OT: The Games Thread


Apr 1, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Thought I'd start up a games thread to keep us entertained for a little while..

First is an inkblot game. Look at each inkblot and list what you see. Now, try not to look at other people's answers before looking at the inkblots and recording your own, otherwise you might find yours are influenced by what others have written.. There's no specific answers for it, but I thought it would be interesting to see what sort of things people say.







my answers:

1. a crab with a tail
2. 2 seahorses dancing, with crabs on either side watching
3. a frog with insects flying either side, like propellors
4. devil face
5. face of an ant
6. 2 bulls playing cards
2 siamese fighting fish kissing

(interesting how pretty much all my answers were crustacean related - wonder what that means? ..*waits for the dirty jokes to start* lol)
1 – A crab holding a rope with its left clamp
2- A white goat with green horns in a psychedelic surrounding
3- A motorbiker loaded with some futuristic weapons on both sides, advancing towards a semi-transparent robotic creature
4- A T-Shirt that might devour your neck, suck your arms and squeeze your belly :p
5- An old fashioned european style woman dress with some weird earphones that would suit nobody’s ears
6- Two chameleon-like creatures playing “rock paper scissors”, and facing up in order not to see each others’ moves. This is the moment which they made scissors and the game is drawn.
7-Some stupid and ugly girl sees first time her reflection in the mirror and shocked by her ugliness.
1. Nothing, looks like the picture didnt load...I'll say impossibility since there's no way it's going to show up without refreshing, it'll be lost forever.

2. A mouse sandwhiched between two fly swatters.

3. A crystal pedestal with a fairy lodged inside the crystal.

4. Battra, enemy of Mothra.

5. Some funky Halloween costume for women that includes some killer inline skates.

6. Looks like two wizards holding up an image of a person's face.

7. Two black floating heads kissing.
1. A mouse
2. Um...some colored blobs?
3. Some sort of weird skeleton plane
4. A really big blob
5. Cool, high-contrast blob design
6. Two creatures being metal (note the hands in the devil horns position)
7. Weird-looking people making out

Cool thread, but I'm not creative enough to actually see things in most of these.
A mouse
An alien cheerleader
Viking lander (NASA)
A butterfly
An evening dress
Two strange fish swimming upwards
An organic version of Kilrathi space fighter
1. 2 microphones on a stage.
2. Internal female reproductive organs.
3. The sweetest motorcycle ever.
4. A mask.
5. A flower.
6. Two fish.
7. Two really stylized faces kissing.
1. A genetic hybrid between a mouse and a stag beetle.
2. Any random boss from a Megaman game.
3. Two human clavicles, and the top portion of the rib cage.
4. The skin of a bull's face, ripped off Ed Gein-style.
5. The rest of the bull's skin from #4 (aerial view).
6. Two mutant hybrid creatures (part goblin shark, seahorse, human baby).
7. Two chicks with Aliens-style inner jaws making out. I also see a face.
1. In that episode of south park where god makes an appearance, his head sorta looks like that pic.
2. Half goat-half wolf wearing epic shoulder armor.
3. A goron riding in a podracer (Engines not shown).
4. The eye of Sauron on top of the tower.
5. Two silhouettes carrying a shitload of Salvador Dali's stuff on their backs.
6. Two Tyhrranoids chillin out while having a smoke.
7. I'm not sure, but it made me want to listen to Ghost Reveries.
1. A red x on a white background with a beveled rectangular border, contained within a larger, inverted beveled border.

2 - 7. As above.

Stupid work computers...
1. Some kind of rodent
2. coral reef
3. Evil Alien spacecraft
4. A woman wearing a red mask (don't ask me why it looks feminine)
5. two guys with long eyestalks boxing
6. Two beetles talking to each other
7. A bat or demon
The 8th pic was very difficult but then I realized it was the signature picture of MrFast.

1. A mouse..., a rather dead squishied one
2. If that's a vagina then god help us all. I'd say plant/flower bits, with a mirror placed in the centre to reflect the other side
3. Spacecraft thingy
4. Glowing eyes of a demon
5. The little black things on top remind me of desk lamps. I've got nothing for the rest
6. An evil forest with a girl in the middle walking through the path and the trees reaching out to her
7. Reflections of a shiny ball, with other bits coming off it

Here's some more:
1. Two guns point blank, one smoking
2. Think underwater with coral and pretty animals and stuff
3. Machine gun on a pivot stand
4. Large cells in blood on a microscope slide
5. That chick from star wars episode 1,queen dudette, whatever her name is
6. Flock of ravens flying off from the tree's in a misty forest
7. Young girl with black hair with a little creature on her head.

Zach stylez:
1. Dicks almost touching
2. Oooh, not touching
3. Not touching
4. Don't go there
5. It's on
6. Closer
7. *censored*
1. Some kind of a rat insect (Don't ask what that is) I guess
2.WTF? Some really exotic plants or something.
3. Also reminds me of plants but... Somehow it makes me think it's a flying boat! Yeah a very strange flying boat with propels.
4. A flame mask or two flame hippos dancing
5. Some person sitting on a weird chair with two desk-lamps on the top.
6. two monsters playing paper, rock and scissors
7. No idea... Something angry...

Edit: I can't believe this test has got so many different answers. I'm having a hard time trying to see them like others saw.
1. Mouse
2. Symmetrical Splattered Ink
3. A bug
4. Butterfly... then very soon after Evil Eyes
5. Symmetrical Splattered Ink
6. 2 Weird Ghosty things with eyes
7. Kissing flying beasts
1. Panda-beetle with a tail
2. The ultimate dog-faced sorceress
3. Powerful robot building up a spirit bomb or something
4. The devil's wife
5. One of those red crabs from Mario Bros. 3 (battle mode) lifting weights while eighth notes are dancing on his head
6. Two alien crocodile witches doing the horns sign
7. Two weird beetles kissing