OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

The Miami Herald has a story on Hector Guerrero talking about TNA, LAX, and Vickie Guerrero. Hector surprisingly noted that his family no longer have any contact with Vickie: "Vickie Guerrero is not Vickie Guerrero anymore... She is Vickie Lara. Till death do us part. She was in love with Eddy and he with her. She went into seclusion, and I can respect that. We know why she kept the family name, but she's not reached out to us. She is loved by us, and we wish her the best. We just wish should we love us back and return the gesture of communication.'' (thanks to Mike Aldren)

The Miami Herald has a story on Hector Guerrero talking about TNA, LAX, and Vickie Guerrero. Hector surprisingly noted that his family no longer have any contact with Vickie: "Vickie Guerrero is not Vickie Guerrero anymore... She is Vickie Lara. Till death do us part. She was in love with Eddy and he with her. She went into seclusion, and I can respect that. We know why she kept the family name, but she's not reached out to us. She is loved by us, and we wish her the best. We just wish should we love us back and return the gesture of communication.'' (thanks to Mike Aldren)

Hector kind of comes off like a prick here. I mean, forget Vickie's on-air persona, she's a middle aged mother who lost her husband. The last thing she needs is for Hector to whine that she hasn't "reached out" to them. How about Hector and the family reaching out to her?

I wonder how Chavo feels about this?
Yeah, and he never wins. Now they want to send him packing? How is that not a waste? He's over with the fans and they keep playing him up as a big deal, yet everytime they put him in a high profile match, he loses.

well he did leave the company one time before to go to wwe when he was really over but what about sonjay and alex shelly who have never had a belt of any kind but always are loyal to the company?
maybe they have tried.

Chavo..well chavo is bald

Not anymore.

well he did leave the company one time before to go to wwe when he was really over but what about sonjay and alex shelly who have never had a belt of any kind but always are loyal to the company?

I agree that Sonjay and Shelly should get title runs. I wouldn't be surprised to see Shelly and Sabin win the Tag Team titles sooner or later.
well he did leave the company one time before to go to wwe when he was really over but what about sonjay and alex shelly who have never had a belt of any kind but always are loyal to the company?

its because of shelly the MCMG are not winning anything.

which is fuuny because during the x cup they went super hero mode and now they went back to losing
Terrible idea! Vince needs to stay away from Hollywood and hire writers who actually know and care about pro wrestling.