OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

The ratings killer Saturday Night's Main Event returns on NBC tonight starting at 11:30PM EST. The show was taped this past Monday at Madison Square Garden in New York, NY. Matches taped are CM Punk & Boogeyman vs John Morrison & Big Daddy V; Matt Hardy vs Evander Holyfield in a boxing match; Great Khali & Finlay vs Batista & Kane; John Cena vs Carlito. Also Stone Cold Steve Austin will be appearing and Mr McMahon and The Coach continue their hunt to find out who's the illegitimate child of Mr McMahon.
Source: Wrestlezone

Eric Valdez sent in the following notes from the recently released Matt Bentley's appearance on Between the Ropes Radio in Florida the other night:

- Matt said TNA never drug tested him and he didn't see other guys being tested either.

- He said TNA used to be a fun place to wrestle for but now its all about entertainment and said Dutch Mantel has a lot to do with the problems in the company.

- According to Matt, the morale in TNA is very low and alot of the guys are upset about the former WWE guys being brought in and given a push.

- He talked about all these former WWE stars coming in and the ratings still dont go up.
WWE seems to be obsessed with gay sex. Some examples:

- Vince McMahon had a club called the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club where he got grown men to kiss his bare ass.

- Heidenrich put Michael Cole up against a wall and fucked him in his ass.

- Viscera's finishing move is a move where he humps his opponent from behind.

- John Cena put his ass out and while wiggling it he told Kurt Angle he could do whatever he wants to him.

- Ric Flair grabbed Carlito by the balls and then put Carlito's hand in his mouth and sucked on it. He then told him he would take a bite of his ass.

- On that same Raw Trevor Murdoch did a promo where he threatened to rape his opponents and make them squeal like pigs.

That's just a few of the many gay moments in WWE but there is much more like Goldust, Billy & Chuck, Rico, The Heart Throbs, and The Dicks.

So WWE is a gay company. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
We reported last night that TNA had tried to put together a deal that would mark the return of Konnan to the promotion. According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Vince Russo tried to broker a deal for Konnan to return to TNA. Konnan claims TNA owes him $12,000 for six months worth of doing Spanish announcing he did for the company. TNA claims Konnan owes the promotion $16,000 for the loan TNA extended to him for his replacement surgery. At one point, Konnan wrote TNA a letter requesting a raise since he was discriminated against. TNA took it as blackmail, and forwarded to the letter to HBO, who was set to interview Konnan for Real Sports, to follow up a 2003 piece on deaths in wrestling. As a result, HBO decided against interviewing Konnan from his hospital bed.
- John Cena put his ass out and while wiggling it he told Kurt Angle he could do whatever he wants to him.

I don't remember that one but yeah, Vince is obsessed with homosexuality. Maybe it's the fact that he's spent his entire adult life surrounded by big, sweaty, half-naked men who grab each other for money!:lol:
OK, so we now know that Vince's illigitamate child is a male. Who do you think it will be?

At first I thought it would be Mr. Kennedy, but they've hinted at it a little too much for it to be him. Unless they're just being VERY OBVIOUS!:lol:

I'm picking Shelton Benjamin! Could you just imagine Vince underneath Momma?:puke: :lol:
I think I know what's wrong with the new ECW...Boogyman AND The Miz in the main event??? This is the first ECW show I've watched since the one before the Benoit tragedy and I have to say that not much has improved since ECW first came back.

Oh well...back to "Who's Vince's Bastard" already in progress!
The Miz Should DIE....PERIOD

Speaking Of Periods...What Ever Happen To Monty Brown...He Should Get His TNA Gimmeck...It Would Be Awsome.....PERIOD