OT: Who gets the last word?

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ahhhh a helluva hot day in australia,been sinking a few beers and going to watch a band tonight,anyone here heard of powderfinger,great rock band which is rare these days.
mrthrax said:
ahhhh a helluva hot day in australia,been sinking a few beers and going to watch a band tonight,anyone here heard of powderfinger,great rock band which is rare these days.
:lol: are you trying to rub it in? It is a snow storm out here in upstate NY. damn! the snow is real pretty but I wish I were someplace warm......
ps. can u think of any more 'breakup songs' for me? name them or beam some my way. and have a beer for me too! ;):wave: thanx dude!
Well, a serious change of topic here, but I saw the preview for 'HELLBOY' and it looks as though it will live up to the standards of the comics....I'm glad hollywood finally quit churning out crap like 'Batman and Robin'....and I wore a shirt that said "Got a headache? Then you need extra strength Fukitol." with a bottle on the front, and on the back it said "When things build up, just say "Fuckitol!" I was suspended and my parents were none too happy about my shirt purchasing ways.
crystlpalace said:
ps. can u think of any more 'breakup songs' for me? name them or beam some my way. and have a beer for me too! ;):wave: thanx dude!
How about "NFB"? :D

On a "happier" note, my parents got Tonya this talking dollhouse for her birthday. Every room in the house makes some kind of noise (Baby whining, phone ringing, dog barking, etc.). I've left it in the box since she got it, but my son went and dug it out for me. It's evil. And I really can't wait for them to have a playroom. :Smug:
Science proves beautiful women make guys stupid

OAS_AD('BoxAd')Associated Press
Dec. 12, 2003 08:05 AM

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]HAMILTON, Ontario - A beautiful woman can make a guy stupid - and now there's science to prove it.

Researchers at McMaster University showed male students pictures of women, both attractive and not-so-attractive.

But after seeing a very attractive woman, the men were more likely to make dumb choices.

The Canadian researchers asked the male students to roll dice. If they rolled double digits, they were given a choice of taking $15 to $35 the next day or up to $75 after waiting a while.

The men who saw the attractive women were more likely to take the lesser amount.

The researchers say they tried the same test with female students.

But there was no lessening of intelligence among the women after looking at hunks.

The researchers say men stop thinking about long-term consequences once the hormones kick-in. [/font]
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