion turned into one of the best Wrestlemania matches ever.

Now will, probably be treated to a really, really shitty Raw tonight.
Mick Foley makes me crack up too. As much as I miss some of these guys wrestling, I would be happy to see them comment a match or something once a year. It would be worth the wait for me.

I agree about Edge. I knew his croonies were going to come out and that is when the match would be lost but it was nice to see Edge go almost the entire match without any help at all.

Big Show got smacked in the side of the head three times with the chair. Three! Once would have been enough. By the way, it kind of reminded me of Hornswaggle being beaten by JBL but I like Mayweather way more than I like Hornswaggle. And seriously, that dude was in the "hospital." Didn't they give him at least one sponge bath and wipe the shit off his face? lol
I absolutely HATED the Big Show/Mayweather match. No way they should have booked it the way they did. Who exactly was the heel and who was the face?

Let's see...

The angle started when Big Show returned and attacked the prevously injured and much smaller face Rey Mysterio and Mayweather jumped in the ring to defend him which means Mayweather is the face...

Then, the WWE crowd got to know Mayweather and his personality is that of a common street gang thug which means that even though Big Show is still a dick, he's the face and Mayweather is the heel...

Then, Big Show goes on a tear and beats up a bunch of faces on TV so now Big Show's a heel...

But so is Mayweather...

So, WWE still expects the fans to cheer for Big Show, which I did in hopes that Show would shoot and break Mayweather in half.

WWE got what they wanted and still dropped the ball by having Mayweather win. They should have just let Mayweather leave when he tried to walk away half way through the match. This way, Mayweather can tell his boxong fans that it was all fake anyway so it doesn't matter and WWE could have played up Big Show making Mayweather walk away.

Just my opinion.
Wow, in over 20 years as a wrestling fan, I've never seen a tribute to a retiring wrestler like the one for Ric Flair! Very cool!


- Up next; Ric Flair’s Farewell Speech

- We are again shown the footage from Flair’s final match last night. Ric comes to the ring to a standing ovation. Ric declares he lost and he will never wrestle in this ring again. He says he isn’t sad and the fans shouldn’t be sad because he has had the greatest career in the history of pro-wrestling. He says he lost to a great man last night, he thanks the fans for the memories, all the support “and for making me who I am today”. Flair gives us a few Wooo’s and his music plays. Triple H’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring, he says he wants to thank Ric. Ric is crying. He gets on his knees and bows down to Flair. Triple H then introduces a few more people who want to say thank you. He brings out JJ Dillon, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard of the 4 Horsemen, they embrace. They are followed by Batista who picks Flair up to hug him! Next up is Ricky Steamboat followed by 7-time World Champion Harley Race. Next out is Greg “The Hammer” Valentine followed by Dean Malenko. Trips then brings out Chris Jericho who is followed by John Cena. Ric’s family then come to the ring, Flair is crying his eyes out. He embraces and kisses them all. Shawn Michaels then makes his way to the ring, Flair and Shawn hug. Triple H then brings out the entire WWE roster, superstars, referees, officials, everyone! They all applaud Ric and chant “Thank You Ric”, Flair embraces his friends and family as Raw comes to a close…

The greatest Raw ending in history, an amazing career and an amazing tribute. Thank You “Nature Boy” Ric Flair!!

Note to webmasters/reporters: If reproducing news from this website, please include a hyperlink to www.gerweck.net
After the cameras went off, The Undertakers music came on. The boys
parted like the red sea on the ramp, and Taker made his way down. He
shook Flairs hand, then did his pose, and then gave Flair a huge hug.
After Taker it was none other than VINCE. He actually ran. He hugged
Flair as if he was marking out. Once Vince stepped out, Flair did the
strut, took off his jacket, dropped the elbow on it, dropped the knee,
all the classic Flair stuff. This all went on for about 30 mins after
the cameras went off. Classic, classic stuff.

I would have loved to see this!
Maybe it will be on the new Ric Flair DVD that is coming out over the summer. That would be the perfect ending to it. I was wondering why Vince didn't come out, now I know. I was like a maniac yesterday reading all the news clips on the all sites about WM24. lol Anyway, I read that Vince didn't want to be shown on the HOF tribute because it was all about the wrestlers, he said. Also, Flair was offered the main event spot but said that the title match was far more important which is why he turned it down. Who knows how accurate that is but that's what I read.

I always liked Paul Wight, despite the fact that he has a terrible losing streak. Who knew he was such a softie. Man, I like him even more now. lol
I think it would have been a mistake for Vince to come out during the Flair tribute since storyline wise, this is what Vince wanted. I hope they do put it on the new DVD!
i'm still mad at what they did to chavo for being backstage at TNA visiting his uncle. thats ridiculous. they didn't do anything to HHH,HBK, ric flair, undertaker, edge or jericho for hanging out with christian, booker t, kevin nash, the dudleys boys and jim cornette
Yeah, I didn't know that had anything to do with him visiting TNA, just thought they wanted to give Kane the belt. That sucks if it's true.