OT: I need help

I have long hair and its gonna stay that way until it falls out....or i get an acting job on Home and Away and i am required to cut it for the role....other than that i am only gonna cut hair if it starts growing on my back, sholuders or out of my ear.
I had long hair from sixth grade though college. Got my first "real" job (engineer with a consulting firm) and had to cut it (though I showed up for the first interview with a pony tail and didn't get the job - went back a second time a couple months later with the hair cut and magically got the job). I had bad feelings about it, but then after a few years I realized long hair was nothing more than something to hide behind. I no longer have that problem and really feel much better with my short hair - even if I am balding. I don't really care about it - it is just hair, afterall, and does nothing to make the music I listen to better or improve my guitar playing. What it does do, though, is save a ton of money on grooming products!
My hair unfortunatly grows extremely slowly. I think i've been growing it over two years and its kinda shoulder length...i was considering getting split ends trimmed to make it grow faster but i can't be bothered with a situation like you have.

I also considered dread locks the other day but i don't wanna look like a nu metal fag so that probably won't happen
I kept mine just below my shoulders for a few years but have let it grow, think I'm a year and a half now without even a trim so I'm all uneven and speckled with split ends. Normally I cut it way before it gets this long cuz I have heavy thick hair so it weighs down and makes it flat n lifeless... but this time it's coming out nicer, so I'm goin with it. But yeah it's a b*tch to care for, and I HATE windy days. Never wants to stay up either, can't get any updo to work. Oh well. I like my mane.
hey man i feel ur pain. I cut my hair very recently as well, and such a dramtic change it was for me too. I cut my hair when it was a little longer than shoulder length to a super short and slick hair cut that I regret doing. I was very impulsive in my mind, I had not remembered what it was like to have short hair and so that happened. I too have decided to grow back that hair and keep maintaining as much as possible. It gets so thick and curly, and sometimes it doesn't do well with the pony tail, but w/e. Check out a pic that I took about two years ago when I had somewhat of the hair that I had recently. Imagine me with about 85% of that :grin:

mistymountaingrlrocks said:
Very few people can actually have real nice long hair and look good. Just look in some magazines and get a "cool" cut---not your banker short hair.

I consider myself one of those people who actually pull it off. But then again, the only reason I keep my hair short is because I look like I got a freaking afro if I grow it long. So "the banker short hair" is the norm for me and not the exception *roflmao*