OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

He was just a big guy with a look. No real talent to speak of. Plus, as you said, he walked away from the business pretty early on because he didn't want to travel.

I just don't understand Vince McMahon's thought process sometimes.
- John Cena is moving to New Orleans and will be based there until the conclusion of the shooting of his upcoming WWE movie.

- OVW talent Katie Lea worked dark last week with Paul Burchill as his sister "Katie Burchill." As previously noted, the plan is for Burchill and Katie Lea to work an incest angle on WWE television.
- Mike Johnson reports that TNA is looking at 3/27 as the possible date for the first ever live broadcast of iMPACT!. TNA is hoping to draw in some WWE fans to the tapings who will be in town for Wrestlemania.

- Don't believe the CM Punk doghouse rumors. The person that disliked Punk the most has recently been fired -- that person being writer Dave Lagana, who was responsible for Chavo Guerrero's push to the ECW title. Lagana was also the one person pushing for John Morrison to go over on Punk. Dusty Rhodes is a big fan of Punk and Michael Hayes has been trying toget him on Smackdown.
Mike Johnson is reporting that WWE has released developmental talents Ace Steele, former TNA star Cassidy Riley, Robert Anthony, Michael DiPaolo, Shawn McGrath and George Murdoch. DiPaolo is the former Roadkill of ECW fame. As we noted a few weeks back, DiPaolo had drawn a great deal of heat in Ohio Valley Wrestling and had shown up for shows and not used before missing a few shows.
"I think what it boils down to is Vince McMahon and I have totally separate and distinct visions for what a wrestling or sports entertainment product should be," former ECW boss and WWE writer Paul Heyman tells The Sun in the UK. "The brand should never have been brought back after the very first One Night Stand in 2005," Heyman says. "The follow-up show in 2006 made money, but only because it served as the platform for Rob Van Dam to beat John Cena."
Mike Johnson is reporting that WWE has released developmental talents Ace Steele, former TNA star Cassidy Riley, Robert Anthony, Michael DiPaolo, Shawn McGrath and George Murdoch. DiPaolo is the former Roadkill of ECW fame. As we noted a few weeks back, DiPaolo had drawn a great deal of heat in Ohio Valley Wrestling and had shown up for shows and not used before missing a few shows.

riley was a star in TNA :lol:

- Don't ask me why, but has re-opened negotiations with former WWE superstar Nathan Jones.

i liked jones. they should bring back heidenreich(sp?) instead though

- Don't believe the CM Punk doghouse rumors. The person that disliked Punk the most has recently been fired -- that person being writer Dave Lagana, who was responsible for Chavo Guerrero's push to the ECW title. Lagana was also the one person pushing for John Morrison to go over on Punk. Dusty Rhodes is a big fan of Punk and Michael Hayes has been trying toget him on Smackdown.

good give punk the title back
- With John Cena doing "12 Rounds" next, a WWE movie production, WWE can give him off Mondays to attend the RAWs leading up to Wrestlemania.

- NBC has been trying to cross promote the American Gladiators with the WWE. The WWE is reluctant to do a major angle with them after what happened with the Jackass crew.
- The current plan has Triple H winning the Raw Elimination Chamber at No Way Out.

- Michael Hayes has pitched the idea of doing a Triple H vs. John Cena rematch at Wrestlemania billed as "HHH-Cena II."

- Speaking of Triple H, as you might have guessed, he is still wanting to turn heel at some point.

- Matt Striker became Big Daddy V's manager because they were worried that BDV would be cheered as a fan favorite.
- With John Cena doing "12 Rounds" next, a WWE movie production, WWE can give him off Mondays to attend the RAWs leading up to Wrestlemania.[/B]

The reason he had to leave to do The Marine was because it was filmed in Australia. 12 Rounds is being filmed in Nawlin's. So it's much easier to get him to the shows.

- - NBC has been trying to cross promote the American Gladiators with the WWE. The WWE is reluctant to do a major angle with them after what happened with the Jackass crew. [/B]

They remember how stupid it was when WCW cross promoted with that stupid show... uh... whatever it was called. I think it was on UPN? Well anyway, it had cheesy stupid gladiator-like characters. (Pretty much the same thing.)
They remember how stupid it was when WCW cross promoted with that stupid show... uh... whatever it was called. I think it was on UPN? Well anyway, it had cheesy stupid gladiator-like characters. (Pretty much the same thing.)

No, but I remember when Chucky talked smack to one of the Steiner Brothers!:lol: