OT: Who gets the last word?

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Ah, my clock reads quarter after nine. A few more hours and I'll be hitting the hay and then going to another goddamn day of school. Theres nothing like ending your day watching TV and talking to the fellow Anthrax board members.
Morning kids! I had a nice relaxing weekend of watching TV and drinking. Well, most of the drinking was done Saturday night. The Absolut Vodka and I were great friends. Although, the husband had to cut me off when I kept falling off my chair and was trying to drunk dial my in-laws.

Now, I'm back to work. Boo! Especially since hubby doesn't go back until the 9th. Bastard!
So far I am on 28 and a half years without any from of tobacco. In fact, I have never smoked anything. Ever. Alcohol, thats a different story, although I rarely drink. I am a goody-two-shoes.:ill:
I am quitting because I am tired of spending $5.25 a day on a pack of cigs and I have been feeling really shitty lately. I am not quitting because of some gay new years resolution or anything like that...It just seemed like the right moment to quit. I tell ya though, I feel like I could kick the shit out of anyone right now because I have such a bad jones for a cigarette....

Good thing my girlfriend is at her parents for the next week because I am going to probably be acting like an unbearable prick for awhile:lol: ...
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