OT - Show us your pets!

My one year old terrier/poodlle mix, Marlo

My one year old lab/sheppard mix, Shae

My 3 year old german shepard, Panzer

My 9 month old Belgian shepard, Foxy
to answer all of u, the was something in the way, but apparently he learned to climb over it

he's not in the hospital, didn't have to stay, i guess they just gave them a bunch of cream to apply.

and zach, the idea of eating a little boys roasted skin is kinda making me wonder about ur um... mental health...

and chicks may did scars, but i bet not so much if its covering a significant portion of your face. anyways, will have to wait to see if there is any scarring.

Hopefully, if they let him go home, the burns may not be severe enough to scar. I got a seriously nasty 2nd-degree burn once from picking up hot glass in a science lab...as in, glass hot enough to bend it around like Play-Doh. But you can't see any evidence of it on my fingers despite having had the grossest blisters for awhile. So there may be hope for him. Just make sure he doesn't scratch or touch the burns!
Dogs think "Awesome! That person must have food in his/her pockets!"

Cats think "Day 254. Still here, imprisoned. I believe they have given me poison in that food so I can't escape. I have to be neutral and think. There's some way to neutralize the poison. I don't like how they observe me and pretend to be smiling. I'm a lot smarter than they think."
Some cats might be that way, but if you raise them the right way, you can wind up with a cat that acts a lot like a dog at times. As for ours, we can't tell if she thinks she's a dog or a person. ;)


Are any of your pets hams for the camera? My cats have their hammy moments, but not always..Sampson, on the other hand, adores having his picture taken & will sit and pose for you for as long as you want, it's quite cute. :)
Oh blargh, pugs are so fugly..they look like someone took a cast iron skillet to their faces..WHAM! :lol:

That said, I hear they're lovey lil dogs; and ex of mine wanted to get one, but thankfully never did while we were together.

That's what makes them awesome is their funny flat faces. I also put my hand over the whole face and call it the face flattener. Then when I take it off they sneeze. They also scrunch up their fat bodies when they get excited and run around. And they love people.

They are great family dogs.
LOL, Snowmaker...does Felicia actually like water? I've heard of rare cats that actually like to swim around in the tub... :D
Our cat once managed to get tangled up in a paper bag, which made a lot of noise as she tried to escape, so she panicked and started running around inside screeching, which made the dog start chasing her, and it was just the funniest thing ever... :lol: They both just kept getting more and more worked up...
I've had horrid burns & don't have scars left from them, so he may be okay as far as that goes..poor lil tyke.

yeah but i was in a house fire when I was ten and i have scarring from burns on about 1/3 of my body... not my face, but they don't look terribly pretty, and i have been rediculed for it in the past. i'm 22 now and i don't care in the least about it anymore, but when your young, you take things more personally and its not like he can just wear long sleeves to cover it up.

still they seemed confident it won't scare, so its probably not to worry about.

edit: since this thread was originally about ACTUAL pets, nice kitties and puppies everyone! :D
raythetse said:
and zach, the idea of eating a little boys roasted skin is kinda making me wonder about ur um... mental health...

and chicks may did scars, but i bet not so much if its covering a significant portion of your face. anyways, will have to wait to see if there is any scarring.

i know Zach was mucking around - but I think he maybe didnt/doesnt realise that there are some things you just do NOT make jokes about, especially when it comes to kids.. however, very glad to hear that he only needed some burn cream and lets hope there wont be any scarring.

the pets are all very cute, i especially like camille and felicia the kitties.. i like dogs, and yes you can teach them cool tricks and they have great loyalty, but they take a hell of a lot more work than cats do..

my cat is pretty awesome, he has a few 'dog-like' qualities such as knowing, and responding to, his name and putting his paws up on my lap to ask permission to jump up.. and while they say cats are more attached to their territory rather than their people i'd say he is attached to us rather than our surroundings - helps because we have moved alot since having him.. when we go to new environments he uses me as his security blanket to explore his new environment the same way a toddler does.. i love my cat..