OT - Show us your pets!

These aren't very good photos, but here's "little orphan" Annie.

It's so weird...in stature she's smaller than your average cat, but she's 13 pounds!


Kreator is the godliest thrash metal band ever.

What he said...

Best place to start is definitely their newest album Enemy of God. Its downright awesome, and easily on par with their classic albums. I'm sure oldschool fans would reccomend the older stuff before this one, however, the production wasn't that great on them, and it totally kills on EoG. As far as the classics go, you can't go wrong with Coma of Souls, Extreme Aggression, and Pleasure to Kill.

Those dogs are awesome. I'd love to have one of those.
What he said...

Best place to start is definitely their newest album Enemy of God. Its downright awesome, and easily on par with their classic albums. I'm sure oldschool fans would reccomend the older stuff before this one, however, the production wasn't that great on them, and it totally kills on EoG. As far as the classics go, you can't go wrong with Coma of Souls, Extreme Aggression, and Pleasure to Kill.

I'll get EoG and give it a listen, but I don't have high hopes...
Oh blargh, pugs are so fugly..they look like someone took a cast iron skillet to their faces..WHAM! :lol:

That said, I hear they're lovey lil dogs; and ex of mine wanted to get one, but thankfully never did while we were together.
Oh blargh, pugs are so fugly..they look like someone took a cast iron skillet to their faces..WHAM! :lol:

That said, I hear they're lovey lil dogs; and ex of mine wanted to get one, but thankfully never did while we were together.

Yeah, well it was my pet Budgie who took the cast iron skillet to their faces. He is the Chuck Norris of animals... :lol:
well apparently my nephew(the young kid in the glasses i posted up the page a bit in this thread) tripped and stuck his face in the fire place today... apparently god himselfs some nice blisters, hopefully the poor kid doesn't get any scars... haven't seen the damage myself, but that pic is no longer accurate for now... :(
well apparently my nephew(the young kid in the glasses i posted up the page a bit in this thread) tripped and stuck his face in the fire place today... apparently god himselfs some nice blisters, hopefully the poor kid doesn't get any scars... haven't seen the damage myself, but that pic is no longer accurate for now... :(

Oh man, that's scary!! Is he in the hospital, or has he been allowed to come home?
we cant have pets where we live, so we have rodents... two pet rats!! i'd post a pic of them but the battery in my camera died so cant recharge the damn thing. i know my daughter has a pic somewhere on this comp of my "babies" but as its her comp, i dont dare go looking (who knows what i might find....)
MMM.... tastey roasted flesh...

Well, glad to hear he's alive, and it's cool if htere's a little scarring. Chicks dig scars.

"What, this little thing baby? I had to run into a burning building to save a young child... and her puppy... and the neighbor's cute, 5 month old kitten. yeah, i got a little banged up, but the little ones were ok... so you wanna head out of here now?" Win.
to answer all of u, the was something in the way, but apparently he learned to climb over it

he's not in the hospital, didn't have to stay, i guess they just gave them a bunch of cream to apply.

and zach, the idea of eating a little boys roasted skin is kinda making me wonder about ur um... mental health...

and chicks may did scars, but i bet not so much if its covering a significant portion of your face. anyways, will have to wait to see if there is any scarring.
I've had horrid burns & don't have scars left from them, so he may be okay as far as that goes..poor lil tyke.
and zach, the idea of eating a little boys roasted skin is kinda making me wonder about ur um... mental health...

and chicks may did scars, but i bet not so much if its covering a significant portion of your face. anyways, will have to wait to see if there is any scarring.


Sorry, /b/tard in training. I haven't yet learned to watch myself when anonymous isn't around.

And of course i hope for the best outcome. And i wasn't planning to eat any face... honest...