OT: Our World is Doomed...

SilentRealm said:
what is that 'mental disability' ptah. if you dont mind me asking..
A really really really bad case of ADHD. (I'm not kidding either.)

And no, I don't mind you asking. :)
IQ tests in general tend to be bullshit since they vary so much, and a lot of them are very heavily based in math which just isn't right. I'm pritty much in the same boat as everyone else. Internet tests (which are a novelty as SR pointed out) usually put me in the 130's, however, the last real in person IQ test put me in the upper 140's, with the abstract logic and reasoning up in the 170's. However, I suffer with really bad ADHD and agoraphobia...

If you want to take a really good, and challenging (not to mention fucking hard as hell) test, try out for MENSA..http://www.mensa.org/
adhd people usually do have awesome IQ's and are extremely creative and outgoing. do you find you can control it with avoiding certain foods and types of environmental stimulation?

My friend's son has it really bad too, and he is extremely intelligent and creative. I can always tell when he has eaten something he shouldn't because he 'goes off' - he is particularly bad with anything containing red food dye. If he starts acting out, the first thing I do is ask what he has eaten and it can always be traced back to that! It's funny because his own mother didn't notice the connection before I did, but she has since stopped letting him have it and he has improved remarkably.
SilentRealm said:
adhd people usually do have awesome IQ's and are extremely creative and outgoing. do you find you can control it with avoiding certain foods and types of environmental stimulation?

No, not really. Although i'm sure high amounts of sugar, caffine and or carbs could impact it on some level.
I took that mensa test and it seems like a typical IQ test really. I got 21 out of 30 and two wrong ones were out of an oversight that was retardedly caused by a misread and one I forgot to answer altogether.
Usually, the only thing that effects how I act is how active the situation is around me, as well as if I took my medication that day.

About being creative, yes, I am very. Outgoing? Let me put it this way: I have more friends on this forum than I do in my school. :(
Thraxz said:
I took that mensa test and it seems like a typical IQ test really. I got 21 out of 30 and two wrong ones were out of an oversight that was retardedly caused by a misread and one I forgot to answer altogether.

are you talking about the online one or the actual one that is a supervised test? I was talking about the actual qualifying test. the online one isnt much different than most other online tests, but its still biased torwards the math end of the spectrum :mad:
SilentRealm said:
My friend's son has it really bad too, and he is extremely intelligent and creative. I can always tell when he has eaten something he shouldn't because he 'goes off' -

That happens to me too, but it's usually from beer and tequila!
(although not at the same time.....anymore.....)

J-Dubya 777 said:
That happens to me too, but it's usually from beer and tequila!
(although not at the same time.....anymore.....)

:lol: - god I drank WAY too much the other night, vodka redbulls and bourbon cokes all night, then after I was already a bit too drunk my brother bought me a couple of shots of tequila.. first one went down ok, second one did NOT sit pretty. That was when I realised that I needed to call it a night :lol:
SilentRealm said:
:lol: - god I drank WAY too much the other night, vodka redbulls and bourbon cokes all night, then after I was already a bit too drunk my brother bought me a couple of shots of tequila.. first one went down ok, second one did NOT sit pretty. That was when I realised that I needed to call it a night :lol:

I usually DON'T mix, but yeah, sometimes it happens! :loco:
I have plenty of good Dub vs tequila stories and even more Dub vs Jack Daniels stories. I can't even stomach whiskey/bourbon anymore.
Nowadays it's my Newcastle Ale, rum, or tequila, but NEVER any combination of the 3. :saint:

SilentRealm said:
:lol: - god I drank WAY too much the other night, vodka redbulls and bourbon cokes all night, then after I was already a bit too drunk my brother bought me a couple of shots of tequila.. first one went down ok, second one did NOT sit pretty. That was when I realised that I needed to call it a night :lol:

You didn't end up going home with some creepy old fat guy you didn't know, did you?