OT: I need help


Mortal With Immortal Mind
I had looonnnnggg hair and today, due to a wrong decision i cut my hair and i cried a lot :cry: . I just told the stylist that i wanted another "style" but i also told her not to cut a lot of my hair and in a few moments she ruined my head.

When you go to a hair saloon, be sure that is a professional one...

Please tell me something good. I will wait a couple of years to recover my hair
Been there, done that. I remember I got my hair cut once and I was like "just a few inches off" and the haircut lady said "ok" and I ended up with half a foot of my hair on the floor. My hair is very curly, so it took a while for it to grow back. But it did! You just have to be patient, and before you know it you'll have your hair again.

Post before/after pics. I'm sure it doesn't look that bad.
I only started growing my hair out a year ago, but I would very much dislike to have it cut. I had an unpleasant dream about that not long ago.

Anyway, on the brightside you can now wear smaller hats, heat will dissipate faster from your head when you are hot, you can make some money selling your hair to a wig manufacturer or tape it under your nose and pretend your are Derek Smalls.
The moral of the story is: Find a person that does it right, and keep going to them.

The good news is that it grows back. So you look like a dork now, what's the big deal? ;) :D
i know what your going through...that really sucks. i used to have hair down to my ass, and being the impulsive creature that i am cursed to be, i got it cut up to my ears...and yes i too cried after i did it...im almost back to the same length now and i vow to never cut it again.

just take vitamin E caplets, and eat jello... it really dose make your hair grow faster:)
hmm, well lets see, the only reason my hair is long is because im too lazy to cut it i could care less if it was long or not. My advice............get over it. Just because you have short hair doesent mean you're not a tru metalhead and besides only women care about their hair be it long or short.to conclude, stop crying or your gonna get bitch slapped.........General Patton style heh heh.....
i get mine trimmed every other month. its prolly a foot and a half long, just by a quick estimation. i keep it back in a *pwnytail* most of the time. i know that im gonna end up cutting it sometime. i mean im not tryin to be like 80 with long hair. or if the girl of my dreams tells me to cut my hair. but for the most part girls are really likin the hair, so check back with me when im 78 or 79, and remind me to cut my hair.
man that sucks...my hair is really fuckin long, its longer than most girls that I see who have long hair (about halfway down my back now). A few years ago I had cut it to just above my shoulders, realized it was a mistake, and have been growing it ever since. Just be patient, it'll come back.
Shit, I just have my sister trim mine every few months to keep it even and stuff... She does a better job than most professionals I've been to. Last time I went to a professional, I asked to take about an inch off, instead they left about an inch... I was not very happy.
I actually once had my hair cut and it was more than what I wanted. But when I came home, had my hair dyed red, I found out that it's pretty cool this way. I was thinking about getting it this length (till my shoulders) forever. Though I would like to have my long(er) hair back.
Sometimes you just have to cut a lot of hair because it's half dead you know. I was in that situation. But now I can grow it long again.
I had to cut my hair in order to get a job, sucked but "thems the breaks." For a few days after I had that "Phantom hair" feeling... I would take a shower and reach back to grab my hair and would only feel my bare neck... plus I kept squirting out too much shampoo for the amount of hair I had left... took me a while to get outta that habit.

Good thing about hair... it'll grow back.
I think it's liberating at times to just shave it all off. I've done it a couple of times. I'm in the midst of regrowing, but I'm not sure I want to grow it really long.
Long hair does not always mean "metal hair". Sometimes guys SHOULD cut their hair, and get an "update". I've seen too many metal guys look like they are STUCK in the times because of BAD LONG HAIR. Very few people can actually have real nice long hair and look good. Just look in some magazines and get a "cool" cut---not your banker short hair. These days that mid length is real HIP! Don' t get me wrong, I love long hair---but only if it looks rockin. Otherwise your headed towards the balding pony-tail man someday (Ya know---- none in the front, and a little sliver in the back--YUK!)--so rock on. :headbang: