OT: What do you do?

I'm a Corporate Whore. :heh:

Seriously, I work for a subsidiary of Mitsubishi. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with cars. Japanese love to give out titles. I am a Distribution Coordinator as well as in Inside Sales. I like it because my job is varied...I'm not chained to my desk all day. Keeps me on my toes.

The best thing about my job? I can go to work in jeans and a t-shirt every day. That rules.

There are times when I am busy as all hell. It just happens that January and February can be really slow months for us. ;)
I am a corporate whore too.
Work for a major Insurance company.
I am in accounting, but do more system work
(IE - supporting systems that accountants use).

Back in college, me and my friends always said we need to start a new genre of music called "Corporate Core"
I work in television and broadcast. basically I do tons an tons of comercial duplication for most of the TV commercials you all see everyday. I also air the Oprah show and work with many other TV shows that are from Chicago. Plus do a little closed captioning and lots and lots of DVD's.
Med tech in Microbiology. Don't have ANY down time at work, and consequently, I have to wait until I get home and wade through five pages of you bored motherfuckers' posts. :lol: :lol:
I'm an IT Analyst at the Government Accountability Office. I basically look at federal IT responsibilities/programs and tell congress how bad it is.