OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

If they were supposed to be step-brother and step-sister, then it wouldn't be too horrible because you aren't related by blood. But if they are supposed to be 100% brother and sister from the same parents - GROSS. :puke: And I always thought Vince had a really strange relationship with Stephanie, if that storyline is to be believed.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Vince McMahon has given his approval for a storyline involving incest. The angle would involve Ohio Valley Wrestling wrestlers Katie Lea and Paul Burchill. The angle would likely take place on either ECW or Raw, because there is some concern that it would get the wrong kind of heat if it were to take place on SmackDown -- which is on network television.

McMahon has wanted to do an incest angle for years. He once suggested that he be the father of his daughter Stephanie's baby. As revealed on the McMahon DVD, Stephanie turned down the angle. According to her, Vince was to reveal himself as the father of her baby; when she said no, he pushed for Shane to be the father, but he turned that idea down as well.

The incest idea was first batted around in 1999 where Ken Shamrock and Ryan Shamrock (his storyline sister) would end up as lovers. Ken nixed the idea and that was the beginning of the end of his push at the time. There is some irony in the angle as Ken and Ryan ended up as a real-life couple at around the same time frame. Later that year in May 1999, Headbanger Mosh was renamed "Beaver Cleavage," a reference to the TV series Leave It to Beaver. He appeared in black-and-white vignettes with his "mother," fitness model Marianna Komlos portraying "Mrs. Cleavage." The two would exchange sexual innuendos (e.g. Mrs. Cleavage would offer Beaver some of "Mother's milk" when he complained that his cereal was dry). After one in-ring appearance, the gimmick was scrapped. A few weeks later, they did a backstage segment where Mosh said that his real name was Chaz. He ridiculed the Beaver Cleavage gimmick and identified "Mrs. Cleavage" as his girlfriend, Marianna Komlos, in a "shoot-style" interview.

and you thought the storylines in WWE couldn't get any worse...
I always thought Trish was hot as hell and this picture just reminds me how much I miss her in the ring.

I feel that they missed an opportunity with Cena. Cena was getting booed worse than ANY heel on the roster when he got hurt. WWE had a chance to leave Cena at home and off TV for several months. This would have dulled the hatred for him, if only a little. Instead, they have constantly crammed his ugly mug all over their programs since his injury. They even releasd a DVD. Stupid. Now everyone who hated him a few months ago still hate him just as much.

I used to HATE Hogan. (Other than his NWO run.) He was out of the business for a while and not all over TV. Then when he returned, I loved it as much as everyone else.

If Cena had been ignored on TV during his injury, his return would be greeted with a little more enthusiam.

But what do I know, I've only been watching wrestling for over 20 years!:lol:
As I first reported yesterday on WDFN’s Wrestling Elite radio show in Detroit, Bobby Lashley has not been released, but is in negotiations with World Wrestling Entertainment to obtain his release. It appears Lashley initiated this process, and it apparently had been brewing for sometime as the WWE superstars wants out of the company. From what I am hearing, this appears to be a “nasty breakup” of sorts. Lashley was none to happy about the handling of his girlfriend, Kristal Marshall, who was release in October 2007. We have also heard reports that Lashley had “de-bulked” in recent months. As far as his future plans, much depends on the type of release he secures from WWE. It is rumored he has multiple years remaining on his WWE contract, so it could work out that WWE lets him out to pursue a career in mixed martial arts, but block him from working with any other wrestling organization. This has ear-markings on being a similar deal to WWE releasing Brock Lesnar from his contract to pursue a football career in the National Football League. As always, GERWECK.NET will keep you abreast of any future developments.

Note to webmasters/reporters: If reproducing news from this website, please include a hyperlink to www.gerweck.net
I feel that they missed an opportunity with Cena. Cena was getting booed worse than ANY heel on the roster when he got hurt. WWE had a chance to leave Cena at home and off TV for several months. This would have dulled the hatred for him, if only a little. Instead, they have constantly crammed his ugly mug all over their programs since his injury. They even releasd a DVD. Stupid. Now everyone who hated him a few months ago still hate him just as much.

I used to HATE Hogan. (Other than his NWO run.) He was out of the business for a while and not all over TV. Then when he returned, I loved it as much as everyone else.

If Cena had been ignored on TV during his injury, his return would be greeted with a little more enthusiam.

But what do I know, I've only been watching wrestling for over 20 years!:lol:

agreed except i'm still sick of hogan because he wins every match he's in no matter how banged up he is. it makes no sense for hogan to come on for 1 month then have a match at a ppv and bury a young rising star only to be off tv again for a year or more
- Bryan Alvarez is reporting that creative writer Dave Lagana was axed last week because the company believed he leaked stories.

Hmm...shouldn't they have fired him because the stories sucked?
By: Bob Ryder
1/27/2008 11:35:11 PM

John Cena was the surprise final entrant into the Royal Rumble match that he ended up winning. Cena was kept hidden all day and nobody was told backstage that he was going to be in the match.

The speculation backstage had been that the 30th entry would be Big Show and when Cena took that spot it shocked not only people watching at home, but virtually everyone backstage as well.

*I wonder how Big Show felt about this "surprise"?*
So let me get this straight, Cena returns at the Royal Rumble because he wants to go to Wrestlemania. Then, he gives up his match at Wrestlemania for a match at No Mercy. This makes no sense!

And they fired one of their writers for giving away stories rather than because the stories sucked...
- Ron Killings has agreed to contractual terms with WWE, but at last word, has yet to sign a deal. Killings must pass all medical and drug testing before WWE signs him. The word is that if he does indeed sign, he'll use the ring name KWIK Ron Killings. RAW head writer Brian Gewirtz was vocal about being opposed to WWE bringing Killings back into the fold.

KWIK??? Come on! WTF!?!
- Lexi Pillman, one of Brian Pillman's stepdaughters, was scheduled to make her wrestling debut over the weekend in Woodstock, GA.
- Believe it or not, WWE approached Britney Spears last year about doing a Rumble to Wrestlemania angle, but she was a mess, thus they ended up doing the McMahon vs. Trump storyline.