OT: Our World is Doomed...

SilentRealm said:
I didn't say I felt "happy" I just didn't CARE! there's a difference! Other people didn't care also, and I don't see you going off at them for it!

Because i have secret feelings about you. What do they say "Love starts with hate" ? :loco: :loco: :lol:

OK, i was trying to soften the mood. Are we cool :kickass:
SilentRealm said:
^ hey that's not really different to the oxygen bars they have around... like $7 a shot!! geez! Also you can get smoothies from juice bars with liquid oxygen in them. Yet another way to be ripped off!

are you sure it was liquid oxygen? I don't think I would drink anything thats around −183 °C..:ill:
You know I just never stopped to think about what it actually is, so I felt compelled to look it up.. it's advertised as "stabilized oxygen" so I tried to find what the actual ingredients are - I mean H20 can be considered "stablized oxygen" can't it, because the oxygen atoms are stablized onto the hydrogen. But considering that, anything that contains an oxygen atom can be considered "stablized oxygen" regardless of the fact that it can come in all sorts of dangerous packages.. for example, H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) H2SO4 (sulphuric acid).

Upon looking it up, anyone with basic knowledge of highschool chemistry can see that it's a crock of shit!


Basically what theyre plugging is ClO4 (perchlorite) which is actually quite dangerous and makes me wonder how the hell they can sell this shit! That's the problem with "natural remedies" - they aren't subject to the same tests and regulations to be accepted commercially like chemicals listed for medical use are. Therefore its a 'take at your own risk' situation.
It's probably oxygen dissolved in water... which is exactly the same as normal water.

EDIT: I read the first three sentences of your article thingy.... OMG.
Liquid oxygen has been proven effective in killing Salmonella, humans, cholera, E. coli, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus
Okay, I added one.
Obviously, your blood needs a quality source of chlorine. The four-ounce dropper bottle of stabilized oxygen provides a 120-day supply when used at the suggested 10 drops twice daily.
It's called salt you assholes.
So, if you want the best cell oxygenation boost available in easy to take droplet form, the smart choice is Stabilized Oxygen from Nature'sAlternatives.com
Though it is minimal when compared to the amount of oxygen you breathe into your lungs...
Holy fucking shit...
Too much of everything is harmful.

Would you mind if i ask what an oxygen bar is ?

And that "liquid oxygen" reminded me the movie "Abbys" by the way :)
Thraxz said:
EDIT: I read the first three sentences of your article thingy.... OMG.

OMG is right! Basically they're playing on the average person's ignorance and lack of chemical knowledge to sell an extremely harmful product, and because it's deemed 'all natural' I'm guessing the FDA can't regulate it (until some people die and a lawsuit gets established that is).

MrFast said:
What people fail to realise is that some natural things are harmful. Cocaine is all natural, and look how much people die from use.

exactly.. like my point earlier about what sort of products can be considered "stabilized oxygen" such as household bleach and the strongest and most harmful acid! What's even more disturbing, is I recently had an issue with a local pharmacist that was selling hydrogen peroxide to people telling them to DRINK it, telling customers that the extra oxygen atom on the molecule (H2O2) meant that they would be recieving more oxygen in their system!

Would you mind if i ask what an oxygen bar is ?

it's a shop that sells you breathes of pure oxygen for a price. They had one in my town for a little while, but it only lasted a couple of months until it shut down.
it's a shop that sells you breathes of pure oxygen for a price. They had one in my town for a little while, but it only lasted a couple of months until it shut down.

Hey, this could be useful after a nuclear war or something :loco:

By the way, breathing "pure" oxygen is harmful to the body. In the atmosphere (which is natural way to breathe) there is nitrogen too with a big amount. And it is essential too. With an other explanation, divers use different mixtures of gases to breathe when they dive deeper in the sea. They don't just breathe pure oxygen, cause they know it is harmful. I think it is something about cell decomposition (or whatever you call it).
Oxygen is a strong, gasp, oxidizer. So it kills everything. Even atmospheric oxygen is harmful to our bodies except we can repair faster than it can harm and it winds up benefiting us more than it harms (obviously.)
Nemesis_lxix said:
So every body in here is good at chemistry and biology but me ?

:lol: Don't worry man, this is just common knowledge. If you drag me a little deeper into chemistry or biology, i'd probably drown :)
turke said:
:lol: Don't worry man, this is just common knowledge. If you drag me a little deeper into chemistry or biology, i'd probably drown :)
It’s more than that !
It has to do with the educational system.I was forced to memorize (and not learn) all this stupid info for school and now don’t remember shit !
Why do they do that to me ????? :cry:
The same with me. I learned most of the things i know today, from documentaries, reading interesting stuff from the internet or watching movies, and catching little facts about anything out from them. I only remember very few things from school. Actually school is for keeping you freed from working your mind and strike against the system. It is just like TV, it sucks your brain out :) You gotta reload yourself after the school is over.

BUT, if you do that, you suck in life, and it is not right :) So i don't suggest it. Stick with the system, and try to get rich :headbang: It is better this way.
it helps if you enjoy what you're learning - I love learning different facts when it comes to biology, especially brain functions - including personality traits, diseases and mental disorders etc.
Turke wrote
Hey Tali, if you get something wrong with the word "race" i used in my previous post, i mean "high iq race". Not any nation or something. Please ask before posting something wrong.

i know...i was just extracting the piss mate....it was a random quote from a random forum on turkish law re:what an english woman should do when marrying a turkish man and where it should be done regarding getting citizenship or something along those lines.....i thought it was funny. :p
Nemesis_lxix said:
It’s more than that !
It has to do with the educational system.I was forced to memorize (and not learn) all this stupid info for school and now don’t remember shit !
Why do they do that to me ????? :cry:

Then come to Turkey and see the real Memorizing system. :p :cry: