OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

Yeah, I didn't know that had anything to do with him visiting TNA, just thought they wanted to give Kane the belt. That sucks if it's true.

no one is sure if his was supposed to loose or not before he went to TNA but i know for certain they made it a squash match because of it. like i said, they always punish people lower in the company and the huge stars never get punished
East St. Louis, IL (KMOV) - East St. Louis police are investigating the suspicious death of a two year old boy.

His 4-year-old brother is suspected of killing him, and his mother tells News 4 that he was pretending he was a professional wrestler.

Jacqueline Davis says she came out of the shower and found her two-year-old son Jacquion unresponsive on his bedroom floor.

She says her four-year-old son told her and police that he was pretending to be WWE professional wrestler who he watches dominate opponents on the Friday night show.

The 4-year-old allegedly choked his brother with part of a curtain.

Rescuers flew Jacquion by helicopter to Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital where doctors treated him in intensive care for four days until he died Tuesday.

Sources familiar with the case tell News 4 that autopsy results could take two weeks and that a police investigation is pending.

The victim's mother says she's convinced exposure to professional wrestling played a part in the tragic murder.


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*Ok, this bothers me because instead of taking responsibility for teaching her child not to hurt his little brother and maybe even....oh, I don't know...spending a little time with them, she immediatly blames WWE for her childs' death. Where was she when her 4 year old was choking the life out of her 2 year old? Personally, I believe she should be held 100% responsible for this.*
Well, she is allowed to take a shower or go to the bathroom. However, wrestling is not something you should allow your 4 year old to watch on a regular basis and certainly not by himself or herself. I'm not going to lie, either. I have watched a match or two with my daughter from time to time (who also happens to be 4 mind you). However, she is next to me the entire time and I have explained how this is acting, they train for this, if she tried it she would get very hurt and if I ever see her doing anything like this, she will be in serious trouble. But I do usually watch wrestling after she goes to bed. Anyway, I agree with you. This has nothing to do with the WWE at all. One other thing, the 4 year old shouldn't have been allowed access to curtains. Granted, that doesn't mean that this may not have had happened if there wasn't something else around but curtains, blind cords, etc, should not be so long as to allow your child to get a hold of them and hurt themselves. And for that, no, I'm very good about putting away scarves, I have very short curtains on my windows and there are no blind cords that she can get a hold of (not that this is wrestling related, but still).
However, wrestling is not something you should allow your 4 year old to watch on a regular basis and certainly not by himself or herself. I'm not going to lie, either. I have watched a match or two with my daughter from time to time (who also happens to be 4 mind you). However, she is next to me the entire time and I have explained how this is acting, they train for this, if she tried it she would get very hurt and if I ever see her doing anything like this, she will be in serious trouble.

That's all I'm saying. A little parenting goes a long way. This just sounds to me like yet another story of a parent who sits her kids in front of the tv and uses it like a babysitter. Now a child is dead and she wants to point the finger at everyone but the one person who actually could have prevented this in the first place.

And, your daughter is lucky to have a mother that actually spends time to ensure she knows the difference between right and wrong.:)
After the cameras went off, The Undertakers music came on. The boys
parted like the red sea on the ramp, and Taker made his way down. He
shook Flairs hand, then did his pose, and then gave Flair a huge hug.
After Taker it was none other than VINCE. He actually ran. He hugged
Flair as if he was marking out. Once Vince stepped out, Flair did the
strut, took off his jacket, dropped the elbow on it, dropped the knee,
all the classic Flair stuff. This all went on for about 30 mins after
the cameras went off. Classic, classic stuff.

I would have loved to see this!

And now I have...

I like that I saw cameras there. That means that they probably will release this on the next Flair DVD!
- Vince McMahon gave Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels rolex watches. Both watches were inscribed with "24," with Flair's saying "To Be the Man," and HBK's saying "You Gotta Beat the Man." Classy move by Vince.

That explains HHH's comment on Raw.
I liked Smackdown this week. Good interaction between Batista and Michaels. I'm looking forward to see how this fued progresses, should be interesting to see who they have play the heel in this. I also liked the MVP vs. Matt Hardy match. I'm sure they're building up to a U.S. Title match at Backlash. The ending of the Kane vs. Undertaker match was predictable, but I still liked it for what it was.
- Vince McMahon gave Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels rolex watches. Both watches were inscribed with "24," with Flair's saying "To Be the Man," and HBK's saying "You Gotta Beat the Man." Classy move by Vince.

That explains HHH's comment on Raw.

what comment by HHH
He said something like "Nice watches." I didn't know what he was talking about until I read this.
- WWE hall of famer, Jim Ross was experiencing colon problems earlier this past week and was hospitalized on Friday. Ross had a colonoscopy and had three or four polyps removed, but will still be at Raw on Monday night.

- From Mike Informer: Bryan Alvarez is reporting that WWE has signed Derby City Wrestling announcer Timmy Baltimore.
- TNA sent the following message to their mobile subscribers:

The WWE wrestler shown in attendance on last Thursday night's live Impact was sent home by the WWE and was forced to miss the WrestleMania weekend.

- Konnan did pay TNA back for the hip replacement surgery, but not for the kidney transplant.

- Sara Lee, the long time ticket-taker in Nashville, passed away this week. This was acknowledged on TNA's web site.

- From Greg Robinson: Kurt Angle was a guest of the Sacramento Kings on Thursday night, as the Kings had an "Olympic Heroes Celebration" night. Early in the evening the Kings honored 3 former Olympians, before they had a goofy contest where their mascot battled two people in Sumo-padded suits. After the mascot drop kicked the 2nd contestant onto their back, a version of Kurt Angle's WWE "you suck" music was piped in, and Angle came out in a suit and tie with a mic and asked the crowd if they wanted him to kick Slamson's (mascot's name) butt. After a cheer from the crowd, they did the preverbial "test of strength" hold, with Slamson taking an early lead before Angle overpowered him. Then, much to the crowd's joy, he broke the hold and promptly kicked the mascot between the legs and rose his arms in victory. After that, the PA announcer met him courtside where he enjoyed a center court seat. He later got back on the mic during a first quarter break and ended up inviting "his biggest fan" from the crowd to join him, and he picked a kid from the crowd. Later a U.S. Soldier got to use the front row seat and Angle was very gracious and showed him a good time. He was all smiles all night.

- WWE hall of famer, Jim Ross was experiencing colon problems earlier this past week and was hospitalized on Friday. Ross had a colonoscopy and had three or four polyps removed, but will still be at Raw on Monday night.

J.R.'s had a lot of problems with his ass the last couple of years.