OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

I think Michael Cole may be developing a case of Mike Adamle Disease. Did he just say "The World Tighter" instead of title?:lol:
A couple of things that I liked about Raw this week ...

The confrontation between Michaels and Jericho. I like the fact that it didn't turn into the typical brawl that everyone expects. 99% of the time, they would trash talk each other for a few minutes and then beat the hell out of each other. Very predictable. Not this time.

Kane attacking everyone at ringside at the end of the show. Maybe we'll finally get Kane as a heel again, which is the only way his character ever works at all. Now if only they'd give him back the mask...
Knuckles breaks a leg and Scott D'more leaving. Not a great day for the knockouts division.

i think knuckles or moose or whatever she wants to be called is pretty generic so no lost but she'll be back when it heels and probably will be back before that to run out and hit someone from behind. where did you hear d'more is leaving?
i think knuckles or moose or whatever she wants to be called is pretty generic so no lost but she'll be back when it heels and probably will be back before that to run out and hit someone from behind. where did you hear d'more is leaving?


Well...i would not call moose generic...that bitch can take a shot...Have you guys seen the vid of her braking her leg?
Wow Chris Harris looked like shit tonight. His new name is Braden Walker. :lol:
I don't think he's gonna last very long.

Evan Bourne(aka Matt Sydal) looked awesome and hit that huge shooting star again.:OMG:
I would say that he actually lost a little bit of weight from the very end of his TNA run. He looked like a big freakin dork. Almost like he's Colin Delany's big brother or something.
Wow Chris Harris looked like shit tonight. His new name is Braden Walker. :lol:
I don't think he's gonna last very long.

Evan Bourne(aka Matt Sydal) looked awesome and hit that huge shooting star again.:OMG:

i thought the shooting star was banned in wwe? are they on ECW? i guess thats a reason to watch ECW again lol
no a regular piledrive was banned. the tombstone piledriver was said to still be safe. i think though if you can prove you can do a move safe most of the time then they will let you do it